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Secular character materials


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I'm looking for some secular materials to help reinforce concepts like gratitude, kindness, honesty, hard work, etc. I've always thought the idea of character curriculum was kind of silly--I figured we would just teach our kids those things as they grow, in daily life, right? But while I still think example is far and away the best way to teach those traits, I'm finding myself having a hard time explaining certain things to my dd when I'm addressing things like honesty and kindness. I would love some good books or activities that aren't Bible-based.


ETA: Never mind. By creating this thread, I found links to a bunch of other similar ones (which of course did not come up in my prior search.)


But if you have anything that you REALLY love, please do share.

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I ordered the flash cards from We Choose Virtues (there were a bunch of threads about them awhile back). They have a secular version, which is what we ordered. They're super cute, and so far so good! My son chose to work on kindness this week and he really has been making an effort! {At the risk of sounding spammy, if you use code "Tiffany" you can get $8 off the cards}

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I ordered the flash cards from We Choose Virtues (there were a bunch of threads about them awhile back). They have a secular version, which is what we ordered. They're super cute, and so far so good! My son chose to work on kindness this week and he really has been making an effort! {At the risk of sounding spammy, if you use code "Tiffany" you can get $8 off the cards}



How do you use these, specifically? They're definitely interesting.

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How do you use these, specifically? They're definitely interesting.

We just started....but I brought them all out on Monday and we read through them. Then I asked my son to pick one to work on that week. I posted that card on our weekly calendar, and I made sure to "catch him" doing that virtue all week. At the end of the week I brought all the cards out again and we read through them. It seemed to go really well. He was definitely aware of the virtue he chose, and seemed to grasp the meaning.

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