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Need to make an affordable meal for a family of 8?

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We're on a pretty tight budget, but I am needing to help out a family with a meal who is gluten free. I'm overwhelming myself trying to think of what to make and I'm starting to shut down mentally. I need help! I know this can be simple, but I've made it complicated. Ideas...

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Beans, lentils, rice...are those gluten free? Is quinoa? I think those are pretty cheap and you can make soups, etc. Cook ground turkey in a skillet, throw in some chopped onion, garlic, cabbage, and mushrooms, salt/pepper, basil, oregano (whatever seasonings you like) and put in a little chicken broth. Once the cabbage is cooked to your liking, melt grated cheese over the whole thing and serve. Don't know how helpful that is, but I know how hard it is to cook on both a restricted diet and a restricted budget. We're not gluten-free, but low carb.

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Can you do something with corn tacos? A nice summer veggie potato or rice-based stew or soup? A gorgeous salad? A veggie risotto or rice? Classic potato salad? My mother made me a fish stew with potatoes, tomatoes, chick peas, greens beans + after a winter baby. For the fall baby, she made chicken soup. Heaven.

Edited by LibraryLover
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We're on a pretty tight budget, but I am needing to help out a family with a meal who is gluten free. I'm overwhelming myself trying to think of what to make and I'm starting to shut down mentally. I need help! I know this can be simple, but I've made it complicated. Ideas...


The crockpot365 website is all GF recipes because that lady cooks GF for her family. I was about 3 recipes in before I even noticed :-/

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Homemade corn tortillas from masa harina are really good, and easy.

Pile on refried beans, chopped tomatoes (fresh and cheap now!), and shredded sharp cheddar with a few green onion slices, and you have tostadas that everyone will love. Vegetarian and gluten free and really, really good! Add a green salad if you want.

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We're on a pretty tight budget, but I am needing to help out a family with a meal who is gluten free. I'm overwhelming myself trying to think of what to make and I'm starting to shut down mentally. I need help! I know this can be simple, but I've made it complicated. Ideas...


Broccoli tortelini salad? Mayo, sugar, apple cider vinegar, pasta, raisins, onions, almonds

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I eat gluten free and cheap, lol. Definitely go with a giant pot of chili or vegetable soup. Chili does not even need meat to be delicious and much cheaper without. Buy a big bag of dried kidney beans and same of black beans, cook them and add in diced tomatoes and tomato sauce(I use Dei Fratelli though I'm sure other brands are ok-if they aren't labeled just call them, its easy), some diced peppers and onions, spices (McCormick spices that have a single spice in them are all gluten free), viola! Also I highly recommend buying a bag or two of tortilla chips for topping and maybe sour cream if you're not over budget. Gluten free crackers are expensive and not so good in chili anyway in my opinion. Kroger brand tortilla chips are super cheap and Tostitos are gluten free too.


For veggie soup just buy frozen mixed veggies, cook, add diced tomatoes and tomato sauce (again I use Dei Fratelli), diced potatoes(fresh cooked or canned Walmart brand is gluten free), spices (McCormick). And honestly I'd still buy the tortilla chips for topping, but that's just me, lol.

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Thanks everyone! I think I'm going to make a corn/potato chowder or corn chowder soup. I have a corn/potato chowder recipe that will work and I also found a corn chowder recipe on the Crockpot360 site that will work too and looks very affordable. Whew! That's a relief. Now, I can feed my own family, too! :)

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