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How many writers do we have here?

How many writers on the board  

  1. 1. How many writers on the board

    • I'm a published writer
    • I'm a writer who doesn't care to be published
    • I'm a writer waiting to be published
    • I like to say I'm a writer, but haven't actually written anything yet
    • The closest I'll come to writing is saying I know a writer
    • I wish I were a writer
    • I'm not a writer
    • Other, because there is always someone

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I used to only read non-fiction books, and I've only written non-fiction; however, recently, I have begun to dip into the fiction genre through Karen Kingsbury novels. And...I feel like God has given me a message, but I am wondering if it would be a message best told through a fictional setting!

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Not sure if this counts or not, but I write occasional guest columns (not letters to the editor, though I've done my share of those, too) for the local newspaper. When they are in need of a writer, they ask me to contribute something. I don't get paid, but I love doing it -- and (blushing) seeing my work in the paper. ;)


I also had an article featured in a national publication devoted to the subject of postpartum depression years ago. I sent a copy of it to my doctor to thank him for helping me. He thought that was cool. :)

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I didn't mention it on the 10 things thread, but I am a published writer in a variety in magazines.


I have written two novels, but they rest in their first draft status on my bookshelf. Someday.


I've also written several short dramas for our church drama ministry. LOVE that. It's so fun to see ideas and dialogue come to life on the stage.

Edited by Happy
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I said other. My long-term goal is to be a writer. But, right now, with a few little kids, homeschooling, and part-time teaching, it's just not the right season. I figure when the kids are older and need less hands on care (and hopefully when DH is making a bit more so we don't need me teaching part-time), I'll be able to write on a regular basis.

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I'm the breed columnist for the AKC Gazette; the monthly magazine publication of the American Kennel Club (large, international circulation.) I've also had several articles on the breed and training published in the Gazette and other dog publications.



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I've had a couple of articles published and I've written several novels. The one I'm editing now is the first I intend to actually submit to agents - I'm excited!


Neat to see how many writers there are on here. And I agree with a previous poster who mentioned the ACFW; I've learned so much about the business from the people in that organization.

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I'm a writer :)


I'm published in a homeschool magazine and have also been writing for a new online magazine. I have an online writing business. I write articles, blog posts, sales pages, emails/auto responders, ebooks, and I do copywriting. I also proofread and edit.


It's a great way to earn a little extra money, and I love doing it :D


The challenge is that I am a rotten speller, and I always have been. Google is my friend! :lol:

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I've written various articles and worked on a book proposal last summer to pitch at a writer's conference. While there was interest and encouragement from agents and other authors, life got in the way and I was not able to get the book proposal ready for submission. I have used the material when I've spoken at women's retreats and conferences and have loved doing this. I love both speaking and writing.


There is much I know that I could do toward developing a platform, getting my proposal ready for submission, submitting articles for magazine publication, but it's not on my plate right now. I'm considering/planning on beginning an M.Div. program with a concentration in women's studies with an eye toward speaking/writing/teaching.


I don't know that I'll ever publish a book. My goal is not to publish, but to have Kingdom impact. If there are more effective ways to reach this goal than traditional publishing, I'm all for it. Seeing my name on a book jacket used to be a strong desire of mine, but I'm letting that go and praying that God will use me however He wants to use me for His purposes.


However, I still read about writing/publishing a lot. Here are some blogs that I have found helpful:







If you aspire to be a Christian writer, you should check out P31's She Speaks conference held every summer. There is a track for writers. http://shespeaksconference.com/. The conference has passed for 2011, but you could put it on your radar for next summer.


I am also interested in the Blue Ridge Mountains Writers Conference, http://www.brmcwc.com/, but have not attended.


If you are an aspiring non-fiction Christian writer with women as your target (my target is specifically women in their 20's and 30's), PM me. I'd love to "talk," share ideas, etc.

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I guess I consider myself a writer, though it's more of a hobby at this point than a career. I've had some short pieces published in literary journals and ezines, and I've sold a handful of articles online, though I didn't make much. I had a poem published in high school, and I guess I'm technically an illustrator because a drawing I did was used in a short regional book on Native American culture. I have a copy somewhere, though I don't remember the name.


I was invited to study with Robert Olen Butler a few years back, but I had to decline because I couldn't get the time off work. It's probably for the best, as his book on writing made me want to fling it out the window, because the first half of the thing is basically, "Thank god you found my book! Now you can throw everything you've ever written out the window and start writing for real."


I'm also twenty-five thousand words into my first novel, though I'll probably be forty before it's done. :tongue_smilie:

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Hmmm...Does it count that dh is the writer waiting to be published and I'm the co-writer? He did the actual writing, I did the research, helped with storyline, names, and everything else but the actual writing?


I plan to write my own book at some point. My blog posts are enough to fulfill me for now.


We did that with my MIL, who is a writer. She had written textbooks and started writing murder mystery novels as she neared retirement. It was so fun to brainstorm and discuss her research. We even went to a few "research gathering dinners" with her. It was so cool to read her book after it was published and see all those things we had done with her in print.

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