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No (real) internet at home...

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As I don't know you or your mother my advice may be way off so just ignore it if you think I am wrong. I realize your position right now is more than difficult.


However, in your case I would not invest time/energy/money in getting the house into a better condition. It seems that your mother is all for big families/homeschooling/etc. from a distance but does not care for the reality. Even if she takes her medicine and you get the basement into decent shape, she will not get used to "kids being kids". There is no way you will be able to get along like this (I think). It might well end with her asking you to leave (given your current run of luck probably right when you are having the baby).


I have thought of that, & while I can't imagine her EVER doing something like that...well, there's this: gosh, it's harder to phrase than I expected. I'm the only person she *really* treats this way. Ironically, that's because she lets everyone else treat HER this way. She's always being taken advantage of, pushed around, etc. I sort-of know that part of her personality, &...while I can't imagine ever...well...if I were actually having the baby & she did something crazy, I think I know what I'd need to say to her.


She knows that the problems this weekend are because she's off her medicine. Last night she actually slept, so today she was more...ok. Ish.


My first priority would be to move back out. Is the offer of your mother-in-law still good? Moving right back would be a huge pain but might be best in this case. I would probably wait to see how the new job is - if it is a big improvement it might be worth reevaluating. Otherwise I would move back and apply for any aid you could possibly get.


Dh couldn't breathe in TX. Even w/ the work at mom's house, his breathing has been better here. Before we left, I looked at it this way: if I end up a widow, I'm going to be living w/ my mom anyway. I'd rather keep dh as healthy as possible to maximize my chances of moving out. And buffer the pain of moving in.

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Is your DH doing school online? basically are you bound to CO due to location for school, or can he do that anywhere?


How are you holding up?


Online. He was taking midterms the week of the move. (And managed a perfect score, even w/ 10 essay questions on a 3 hr test.)

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I have offered to keep the children all day tomorrow (Sunday) so she and her DH can work on the house child free. I don't know if she saw the pm before she went off line or if she will take me up on the offer (we are strangers afterall) But it is the best I can suggest. I cannot help, all I bring is 4 MORE children to the situation. Just pray for her.




This was so sweet, too, but dh just told me tonight that he needs all day tomorrow to catch up on school work. One of his profs is working w/ him on due dates, but that still leaves a huge chunk for tomorrow.


Which I told him I don't want to know about until tomorrow. Tonight I"m not going to think about it.

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Oh Aubrey, I'm so sorry your mom is flaking like this.


I'm not sure whether advice is helpful or not--really, it's just anyone's guess. Take my thoughts below as kindly meant and if they do not match your reality then do what is needed.


Dh should get his class done, even if your mom throws a temper tantrum. And he should put all his available energy into his job both for the income and for his employers to love him. Job security is a good thing.


I COMPLETELY agree w/ this. But when it leaves me to deal w/ the kids & my mom w/ NOT EVEN A PILLOW, it freaks me out. Really, though, I think I'm being quite rational under the circumstances. ;)


You know your mom will be different on meds, right? So that's another good thing to put thought and energy into making it happen. On another note, will caffeine settle her down in the interim?


Meds will make a difference--even she knows that. But she's been trying to get an appt for a mo & finally got one for this week. Which she subsequently had to cancel because she couldn't drive (just had foot surgery). If we'd gotten here a day or so sooner, I could have taken her, but of course, she didn't tell me that in time.


Caffeine...I don't know. She doesn't drink coffee. Or soda, come to think of it. I'm not sure what form I could offer it in that she'd consider it.


When you and your mom agree on a plan, can you write it down? In front of her? Say something like, "I feel so scatterbrained I really need to write this down." Then show it to her--"This is right, right? Thanks Mom." That way she doesn't feel all reprimanded but you've got a written record. That record might be helpful to go back to, especially if she's off her meds right now.


I can try this, but my guess is that the next morning she'll say I wrote it down wrong. It's difficult for anyone who hasn't lived w/ her to imagine or understand. And when she feels cornered/guilty/angry/etc, she gets super passive-aggressive.


I will pray that you can get through the ugly first weeks and that it will be peaceful soon. It sounds awful.




I have a lot more hope today. I mean, on the down side: I got home this morning, hoping she & dh would be almost done laying the carpet. Instead, mom had just finished painting the kitchen. THE KITCHEN. Because since the kids were out of the house, she thought it would be a good time.


Of course, that meant keeping the kids out of the kitchen. Then she thought we could do stuff downstairs, but the wall she painted is part of the stairwell going down stairs. So...carrying carpet down w/out bumping the wet wall? Impossible.


Later, she asked ds to hand her a green bucket. He couldn't find it, she pointed, he said, "Oh, the black bucket." She (rudely) said: You ARE color-blind, aren't you? (He's not. And the bucket was black.) Then she looked over at me & asked if she could hit him. Playfully, but...uh...wow. Then she hit him. Again, playing--not hurting--but...uh...WOW. I talked to him about it later, & he just shrugged & grinned, so he had no idea how inappropriate that was...


