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I need some kind of scheduling/calender/tracking thing

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I might be looking for something that doesn't exist. My hope is that it does exist and everyone knows what this is but me.


Ok, I want something on my (not Apple) laptop. I would like to be able to print it out if possible.


I have a vision of something where I could enter assignments...lets say science assignments... with page numbers etc and I could put it on certain days. BUT I want to be able to go into this and change things around and if needed the whole schedule will adjust. For example, if I block off a week for an impromptu vacation everything would just jump down a week. Or, if I get behind I could move things down one day without causing trauma. Or, I could decide to skip (erase) a unit or a single lesson and everything entered would adjust accordingly.


I would like to be able to have all my subjects entered and see them all together and print that out. I would like the option of only seeing one subject at a time and printing that out as well. I would like to be able to have some things occur M-F and other things to be MWF and still other things to be M-TH. When I change assignments I want it to remember which subject is designated to which days.


I am sure I have confused you...I am feeling pretty confused myself. Is there anything I can use that is at least part of what I am looking for? I keep thinking it is a kind of spreadsheet, but I don't even know what a spreadsheet is!


Is this hopeless?

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You can only bump individually.


What does that mean? That if I made one adjustment I would have to go through manually to change the rest? ACK!


See, I want it to adjust throughout or NOT so I can make a decision about which I want to do.


I was so, so, so, so hoping you would tell me there is an Ipad app that does this and it is the ONLY thing that will. It would be such a good excuse. My dh will agree to almost anything for the homeschooling cause :lol:

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I have Homeschool Tracker the plus version and it does all of what you are asking and more. You can check it out at http://www.homeschooltracker.com


The Basic version is free and I used that for awhile but I don't exactly remember how it works. A few years ago I finally upgraded to Plus and never looked back. It is about $50 for plus and all the updates are free. They have been adding things now for several years that are on some of the customer's wishlists. They have wonderful customer service. I will say that it does have a bit of a learning curve and is frustrating in the beginning.


There are other computer tracking systems around that have been discussed on this board as well. Maybe if you do a search some of those old threads will come up.

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See, now I have never heard of Homeschool Tracker. This is a new area of exploration for me. I have always been perfectly happy with paper and pencil.


Are there lots of homeschool things like this?





I'm not aware of another program out there like it, but I am not an expert on anything related to homeschooling, so who knows. It took a little bit of playing to get used to the HST program and I figure (since we're only in kindergarten) that if I use it consistently and like it, I'll go ahead and pay to upgrade. And so far (two weeks in) I really like it.

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I'd love to get some directions from someone who has done it, because I was never able to bump one lesson and have it reset all of the lessons that followed.

It has been almost two years since I attempted it, though.



Eta- it, being HST!


I am not sure if it does or not. I am so computer illiterate, I consider it a success that I got all the lessons actually planned the right way. :lol: For now, if we miss a lesson, we just do it the next day too.

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we use homeschoolskedtrack.com


it does what you are asking. I can print off today and tomorrow and any day in the future. you can make subjects appear MWF TTH just M or any combo or even 7 days a week (like for instrument practice)


You check mark the thigns that get done that day. if you don't get to math, it pushes it to the next day. you can block off time for vacation or just don't chck the boxes for that time.


robin in NJ

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I'd love to get some directions from someone who has done it, because I was never able to bump one lesson and have it reset all of the lessons that followed.

It has been almost two years since I attempted it, though.



Eta- it, being HST!


Do you have the Basic or the PLus version of HST? In Plus if you go to the assigments that you want scheduled and highlight them either with CTRL shift or just CTRL if they are not beside each other and then right click. Click on Reschedule and then put in the date you want to move the items to, I think then you will have a preview screen and if all looks the way you want it then submit but if it doesn't look right click cancel and try again.


If you go to the Homeschool Tracker website they have forums there and you can ask any questions. KT,the owner, will usually respond with how to do things and others will help too. Or you can do a search and find previous answers to others. Those forums are what helped me figure Tracker out and I still learn new things and ways of doing things even after using it for 3 years.

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we use homeschoolskedtrack.com


it does what you are asking. I can print off today and tomorrow and any day in the future. you can make subjects appear MWF TTH just M or any combo or even 7 days a week (like for instrument practice)


You check mark the thigns that get done that day. if you don't get to math, it pushes it to the next day. you can block off time for vacation or just don't chck the boxes for that time.


robin in NJ



I just started with homeschoolskedtrack.com but I cannot figure out how to put in days in advance...I can only do one day at a time. Any quick tip on what I am missing?

