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S/O 10 things about your spouse

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1. He was a super cute mechanic with a mullet when I met him.

2. He has totaled two vehicles in head on collisions and walked away from both of them.

3. He totally lives the meaning of "forgive and forget".

4. He's the hardest worker I know.

5. He's currently a seminary student.

6. He risked it ALL to follow God.

7. He has worked for the same company for 19 years.

8. He's addicted to peanut butter.

9. He can bake like nobody's business.

10. He cannot stand the feel of lotion.


I :001_wub: him :)

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1) Dh is a chef. 2) He has a dream of owning his own restaurant. 3) He can't stand the sound of me using my neti pot. 4) He calls his mom 2-3 times a week. 5) He hates mushrooms and sour things like yogurt, sour cream, etc. 6) He quit smoking 3 times, and the last time worked. 7) He loves scotch. 8) He takes care of my mom and her house, since her husband recently left her. 9) He makes me laugh, and our kids, too, which is good because I'm too serious much of the time. 10) He really thinks before he speaks on important issues.

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1. He is the most generous person I know.

2. He loves to lay in the hammock for hours.

3. He eats more meat and meat products than anyone I've ever known.

4. He's been in a fantasy baseball league for 12 years, and usually ends up in 1st -3rd place.

5. He never speeds. Drives me nuts that he drives so slowly!

6. He loves to watch cartoons.

7. He carries all the heavy stuff and doesn't mind lugging things up and down the stairs.

8. He always wanted to be a lawyer since he was a little boy, and he worked his way through college and law school.

9. He is 10.5 years older than I am.

10. He has a hard time getting rid of things. He has pack rat tendencies that do not jive with my "clear out the crap" tendencies.

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1. shortly after we met, he found out I was sick, and came to take care of me for two weeks while I was off work dealing with pneumonia.

2. He is my calm and I am his storm

3. he works hard to give us what we need (and want :tongue_smilie:)

4. he doesn't vote because 'he can't stand behind any candidate yet'-which drives me absolutely batty-I kinda can't blame him though.

5. He drives like a little old man :D-I end up driving most places

6. He never says anything about me getting into yet another hobby though I occasionally get the shaking of head and rolling of eyes :lol:

7. His nickname in the military was Maverick...he really did look similar to Tom Cruise when we married, but he's hotter now :drool5:.

8. He was placed for adoption as an older toddler and adopted 3 years later

9. He can be stubborn, but is forgiving and kind.

10. He likes online games and used to be big into playing Magic -he's my nerd ;)

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1. He hates attention or being the topic of conversation and would not be happy to know I am writing this. ;) (I have to secretly tell his parents about his accolades & make them promise not to tell everyone!)

2. He is an incredible athlete and extremely competitive.

3. He loves to be outdoors and wants to hike the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine someday.

4. He is a a very patient, devoted father who loves nothing more than spending time with his family.

5. He is the best gift-giver & dwells for hours over finding the "perfect" gift every time

6. He got accepted to West Point before the Naval Academy and couldn't decide which one to attend until the very last day. His dad had to drive his acceptance papers from New Jersey to Annapolis to get it there on time.

7. He has now been to 24 countries (between backpacking through Europe after graduation and 4 deployments)

8. He is an avid reader, especially historical fiction, and we love to spend rainy days reading together.

9. He's more romantic than I am - he proposed at Hanakapi'ai Falls on the Na Pail Coast, Kauai and has been one-upping me ever since.

10. HE IS COMING HOME IN 38 DAYS!!! :hurray::hurray:

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Ok here we go...


1) He is a great daddy!


2) He always checks the vehicle before I go anywhere, even if just to get milk.


3) He is a germaphob :)


4) He loves the weather.


5) He went to our dd last karate promotion despite the fact that he was in severe pain from a tooth that was infected, he also didn't tell anyone until after the day was over.


6) His feet are severely ticklish.


7) His favorite meal is spaghetti and meatballs, he loathes lasagne.


8) He wigs out when the kids get hurt and I have to tell him to calm down! :)


9) He dithers more than any person I know! :)


10) His first born child (dd13) was the first baby he had ever held.

Edited by Mynyel
Meh.. spelling
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1) he's 6'3


2) he has never been drunk. (that blew my mind when i met him --- my past is a little different to say the least)


3) he has never tried any type of drug


4) he is an amazing singer


5) he can play just about any instrument & is an amazing recording engineer


6) he is incredibly comfortable in social situations


7) he loves our dog piglet more than he would ever admit too


8) he is not a picky eater & thinks everything i make is delicious (in fact, i couldn't cook when i first met him, and he's the reason i love too now!)


