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What have you done this week...

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For my family: emergency storage preparations and continuing deep cleaning projects before another school year begins (a healthy home means a healthy family, LOL).... Annual check-ups for the boys, too....


For others: our community garden at our church; we deliver produce to those in need within our church community, as well as the wider community (food bank; women's programs, etc.).... I haven't worked nearly as much with it this year as I normally do, because I'm having some health issues, but I'm still involved (my husband does the majority of the work, himself)....

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For me: sent in my application for re-admission to the Univ of Florida so i can finish my final 3 courses I need to graduate (before we PCS to Rhode Island)

For my family: sent DH a care package, finished organizing and decorating the schoolroom, took a course so I could be Team Mom for my son's football team

For others: donated a bunch of stuff to the Salvation Army

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I've been exercising in a gym-type facility three days a week since May to get my strength back. I know it strengthened my endurance and my heart. That's for my future and the grandchildren I don't have yet. I want to live to be really old, like the late Tasha Tudor. ;)

Chatted with and hugged a friend I've only known 2-3 years who seems like an old friend. She told me that I am her shining beacon and it always makes her feel good when she sees me, even if we don't talk. I count that for something, don't you?

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I just got back from being a chaperon on an overnight trip to several beautiful and fun locales in our state. The students are Japanese teens who have lost their homes, etc., in the earthquake and tsunami in March. My 14-year-old son went along. We went on some outings with them last week, too. We all had a wonderful time, learning about each others' cultures and languages. I think it was a benefit for ALL of us! :D



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well, I'm going to reply from last week in the hopes it makes me more aware of the upcoming week!


for myself: I went to the dentist. ugh. I need extensive dental work and did so well this time, they prescribed me a tranquilizer for my next appointment tomorrow. :glare::001_huh:


for others: I spoke to a fellow girl scout leader about her daughter's bronze award project. it wasn't quite meaty enough and I wrote her an extensive email about how her daughter could really make it a project to be proud of.


Robin in NJ

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For ourselves---we are fixing up our new house so we have painted, had a barn built, put in 100 fence posts, moved a play structure, updated electric, water, and poured concrete----and much more in the past week.


For others, today dh and ds went to an elderly couple from church and helped them get out of the house, to the car, loaded her 3 wheeled scooter, got her to church and then afterwards reversed the process. They are in their 90s and can't manage this all on their own anymore.

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To realize that I am just one person, and the stress of worrying about things I can't control is no longer worth it. It took me a long time to get here. I realized after my injury last week that I would accomplish nothing on my list, either for myself or my family in terms of work, school, and homeschooling.


I picked up my Kindle, continued with reading The Count of Monte Cristo. Dd and I also started reading Ramona and Beezus.


All in all, it is what it is.

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For myself:


I'm enrolled for 16 hours this semester and it's going to be hard but I am determined.

I've been going to the gym 4 days a week and I will continue.



For others:


I am sending my older dd to middle school even though it will be tough.

I am continuing to homeschool my younger dd even though it will be tough.



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