On a brighter note, though, I got the carpet laid in our bedroom (dh is not finished taping it down, but it's cut & laid--if it were up to me, I'd call it good). I got enough tile laid in the bathroom for the W/D to sit on. I told mom I wasn't going to touch up the paint in the bedroom or mix a beautiful color for the living room or paint the bathroom at all. And since she slept last night, she said ok.


I insisted (after finding the wet paint in the kitchen) that dh get a hotel just for tonight, so he'd have wifi for school & I could have a bath & a bed. There's also a laundry facility, which unfortunately turns out to cost about the same as a W/D. ;) :lol: But I've got clean pajamas tonight & at least a pair of pants for tomorrow. (I'm hoping he washed a shirt for me, too, but I'm scared to look.)


ETA: Based on your cumulative wisdom, I think I'll ask dh to finish taping the carpet down another day, hook up the W/D w/out checking for mold as soon as he can, & try to get our bed into the bedroom w/out waiting on...really lovely details. Being able to wash clothes turns out to be more cheerful than I ever gave it credit. ;)


Today went a little bit better because I knew I'd have clean clothes tonight & because I worked w/out mom in the room. When she came to help, I just told her: I don't work well w/others. She laughed & worked in another room. *whew*

Edited by Aubrey
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I'm behind on emails, pm's, etc, but you guys...my best friend said she'd PRAY. That &/or commiseration was all I hoped for. You guys--JUST the kind words & encouragement have gotten me through today, made me cry, softened (some of) the words I've said to my kids.


Beyond that...well, I spent a good while looking like a fish face this eve, because even when I'm speechless, I try to find words. I finally just passed the computer over to dh. Thank you.

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I'm behind on emails, pm's, etc, but you guys...my best friend said she'd PRAY. That &/or commiseration was all I hoped for. You guys--JUST the kind words & encouragement have gotten me through today, made me cry, softened (some of) the words I've said to my kids.


Beyond that...well, I spent a good while looking like a fish face this eve, because even when I'm speechless, I try to find words. I finally just passed the computer over to dh. Thank you.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Does she have a new appt for her meds? That should hopefully make a huge difference. :grouphug: Good luck to dh on his schoolwork cram sessions from all of this, too!

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I'm behind on emails, pm's, etc, but you guys...my best friend said she'd PRAY. That &/or commiseration was all I hoped for. You guys--JUST the kind words & encouragement have gotten me through today, made me cry, softened (some of) the words I've said to my kids.


Beyond that...well, I spent a good while looking like a fish face this eve, because even when I'm speechless, I try to find words. I finally just passed the computer over to dh. Thank you.


I'm sure you're exhausted, but you might want to at least scan over those emails & PMs. I think you will find some to be of great interest!


We :001_wub: you Aubrey!

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I'm sure you're exhausted, but you might want to at least scan over those emails & PMs. I think you will find some to be of great interest!


We :001_wub: you Aubrey!


Well...:blush: that's what I mean: stuff keeps crashing here, so I haven't replied to everything, but I think at this point I've read enough to get the gist. Thus the fish-face-shock. You people...I'm too tired to cry again, but you all make everything look so much better. I mean...actual solutions *stun* me--nobody does that. But the kindness behind it all--it's like the biggest pair of rose-colored lenses ever made. My mom looks a little saner, her house looks a little safer. I got ds up out of bed & hugged him. Poor kid-man. Ten's a hard age.


I don't even know what to say. I felt really sorry for myself before posting, but now...after a glimpse of what Joanne's going through & remembering other people's stories...it's just not that bad. I'm so grateful for you all &...for all the things that have gone right. For the fact that there's still *potential* for things to get better.

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We've all been waiting .. so excited for you to see the big post and how everyone came together today. I want your feet planted in that hotel for the next two weeks watching your kids swim in a pool. ;-) Hopefully this is WAY better than a care package. ;-)


*** Oh.. let me rephrase that .. CARE PACKAGES are good too! *** Have a blessed evening and we are all rooting for you. I can't help being excited. I am such a nerd. I have just been waiting all day for you to see all the posts.

Edited by SaDonna
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I don't know if you remember me and my boys from our meetup back in May, but I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry about everything y'all are going through right now. It sounds like more stress than anyone should ever have to deal with. Please do what you can to keep yourself and your family safe! :grouphug:


If your husband is breathing better there, that truly is a wonderful thing. Let that be the part that lets you know that moving out of Texas was a good decision. Living with your mom is very temporary, right? You guys are making a fresh start, and you will get through this.


Hang in there, Aubrey. We're all praying for you! :grouphug:



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ETA: She could tell I was worried about something that first night & asked me if it was the fact that the downstairs didn't have nice curtains yet. :lol:


Oh my word!!!!!!!! The ending! The whole thing is just craziness times twenty, but the ending... "Yes, mom, I'm really upset about those curtains!" I'm so sorry!! Praying for you. Is your mom a little "off" mentally? Things just don't sound quite right.

