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I am a spammer.

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I found out today that I am a spammer. I never knew that before. I'm not even really sure what a spammer is, except that it somehow means a person or group that sends out annoying repetitive emails or posts or annoying repetitive emails that may involve trying to sell a product. Wikipedia defines a spammer as someone who sends unsolicited bulk email messages indiscriminately. I just looked that up.


I rarely email anyone. I have posted messages on this board, but while some may have been annoying they certainly weren't repetitive nor was I trying to sell anything (oh, except for the posts on the sale board). I'm not really clear on how to send bulk email messages.


Anyway, I found out I was a spammer when I tried to register for the MCT support forums on the Royal Fireworks Press site. I filled out the registration form, then I received a really rude reply informing me that I was not allowed on the site because I was a spammer. I am still shocked, since I had no idea I was a spammer. I can't even think of anything to spam anyone about.


I emailed their customer service, and informed them that they may want to reconsider whatever software that they are using to run that forum, since they are alienating customers by labeling them as spammers. I plan to call the phone number for the customer support on Monday and complain also. I really regret purchasing their product now. I guess I am stuck with it for this year, but unless I get a **** fine apology from their customer service people I am NOT going to buy any more products from them.

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Are you sure that your e-mail hasn't been hacked? Sometimes spammers have programs (not sure if they are Trojans or something else) which send out spam that is tagged with your e-mail signature even though it isn't really from you. So before you get too mad at them, I would get a good spyware and virus program and check your computer.

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I do have excellent spyware and virus programs. In fact, I have multiple spyware and virus programs.


I have not been hacked. I have had DH check, also. No hacking. He thinks it is because my main email account has my name on it, not a made up one, and that this somehow triggered a spam alert from the registration software for this forum. If that is so, then they really need to change their software and I want that apology because it is ridiculous that an email account with a real name is somehow suspect.


I am furious.

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Did they have any questions for you to answer? For example, the registration on a few boards includes a basic question (what animal says meow, 3+2=, etc) right at the end of the page. Could there have been something like that in a spot where you wouldn't have noticed it?

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Could it have been an error?


When I first joined this board, I was deleted and "banned for life" the very first day. I mean, I signed up, replied to a message that a friend had asked me to look at, didn't do anything else the first day and the next morning when I tried to come back I rec'd a "You have been banned for life due to spamming" (or something like that) error message.


What?!?! I was upset, too.


Luckily, though, I found the "contact the moderator" link somewhere in that error message, wrote an email, it was answered and here I am today. It had just been a mistake due to a high volume of spammers/trolls/whatever that day. I'd just had the misfortune to have signed up on the same day as a bunch of phonies.


So, I totally empathize, but also wanted to point out that it's maybe just a mistake and certainly not unique to the particular forum you mentioned. It can happen anywhere, apparently; even here.

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My email is my name. At gmail. My account was hacked at one point.


I have an account with them.


I'm sure it's a glitch in the technology. They shouldn't send out rude messages accusing people of being spammers, though. That's not cool. Just not accepting the account would be enough for actual spammers, and it's just offensive when someone gets it by some weird alignment of the stars only the server can see.

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It seems to me that mistakes happen and there's no reason to take something a computer program did personally. But why would they send you a really rude email about it? That's just strange. Why wouldn't the email just say, you have been labeled a spammer, if you feel this is in error, please contact the moderators or something like that?

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