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Teachers' Lounge 8-22-2011

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It's Monday so we've decided to put out the baskets of chocolate. Help yourself!



What's for lunch? Here: honey-battered chicken nuggets, mandaring oranges, and probably the last of the lemon meringue pie.:D


How was your weekend? Here: Saturday was great, Sunday was a little rough. And today, neither kids is having much success with math, so tempers are flairing. Oi! :001_huh:


What's going on for the rest of your day? Here: kids schoolwork, a business presentation, and a business meeting.


Talk to me!

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Today has been a bit rough. Fire ants crawled up my pants last night and I am soooooo paying for it today! Ortho appt at 9am in downtown Houston....What was I thinking?!!!! Between traffic and kids who are not quite adjusted to a morning routine, I totally blew this day. :tongue_smilie:


Lunch: I think it was corndogs, yogurt and fruit for the kiddos. Me: I had a late breakfast of scrambled eggs and sauteed mushrooms. Then I dropped my full glass of water on an end table :glare:


I am ready for tomorrow!

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Oh thanks for the chocolate. I needed that.


Lunch was leftover flank steak with broccoli pancakes. You can tell my ds is back in school because I have leftover meat for lunch.


My weekend was really great, except I finally had to go shop for those school supplies. We went to the pool yesterday, and I decided that it takes a special kind of person to get into 65 degree water on a 70 degree cloudy day. I'm not that special. I'll take my water warmer , please.


The rest of Monday: Hubby is a volunteer road marshal at cycling race; the kids are done with school work and are making pie; they have tap dancing and judo later. I have a business meeting soon, more work to do, dinner to cook, and kids to deliver to tap and judo.

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My weekend was pretty good--the grandparents took out dc to the county fair, so I had a few hours on Sunday to make elderberry jam. We also bottled our dandelion wine and picked several more pounds of elderberries for wine. I love feeling productive. I spent some time thinking about solutions to some problems we are having during school time--last week was our first week back and I needed to make some course adjustments. I ended up buying more books (LOF elementary, and a picture book for science.) All in all I managed to actually accomplish something and do some thinking/planning.


The kids had macaroni and cheese with chicken sandwiches and oranges for lunch. I am not hungry, so I'll likely snack on something later. After I finish my chocolate...:D

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I'm having a decent Monday here. Everyone was fairly efficient with their school work so I was done by 2:00 including math exams, oral science questioning, history discussions, and some rather heady sentence diagrams for the high schooler.


I'm checking in here in between making a new shower curtain out of some quilt fabrics that I've piece mealed together from the leftovers of other projects.


Lunch was Chocolate Chip pancakes, cantelope, scrambled eggs with red pepper, mushrooms, cheese, and turkey. We'll be having a meatless chilli, homemade garlic bread, big salads, and more cantelope at supper.


As for the weekend, dh and I ran tubing from the basement manifold up to the second story so we can get winter heating up there since two of the ds's are chomping at the bit to get phase two of the renovation started so they can sleep in the balcony in hammocks! Oh, and there was the torrential downpour Saturday and I was caught out in it trying to get three stubborn horses to heed the warning and come into the barn. Of course, about the time I was COMPLETELY saturated, they decide ONE LAST ROLL IN THE MUD, and then on the first lightening strike, bolt for the barn...grrrrrrr.....the ringleader is a 25 year old arab gelding that has decided to become a real grump in the last year. I consider him to be Walter Mathau, Jack Kluggman, and Jack Lemon all rolled into one with a sprinkling of Jack Nicholson thrown in for good measure. What gives with grouchy Jacks????


But, all in all, not a bad weekend. Oh drat, no one has practiced their piano lessons yet. Sigh...I better go roust somebody away from the legos!



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What's for lunch? No clue....hungry but don't know what we want.


How was your weekend? Crazy! Trying to work while two children and dh run around the house or watch movies is difficult


What's going on for the rest of your day? Work, work and more work. DS is doing some independent reading and he is done with school for the day. Hopefully dh decides to entertain the kids for a while so I can get some work done.

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Lunch -- Dh ran home w/ food for us :001_smile: -- Chick-Fil-A for the kids, Starbucks sandwich & coffee for me. Didn't have lots of food in the house as we've been trying to eat/use up all the stuff in the fridge/freezer/pantry.


Pretty smooth school day here. Both dc are finished w/ their work. Will probably head over to see my parents in a bit & hang out.


Weekend was ok. I got stung by yellow jackets. Dd spent Friday night at a sleepover/party (& got no sleep), so she was 'off' the rest of the weekend. :tongue_smilie: Worked on cleaning up/cleaning out my huge, oversized desk because I'm trying to simplify & downsize to a smaller desk. Big desk unloaded, now dh & I need to take it apart/move it out. Would like to spend a little time on some more school planning today, reading, & some laundry.

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Today went pretty well. My first grader finished 4 pages of Singapore IP, one section of SOTW, Biology Test, handwriting, spelling dictation, grammar lesson, one chapter of assigned reading, and some review work in 1.5 hours! My 3.5 year old learned the letter D and we colored. Now they are playing (DD in the playroom, DS racing on Mario Kart) as I weed through 26 resumes for a job at our studio!! This is not fun.


I am now heading to do laundry so DH has clothes to take with him tomorrow when he heads out of town. Then we have to go hang some barres at the studio....


Lunch was soup for DD, soup for me, and DS has not eaten yet (he had a bigg breakfast ;))

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What's for lunch?


