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On Really Bad Days lately,

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Co-Cola is my drug of choice. ... Honestly, I might be better off with alcohol! ... Luckily, I've (mostly) broken myself of it and have only had a couple of Cokes this whole year. But I do love it. Especially when I'm feeling particularly "fried".




I figure if drinking COKE is the worst thing I do in my life, I'm okay.


I drank Coke Icee-s when I was pg with the twins -- it was the only thing that took away the nausea.

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Co-Cola is my drug of choice. ... Honestly, I might be better off with alcohol! ... Luckily, I've (mostly) broken myself of it and have only had a couple of Cokes this whole year. But I do love it. Especially when I'm feeling particularly "fried".


Oh, I don't *usually* drink Coke. I was just reflecting the other night as I told dh I *really* needed one what that meant. Alcoholism runs deep in my family, & I've always been amazed that I'm not one. I guess I'm really, really not.

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Also, I've been meaning to tell you - I'm always amazed and impressed by your ability to find humor in such a difficult situation. I am not sure I could maintain such grace under pressure. :grouphug:


Thank you. It does seem more productive than the alternative. ;)

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I figure if drinking COKE is the worst thing I do in my life, I'm okay.


I drank Coke Icee-s when I was pg with the twins -- it was the only thing that took away the nausea.


Are you online or not? Your light is gray every time I check.

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Oooooh, yeeeesssss. There is nothing quite like that first crazy fizzy swig of an ice-cold Coke. I've mostly broken myself of the habit because the caffeine is bad for my stomach and something else in Coke does not agree with me. But every once in awhile, I break down and allow myself one, and it's heaven. DH has started ordering diet or cherry Coke because he knows that if he doesn't, I will try to con him out of the whole thing.


Aubrey, I totally hear you. Alcohol doesn't work for me either. Makes my head fuzzy, makes me forget stuff, I fall asleep too quickly. But I find that sneaking a Coke from our freezing-cold garage fridge in the middle of the afternoon of a particularly hectic day does wonders for my attitude (if not my reflux :glare:).


Dang, I think I need to run to Wawa...

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Could be worse. I know where the vodka is. ;) (It's for making vanilla.)


I tried that once, but apparently I used too much vodka or something. Instead of vanilla extract I got a tasty vanilla flavored vodka. On the plus side, it made some killer white russians. :D

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I figure if drinking COKE is the worst thing I do in my life, I'm okay.


I drank Coke Icee-s when I was pg with the twins -- it was the only thing that took away the nausea.


Me too (Not twins...just when I was pregnant)! Everyone thought I was crazy, I would start to feel sick and get a coke, then all the morning sickness would go away!


Oooooh, yeeeesssss. There is nothing quite like that first crazy fizzy swig of an ice-cold Coke. I've mostly broken myself of the habit because the caffeine is bad for my stomach and something else in Coke does not agree with me. But every once in awhile, I break down and allow myself one, and it's heaven. DH has started ordering diet or cherry Coke because he knows that if he doesn't, I will try to con him out of the whole thing.


Aubrey, I totally hear you. Alcohol doesn't work for me either. Makes my head fuzzy, makes me forget stuff, I fall asleep too quickly. But I find that sneaking a Coke from our freezing-cold garage fridge in the middle of the afternoon of a particularly hectic day does wonders for my attitude (if not my reflux :glare:).


Dang, I think I need to run to Wawa...




Thanks. Now I NEED a Coke.


DH just walked in the door with 3 two liters from 7-11!!!

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I tried that once, but apparently I used too much vodka or something. Instead of vanilla extract I got a tasty vanilla flavored vodka. On the plus side, it made some killer white russians. :D


By the time we got around to getting some vodka, the beans I'd bought were a little too old. I don't know if it worked or not: I only ever baked w/ that vanilla. We've got plenty of vodka left, though. :lol:

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Me too (Not twins...just when I was pregnant)! Everyone thought I was crazy, I would start to feel sick and get a coke, then all the morning sickness would go away!


:iagree: Yep, Coke definitely helps with morning sickness!


DH just walked in the door with 3 two liters from 7-11!!!



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Oooh, bad you LOL! I think you deserve a Coke here lately. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes a few months ago and I had to give up my Sprites and lemonades. Now my "drink of choice" (besides water) is Diet Coke (or, if I'm feeling particularly "healthy", then caffeine free Diet Coke). No sugar to spike the blood/sugar levels. Just lots of wonderful aspartame, which I am *so* against, but I think I will die if I have to stick with just water throughout the rest of this pregnancy.

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Coke is my drug of choice too. I have to really actively avoid it but when things get rough, it comes out. The year I was caring for a newborn, dealing with a bad kindergarten placement for my son, dealing with ppd and caring for my mom as she died of cancer, I went totally off the deep end. Addiction runs in my family so like you I will take this over the alternative I guess.

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Funny so many of you turn to coca cola when stressed. I thought I was the only one. I love coke. I drink a ton of it when I am having a bad day and/or pmsing. I stop the guilt of it in my diet by drinking coke zero. No sugar, no calories, all the caffeine! I prefer original but am training myself to get the zero.

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