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both my parents are under mandatory evacuation....why i hate divorce

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you'd think after 31 years as a child of divorce it gets easier, but no. there's no way both my parents can come here as part of their mandatory evacuation, but they can't both come here (mom's remarried, dad's been remarried 3 times and has children from his 3rd marriage that he might have to bring the youngest with him).


i hate divorce.

vent over, thanks

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Mine have been divorced for 10 years. Dad's remarried, but he still refuses to be in the same room/house/vicinity as my mother. Whatever. :glare:


OP, I feel your pain. It just makes you want to rip your hair out and scream, "GET OVER IT ALREADY!"



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you'd think after 31 years as a child of divorce it gets easier, but no. there's no way both my parents can come here as part of their mandatory evacuation, but they can't both come here (mom's remarried, dad's been remarried 3 times and has children from his 3rd marriage that he might have to bring the youngest with him).


i hate divorce.

vent over, thanks



well, you could lay down a rule that the first parent/spouse to make a remotely snotty comment - as determine by you - will get sent packing out in the rain. in the wind. in the middle of the night. with no appeals.

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I will forever be grateful that my parents split peacefully and stayed friendly and able to both participate in the same family activities (holidays, weddings, graduations, birthdays of grandkids, vacations etc) until my mother's death, about 10 years after they separated. My ILs went the other way and as a result put their adult children between them all the time (FIL would not even come to our wedding because my MIL was going to be there). Barring abuse, kids tie people together forever, like it or not.


I hope your parents both stay safe! I am sorry you are dealing with this.

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I will forever be grateful that my parents split peacefully and stayed friendly and able to both participate in the same family activities (holidays, weddings, graduations, birthdays of grandkids, vacations etc) until my mother's death, about 10 years after they separated. My ILs went the other way and as a result put their adult children between them all the time (FIL would not even come to our wedding because my MIL was going to be there). Barring abuse, kids tie people together forever, like it or not.


I hope your parents both stay safe! I am sorry you are dealing with this.


My father and his new wife and my mother all managed to attend the viewing and funeral for my brother-in-law (my sister's dh), who died way too young of malignant melanoma. They totally ignored each other, until, upon leaving the church to drive to the cemetery, my mother gunned it and cut them off, thus securing a spot ahead of them in the funeral procession. Dh and I watched from our van and cheered her on!

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:grouphug:. Sorry you have to deal with that. Mine have been divorced for twenty years. One of them refused to come to my wedding because I invited the other one. At this point in my life I can usually just laugh off the immaturity of others.

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My parents divorced long ago and have been civil to each other on the few occasions that they have been together since then. But, even so, there is NO way that I would ever host them (even for an evacuation) in my house at the same time. It would be awkward and uncomfortable and we'd all be miserable!!! My house is very large and I still think it would be absolutely horrible.

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y'all made me feel so much better. my dad and half brother and his dog are now coming here, and my mom and her husband have found friends to stay with (just east of phila. but still better than right on the coast).


thanks again-

jodi now in pa

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