Taco soup, con queso and chips + a beer. It's our last week before school start so I'm acting like I'm really on vacation.


How was your weekend?


Great! We celebrated a birthday #7 for dd. Hosted a cookout for dh's co-workers and their families - 100+ people, rented tables and chairs, porta-potties and a bouncy for the kids.


What's going on for the rest of your day? As little as possible. Kids are watching movies and I'm here. Football practice later tonight. Taking dd14 and dd12 shopping for some between season clothes and shoes.

Talk to me!

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What's for lunch? Chicken pecan salad from Wendy's.


How was your weekend? Great! I staffed a table at a consignment sale for our doula group, attended a birth and saw The Help.


What's going on for the rest of your day? Not much, just hanging around the house.

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I really needed that basket of chocolate. I need to stock up on "mommy's emergency supply" if I'm going to make it through this school year!


What's for lunch? nothing good! But tomorrow's lunch should be great because we'll have awesome leftovers after tonight's dinner (smoked chile rellenos, chicken enchiladas, and tacos).


How was your weekend? We had an awesome weekend. Pleasantly busy, but not overwhelming.


What's going on for the rest of your day? We had a full day of school today (this is the start of our fourth week of this school year). Right now I'm sitting at my dd2's indoor soccer practice (yea for free WIFI) and then we're heading home for dinner, which I prepped before I left.

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It's Monday so we've decided to put out the baskets of chocolate. Help yourself!


Too funny - at work this weekend, two different customers brought in boxed chocolate for us. That sometimes happens over holidays, but this was just back to back random kindness stuff. There were three of us and over 30 pieces of chocolatey goodness. I picked out all of the ones with nuts, but ... ::tosses a few extra pieces into the WTM Chocolate Pot:: ... I can contribute what's left over!


Lunch today was soup, rice, and steamed veggies. We went crazy today and used black sesame seeds in lieu of our usual brown.


The weekend was ... well, I was at work, so it just was. :D


We're having math woes, too, so I completely relate. It's not so much the not getting the math, it's the accompanying dramatic attitude that's killing me. Or perhaps, them. Jury is still out :tongue_smilie:.


Right now the kids are at their sports, and I'm taking an hour to find my happy place before everyone gathers here for dinner. It'll be my parents, two brothers with their families, and a sister with hers. Looking forward to it, except for the cooking part. Must be why I'm avoiding it LOL.

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I really needed that basket of chocolate. I need to stock up on "mommy's emergency supply" if I'm going to make it through this school year!





What's for lunch? I had Arby's with my son after I took dd to her therapies. Eh, it was ok, but not what I was hungry for. For dinner tonight my mom took us to Chili's. Not really what I was wanting either.


How was your weekend? Here: Saturday was busy as the kids bowling league started again that morning and then that night we had a Back to School potluck at church. Sunday was a bit more quiet and restful.


What's going on for the rest of your day? Here:Well, today we began with school work at home that ds had to be pretty much tied to a chair to do. In 2 hours he completed less than 1 subject. DD has therapy from 12-3 and then I had ds scheduled for a library skills class from 2-3:30. While there I was introducing myself to all the other homeschool moms trying to encourage them to join our co-op and come to more activities available to all homeschoolers. Boy was that an experience. Meanwhile my mom called and wanted me to bring dd shopping (after therapy and no nap). We just met her instead and that is how she bought us dinner.


Right now I am trying to decompress and make ds finish his assigned work. He could have finished most this morning :glare: . I hope he learned something today about better time management. I wouldn't let him go home with my mom because it wasn't finished and he was pretty upset about that.

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What's for lunch? left over hot dogs from ds 16's party on Sat. Ramen, tomates and mint choc. chip ice-cream.


How was your weekend? Good. Fri- archery field trip and ballroom dancing. Sat: fellowship group, boating and party for ds 16. Sun: my bday party- even though today is my bday, read a book, dh worked on lots of honey=do's for me and gave me beautiful presents!


What's going on for the rest of your day: We textured a room with a paint roller. We got the garbage ready to go to the dump (we haul ourselves 1-2 times a year vs. paying $40/mth). We fed baby mice to the cats, did a garter snake rescue (I cut him out of netting we use to keep deer away from our grapes and put a salamander in a safer place. We also dug potatoes. I'm beat. Thank-God for my kids.

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i love the teachers' lounge, especially with chocolate!:001_smile:


What's for lunch? i am trying to remember lunch. i had mushroom ravioli from tjs that actually weren't so good, so finished it up with homemade gazpacho, which was fabulous :001_smile:


How was your weekend? We are on a two week hiatus from dance, so no one danced anywhere! it was amazing. Saturday was great, the kids took their dad for a jog in the morning and then a long run in the evening. Sunday was great until dh left on travel for the week, at which point it became a little rough. And today is one of those days when i remember why i love homeschooling. i came back from grocery shopping to discover the teens had turned the livingroom into a roman triclinium, complete with reclining couches, and had the fruit and nut course all laid out. we put on togas, reclined, ate, chatted, and had a glorious time discussing the latin accusative case.


What's going on for the rest of your day? and that was the day that was....


still smiling,


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i came back from grocery shopping to discover the teens had turned the livingroom into a roman triclinium, complete with reclining couches, and had the fruit and nut course all laid out. we put on togas, reclined, ate, chatted, and had a glorious time discussing the latin accusative case.




LOVE this.

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