9) he loves practical jokes


10) he is the most non-judgmental person i've ever met in my life

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1. He grew up a preacher's kid.

2. He spent a summer in Malawi working construction for a mission.

3. Has a Master's degree in Education and teaches first grade.

4. Has never had a person not like him. Seriously, he gets along with EVERYONE.

5. Has people stop and talk to him everywhere he goes. Previous students, parents, complete strangers on the street.

6. He suffers from psoriatic arthritis and has the spine of an old man (has already had major neck surgery to repair discs and scrape off bone spurs).

7. Because of #5 he sometimes has to skip highly athletic events (church softball team) and he wonders sometimes if the guys think he is a wimp.

8. He is completely selfless.

9. He loves to read.

10. He can't sit still. He is always moving. Part of that is simply because if he sits in any one position for too long he starts to ache but the rest of it is just his super high metabolism.

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1. He's been my husband for an entire three months. Before that we dated about 7 years.


2. He's 9 years older than me and about 6'5" tall...I'm 5'10" and I like not having to slouch next to him.


3. He was an Intelligence Analyst (code breaker) in the Air Force and worked at NSA in the early 80's. After leaving the Air Force he joined the Army National Guard and "learned how to sleep in a moving tank." After the military he worked in various police and security positions in California and Indiana.


4. He digs all kinds of war history, especially from WWII, where his father fought in Anzio and France.


5. He shaves his head, and looks like a cross between Bull Shannon from Night Court and Vin Diesel. :drool5:His nickname is Bull because he used to be a prison guard and the inmates thought that in his dress uniform he looked like Bull Shannon.


6. He has a soft spot for animals, especially dogs and cats, and talks to them like they're people.


7. He has six children...three boys from his first marriage, and three girls from his second. I tell people he has his own Brady Bunch!


8. We have the same twisted sense of humor...and that's rare!


9. His middle name is Marlin...his father liked to fish.


10. No matter how the bedroom furniture is arranged, he always sleeps between me and the door. He also always has a pistol nearby. Whenever we go anywhere together, he's always watching out for our safety, scanning crowds, surreptitiously checking out strangers, and never letting me run errands alone if he can help it. If he can't be there, he's always texting to make sure I made it to where I'm going. Must be a holdover from his police/security days.





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1. He's an incredible introvert, hates crowds, and works really hard to hold a conversation. BUT, start talking to him about computers and you can't shut him up.


2. He is the most incredible father and husband I've ever seen.


3. He enjoys cooking; he has told me not to worry about dinner, just do the school and get the therapies done, I'll take care of dinner. Gee, twist my arm!


4. He had a man-cave before they were popular; heck, before they were invented. At 16, his dad bought him an IBM 2 floppy disc computer ($5k at the time!) and built him a desk in their basement.


5. He almost cut one of his fingers off 2 years in a row over Christmas break.


6. He can do almost anything; he DID the whole remodel on our house. (actually 2 remodels), including switching the stove from electric to gas, relocating the stove and bathroom, moving walls, and re-siding our house. The only thing he won't do is the roof (thank goodness!)


7. He is the one who said we would homeschool, and he still insists on it today. I agree, but I do have my moments!


8. He is fiercely protective of our oldest, who has mild asperger's and anxiety, to the point of denying there was anything wrong for several years.


9. He is SO supportive of my needs, to the point of letting me go away for a weekend twice a year, if I meet him in the driveway when he comes home, he asks no questions, just that I be home by 11:00, etc.


10. He is pretty much self made. He has an Associate's Degree in Electrical Engineering Technology. He has a work ethic that you just don't find alot anymore, and that has gotten him FAR. He is not a workaholic, but he believes that working 45 hours a week and giving 150% while your there is NOT wrong. At the same time, he gets really torqued if someone DOESN'T pull their load, and it infringes on his family time. (He was Secondary on call this last weekend, and had 3 calls; 1 during his dd's b-day party, and another while we were out for her family b-day dinner; I'm just glad I wasn't the Primary on call that Monday!)

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1.He is the oldest of 3 kids (just above dirt poor). He had to cut firewood with a chainsaw around age 13 too keep their home warm. His dad had RA and was not able to do much. He went to work at 4:00 am before school and then worked till 10:00pm after school to help the family. He did graduate high school against the odds.


