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Help me choose a diet!!

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I seriously need to lose about 30-40 lbs. I have been trying for about 1.5 years so far with no luck. I have tried sonoma diet, ww, abs diet, and just a plain whole foods diet. I lost about 8 pounds on the sonoma diet because I cut out all soda but now I have it back.

When I diet I go to the gym regularly (at least 3 times a week) and try to do alot of cardio and some weights.


My biggest problem is I.LOVE.SUGAR! Any junk food and I crave it or will eat it even if I am full. I don't keep alot of junk in my house but if I do buy something I will eat it all even the stupid WW cupcakes or whatever. I will eat the entire box. How sad is that??


I feel really frustrated because I will try a diet and really stick to it for about 2 months and absolutely NOthING will change with my weight. I didn't have to diet until I had my twins when I was 30 after that it was all downhill.


So help me choose something that i can live with and actually works. I hate that I can't lose weight on these dumb diets and now I am in depression mode so all I want to do is eat.


So help a girl out and give me some stuff to research...:tongue_smilie:

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Hart and Gross worked really well for me as far as controlling sugar cravings. I am not good at sticking to diets, but this way of eating is something I can pretty much do all the time. Also, I would google Leptin and how it affects our cravings.

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I'm on day 10 of Phase One of the South Beach Diet. I have lost 8-9 pounds so far. It has been strange. I have actually wanted to post if this is normal. :001_huh: Don't get me wrong. I'm pleased with my weight loss. But I have tried for 3 years to get over this 'hump' and nothing worked. I researched numerous diets and this is the one that I thought look possible. I'm just a bit shocked at how, um... easily... this weight has fallen off. And - to be honest - though I have followed the basics of Phase One (no sugar, no fruit, no grains), I have had bacon in my eggs twice and I eat way more than 'one serving' of nuts a day.

We went through a very stressful event last week and I didn't break down and have chocolate once, which is a big deal for me. :D

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What works best for me (have used it to lose 20-35 lbs three times; it's a lifestyle change, though, so if you don't eat this way, you can gain it back):


Eat when physically hungry (not starving, but to a growl or very empty feeling), and stop eating when satisfied (not full). Lather, rinse, repeat. Because you eat less food, and eat fewer times a day, you'll start making healthy and wiser choices (or you should!). I used to eat at least one bowl of cereal a day plus other sweets, but now I rarely do because when I'm hungry, I want something like an egg sandwich or salad made with greens, almonds and cranberries or meat and noodles, etc.


I know some won't agree with this approach, but many do and I love it. It works. (If you exercise, you'll be hungry more often and so can eat more each day.)

Edited by milovaný
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Get a glucometer - you can get them for free on the internet (but the test strips can be pricey) or fairly cheaply at Walmart. See what that soda and sugar is doing to your blood sugar levels. If your bloodsugar levels are higher than normal, as mine were, your body releases extra insulin to deal with it. Insulin is a fat storer and no matter how much you exercise or diet sporatically, you will not lose weight. Those numbers on the glucometer were instant feedback for me 2 hours after every meal and the fear of becoming full-blown diabetic has helped me to lose 10 pounds.

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No particular diet (no name to it). Drink lots of water. Avoid simple carbs. Meat/protein, lots of fruits and veggies. Small meals throughout the day instead of 2-3 big meals. Wear tight clothes - do not wear loose shorts, skirts or sweat pants. This helps me not to over-eat. Try to exercise daily. My weakness is soda (coke). I repeat to myself all day long - "I'm a coke-aholic and it's been x days since I had any. I control what I put in my mouth."

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Start calcium/magnesium supplements today. A deficiency in these often makes itself known via rabid sugar cravings.


Stop the soda. Plain water is probably asking too much right now, so buy juice instead and water it down. Over time, your taste buds will adjust and you'll be able to enjoy half water-half juice.


Eat a breakfast with a larger portion of protein than carbs, and eat a heavier carb meal for dinner.



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My husband and I started the Flat Belly Diet in January. I lost 15 pounds(that was my goal), and he lost over 30. We found it to be sensible and quite do-able. We have pretty much changed our eating habits and have modified it just a bit to maintain our weight. My husband has always been overweight and would have to literally starve himself to lose any pounds, but this diet really worked! I have never seen him this light, and I've known him almost 40 years.:)

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You know, Atkins really works well for me. But, I don't do weird stuff like you read on some of those websites. Pork rinds gross me out and I can't even begin to think that would be a good choice. Rather, I go for nutrient dense and satisfying. Eggs, meat, and LOTS of salads and veggies are what I eat most of the time. And LOTS of water. A spoonful of natural peanut butter for a snack, cheese. I do eat yogurt, berries, peaches, and the occasional glass of wine. I feel satisfied and don't even want sugary carby stuff.


Diets have been talked about so much on here. I do think you have to figure out what will work for you - your chemistry, your lifestyle, etc.

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I loss 30 pounds with HCG! I tried a lot (including WW) that just never worked for me. I guess I had good results with atkins but I just didn't want to live without eating fruit.

With HCG I've been able to add back in fruit and I am a happy camper!

:iagree: hcg worked for me also. Love hcg. :D


But I do believe that with diets, to each her own. I think that all or most diets work IF you stick with them. The latter is the hard part. I'm terrible at sticking with diets. hcg was very good for me.


The NoS diet never seems to work for me. I try and fail. Try and fail ... an endless cycle. The no snacking is my challenge. My blood sugar levels go way down.


Right now, I'm trying to focus on a good plan, but I don't want to do hcg immediately. Not for at least several months. I don't have a heck of a lot to lose. Just a few extra pounds.

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I've lost over 50 pounds on ww (so far). No fads, no hormones, no food to buy - just be aware, eat less, make good choices, exercise. I like that I can have a cupcake once in a while and be on program. I do think that every body is unique qnd you have to found your system. For me, its ww.

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I've lost over 50 pounds on ww (so far). No fads, no hormones, no food to buy - just be aware, eat less, make good choices, exercise. I like that I can have a cupcake once in a while and be on program. I do think that every body is unique qnd you have to found your system. For me, its ww.

I would do WW if it was offered here AND if there was more anonymity here. We live in a very small community fully of rather nosey/gossipy people ;), so WW wouldn't really fly. Other than that, most have great success with WW.

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