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Homeschool Tracker is one of the best purchases I have ever made for our homeschool. I make lesson plans, assign them to the kids, print out daily or weekly assignment sheets, reschedule as needed, input grades, create report cards,... Now my oldest is in high school and I'm looking at the transcript feature. Love this software!!


There are also yahoo groups where people share lesson plans they have created. That can be a great timesaver!

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Do you have the Basic or the PLus version of HST? In Plus if you go to the assigments that you want scheduled and highlight them either with CTRL shift or just CTRL if they are not beside each other and then right click. Click on Reschedule and then put in the date you want to move the items to, I think then you will have a preview screen and if all looks the way you want it then submit but if it doesn't look right click cancel and try again.


If you go to the Homeschool Tracker website they have forums there and you can ask any questions. KT,the owner, will usually respond with how to do things and others will help too. Or you can do a search and find previous answers to others. Those forums are what helped me figure Tracker out and I still learn new things and ways of doing things even after using it for 3 years.


I had plus, though that computer is dead now, lol.

The issue wasn't moving individual lessons, but a string of them. So, if we worked ahead or fell behind, it wouldn't bump the remainder of 180 (or 90, or 45, or whatever) lessons to fill in the gaps.

I don't know. I hated the school of Connections Academy, but their easy software spoiled me!

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I had plus, though that computer is dead now, lol.

The issue wasn't moving individual lessons, but a string of them. So, if we worked ahead or fell behind, it wouldn't bump the remainder of 180 (or 90, or 45, or whatever) lessons to fill in the gaps.

I don't know. I hated the school of Connections Academy, but their easy software spoiled me!


If you owned the Plus, You should be able to get it on your new computer too. You just need your downlowd code which you can get from KT at their support e-mail.


Well if all of your assignments have been submitted for the year, then highlight the whole group and click reschedule and put the first date you want the assignments to begin and they will all move accordingly. They will skip over any holidays you have set too.


I don't submit all my assignments for the year, I only do it a week at a time. I set them all up for the year in the Lesson Plan section but only submit a week's worth at a time.


Definitely e-mail KT if you have already paid for Plus and you want to use it.


hope this helps,

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I'm not sure you need to pay for software to do this. I think you can do this using Google's free Calendar.


You'll need to set up an account to use Google calendar, but in the settings area you can create separate calendars. All of them should feed into your main calendar and you should be able to view each one and print each one separately. I think you would even be able to view several but not all at once.


So you could have a separate for each subject at each level you are teaching.

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Well if all of your assignments have been submitted for the year, then highlight the whole group and click reschedule and put the first date you want the assignments to begin and they will all move accordingly. They will skip over any holidays you have set too.

This is key, you must select all assignments from the first one you want to bump through the last one you want to bump. It only bumps what you select.

I don't submit all my assignments for the year, I only do it a week at a time. I set them all up for the year in the Lesson Plan section but only submit a week's worth at a time.


I do it this way as well. This way I plan ahead as I can, but only commit to specific dates the week before I want the assignment completed.



Definitely e-mail KT if you have already paid for Plus and you want to use it.


Yes, do. I have put it on three different computers over the years & each time she gave me my download code. All updates are free as well.

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This is key, you must select all assignments from the first one you want to bump through the last one you want to bump. It only bumps what you select.



I do it this way as well. This way I plan ahead as I can, but only commit to specific dates the week before I want the assignment completed.


Definitely e-mail KT if you have already paid for Plus and you want to use it.


Yes, do. I have put it on three different computers over the years & each time she gave me my download code. All updates are free as well.


Actually, if you use the reschedule from the menu (not right click) you don't have to select them all. (a tidbit that's sort of buried in the user manual)


We, too, have had HST+ on multiple computers over the years. We just got a new PC and I couldn't even use my (6 year old) disk to load it. They were quite prompt in sending me a download link for the new version.


Great customer service. Amazingly adaptable program.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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I see that several have suggested Google's calendar; you can also get templates for tracking multiple projects, tracking progress on a single project and other things. They seem to be built on spread-sheets and the few I've tried can be downloaded as Microsoft, Open Office, or PDF files. Ds (live at home college student) and I are using these to keep each other informed of our respective schedules. He's a Mac person and I'm PC but we seem to be able to communicate. :D

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