2.He can't be still. He has to always be doing something. If any chore is left undone around the house he will do it. Seriously I could sit and never do anything and he would get it done around my house. (This really makes me feel bad but its part of his can't be still)


3.He taught himself how to work on cars/mechanic by reading hot rod magazines in the late 70's


4.Which lead to he is now a Journeyman Mechanic/Welder


5.He loves muscle cars and rebuilds them from rust bucket as a hobby. He loves the old cars.


6.He loves cutting grass with the tractor. He puts on the sun screen and will just ride/mow the grass with have 5 acres to keep cut. He misses it during the winter. No Joke.:D


7. he works out and is still pretty ripped at age 48 which makes the whole shirtless tractor cutting guy sound like the back drop for the country song. Ya Think My Tractors Sexy:lol:


8. He totally treats me like a queen. He will work 12-16 hours and give me a back rub.


9. He is a introvert so he pretty much doesn't have Friends. He is all about our family. He spends all his spare time with us. Which is not much cause he is a work-a-aholic but over the past year he spends more time at home


10. Which goes along with my favorite thing about my dh. He became a Christian last year.

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1) He is the best husband ever (I don't care what his ex wife says about him).

2) He was bullied and beaten up as a child particularly by his older sister's friends.

3) He is a great cook although he doesn't cook any more.

4) He likes to do the laundry (and believe me I let him).

5) He likes to clean house (and I hate to). We make fun of him because he used to vacuum his way out of the house.

6) He loves his parents.

7) When I met him his best friend was a woman (she introduced us).

8) He could drive a tractor trailer unattended at age 12 (his Dad and Grandpa were truck drivers).

9) He is much more patient with our children than I am.

10) He is an excellent father and that is one of the many reasons I love him so much.

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I didn't want to play at first because I don't like talking about him online, but this I can maybe do.


1. He is extremely introverted, to the point that it makes ME, another introvert, look like Tigger.


2. He reads two newspapers everyday.


3. The service hounded him for YEARS to to to school for nuclear physics.


4. he owned trotters, managed a stable and had some winners


5. he almost died in a single engine over Bimini


6. when he graduated high school, he was making more $ than the teachers


7. he thinks of everything in terms of business. He comes from a long line of entrepreneurs


8. people think he's scary, but he's super affectionate


9. he's such a good dad. he's a better dad than I am a mom.


10. he is such a perfectionist that he has trouble living up to his own ideals

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He loves Jesus.

He is not a reader.

He has a math/art/music brain. (Guess who will be teaching algebra!:D)

He is a kinesthetic learner and rest for him is doing something physical.

He is a great Daddy!

He is crazy about soap and personal cleanliness.

He absolutely detests being interrupted.

His love language is acts of service.

He had brain surgery when he was 8.

He loves to play golf, though he doesn't get to very often.

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1. He has been a skateboarder for nearly 20 years. He was a skateboarder before it was cool to be a skateboarder.


2. He has a deep cleft in his chin - which I find very manly and sexy.


3. His hobby is collecting hobbies. I swear that man has so many talents and interests and is always adding new ones.


4. He is a red head...I was hoping to get a red-headed babe out of the deal but no such luck. ;)


5. His pinkies are bent in a lot - a genetic trait passed on to our kids.


6. He can't sleep without a fan blowing on him which was hard to get used to when we first married.


7. He is incredibly resourceful and knowledgable about cell phones and computers. He is also asked for advice from just about everyone.


8. He loves to hold me and rest his chin on my head. It feels safe. I love that.


9. He is a reformed introvert who has come out of his shell in his 30s. Now people wouldn't believe he used to be the guy who never wanted to talk to people.


10. He loves God and is a big apologist. His idea of fun at work is listen to apolgetics "shows" on his iphone while working at the factory.

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1. He is from Baltimore, which is pronounced Bal'more by people from there.

2. He can eat steamed crabs faster than anyone I know.

3. His favorite sushi is made with flying fish eggs with a raw quail egg broken on top of it.

4. He was a lifeguard at a Sheraton hotel.

5. He can fix just about anything.

6. He used to be on a pit crew in the SCCA.

7. He met Paul Newman at one of the racetracks.

8. He ties his own flies for fly fishing.

9. The last book he read was Atlas Shrugged.

10. He brings me coffee in bed most mornings.

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