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There seem to be a lot of vents going on, but

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I have never had a similar situation, so I hope you find peace.


Also, paragraph breaks, if you want people to understand the situation more easily. Good luck!


Thanks you Trish and I did the paragraph breaks. :001_smile:


Book recommendation: "Toxic Faith" by Stephen Arterburn.

My bil & sil were in a similar situation in a church by the same name. It was a horrific experience, especially for sil. Hope you find healing and peace.


Thank you for the book recommendation! I read the reviews on Amazon and they were really eye opening. I'm going to wait to see if any more books are recommended here and chose 1 or 2 to begin reading. I know there will probably be some stuff to wade through, but I've gotten practice with taking the good and leaving the questionable.


I am sorry for your families similar experience. :grouphug: Many years after I left the V church my former pastor asked me if I felt that time of 'refreshing' was beneficial or something like that. I did not think it was and had several specific bizzare and sad instances that came to mind, but I just did not have the courage to tell him no. :001_huh: I actually NODDED MY HEAD and he smiled and hugged me and seemed to be happy he led the church in that direction. :001_huh:

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I have no advice, but for completely different reasons, I can absolutely relate to some of the feelings you've described - especially the vulnerability, the loss of trust, and sick feeling of dread as something approaches. :grouphug:


My husband and I have struggled with differences on matters of religion, and it can definitely be a strain on a marriage. That makes it doubly painful - when the person who should be your refuge is either causing, or at least cannot empathize, with the struggle you are experiencing.


I hope others will be better able to provide you with the information you seek, and mostly, I wish for you to reach a place of peace, courage, and strength.

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I have no advice, but for completely different reasons, I can absolutely relate to some of the feelings you've described - especially the vulnerability, the loss of trust, and sick feeling of dread as something approaches.



Me too. It's especially bad when you feel trapped in the situation.


Praying for you to find peace.



I think simka2 might have some words of wisdom and very likely some book recommendations...

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I've been where you are, friend. :grouphug: Time will heal, and the Lord will give you peace. But you must allow yourself time to grieve your loss and then embrace the wonderful new things He will provide for you. Try not to look back...keep going forward.

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try these websites.


at least this can get you started. Remember that God doesn't let people down. Keep your eyes on him and not those who hurt you,






also I googled spiritual abuse and found multiple websites,

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Thanks all. I've had a busy day, but I do really appreciate your understanding and compassion. I know God allowes these things for our growth and I'm looking forward to whatever it is He is working though all this. I was really discouraged last night, but am reminded that God cares and your taking the time to listen and offer a word of encouragent has really been a blessing. I'm also looking forward to reading up and seeing things clearer. Just the reviews on Toxic Faith were so good! Again, thank you.

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I have recommended it many times on here, but what was instrumental in my understanding and healing was the book The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse. It is writing by a Pastor and Psychologist together. There is a follow up book called Soul Repair that is also wonderful.


On there site is a forum much like this one, but devoted to recovering from spiritual abuse.


Take care!


Here is the site http://www.spiritualabuse.com/?page_id=58



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