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We've all been waiting .. so excited for you to see the big post and how everyone came together today. I want your feet planted in that hotel for the next two weeks watching your kids swim in a pool. ;-) Hopefully this is WAY better than a care package. ;-)


*** Oh.. let me rephrase that .. CARE PACKAGES are good too! *** Have a blessed evening and we are all rooting for you. I can't help being excited. I am such a nerd. I have just been waiting all day for you to see all the posts.


I've just been looking at threads I started. Wow. I mean, I got the email, & that was amazing, but...you guys really want to help out w/ the not crying thing, don't you? ;)


I was feeling really guilty, not sure what to say or do, & then I woke up this morning. I can't move from all the work yesterday--more pain than the move itself. I still feel guilty, but I think you guys might be right, & I'm so grateful.

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I don't know if you remember me and my boys from our meetup back in May, but I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry about everything y'all are going through right now. It sounds like more stress than anyone should ever have to deal with. Please do what you can to keep yourself and your family safe! :grouphug:


If your husband is breathing better there, that truly is a wonderful thing. Let that be the part that lets you know that moving out of Texas was a good decision. Living with your mom is very temporary, right? You guys are making a fresh start, and you will get through this.


Hang in there, Aubrey. We're all praying for you! :grouphug:




Of course I remember you & your boys, & I'm so sorry we didn't get a chance to get together again!


Yes, dh's breathing is enough that for the most part, I'm not dealing w/ a lot of 2nd-guessing & doubt on top of everything. I mean, SOME, but that probably can't be helped.

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Oh my word!!!!!!!! The ending! The whole thing is just craziness times twenty, but the ending... "Yes, mom, I'm really upset about those curtains!" I'm so sorry!! Praying for you. Is your mom a little "off" mentally? Things just don't sound quite right.


She's "off" mentally. She always has been, but functional enough that no one but my sibs & my dad really knew. Even through all of this, dh is only getting things 2nd-hand from me. She puts on a weird company face for him. (While criticizing him behind his back.)


She's going to see someone about all of this...soon. If I could talk to her like dh, I'd tell her to go to her dr tomorrow: this is an emergency. I'll have to put it to her more gently, though, & I imagine it will be about a week before she sees someone.


Her dr didn't refill her rx last time mom was there because she wanted mom to see a psych for a better dx, but the psych hasn't been able to see mom until this week, but w/ surgery, mom couldn't go in.


Honestly, w/ the ADD rx alone, my mom has been the mom I always wanted for the last year or so. It figures that that would run out the month before we come to stay w/ her.


Iow, even w/out seeing the psych, she could *theoretically* get something that will help from her reg dr, if she'll explain that she hasn't been able to get an appt w/ the psych. Maybe. I hope.


As a last resort, I've thought about contacting the dr myself--I know she can't tell ME anything, but maybe I could help get mom seen.

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Honestly, w/ the ADD rx alone, my mom has been the mom I always wanted for the last year or so. It figures that that would run out the month before we come to stay w/ her.


Iow, even w/out seeing the psych, she could *theoretically* get something that will help from her reg dr, if she'll explain that she hasn't been able to get an appt w/ the psych. Maybe. I hope.


As a last resort, I've thought about contacting the dr myself--I know she can't tell ME anything, but maybe I could help get mom seen.


In red -- certainly doable. I know this from experience -- not for me but for another member of my family.

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If by being right you mean that you need to take a few weeks to aclimate yourself, sleep in a real bed with your dh, and have some room to breathe a bit while making the modifications to your mom's basement, then you are right on track.


I think the biggest gift you could give to all of us is to take that time for your family and enjoy it while you sort out the rest.


For me it was so easy to overdo it when pregnant. I pulled muscles in my stomach and ended up with a hernia from trying to do to much. Although you might be a lot tougher than I, it still would be nice to take a breather and work on everything at a pace you might be able to handle a bit better if you didn't have to sleep there.


Keep us updated. ;-)

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If by being right you mean that you need to take a few weeks to aclimate yourself, sleep in a real bed with your dh, and have some room to breathe a bit while making the modifications to your mom's basement, then you are right on track.


I think the biggest gift you could give to all of us is to take that time for your family and enjoy it while you sort out the rest.


For me it was so easy to overdo it when pregnant. I pulled muscles in my stomach and ended up with a hernia from trying to do to much. Although you might be a lot tougher than I, it still would be nice to take a breather and work on everything at a pace you might be able to handle a bit better if you didn't have to sleep there.


Keep us updated. ;-)


If mom doesn't get an rx soon & I have to start taking applications for a new one, you're at the top of the pile. Although I assume you're decades too young for the position. ;)

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While I would be happy to take over that position.. (and I guess I am still young.. 38), I think you have touched ALL of our hearts, and my vision for your future is a bright one. You deserve every happiness. While taking a hand UP might be a somewhat humbling experience, we all just want to see you thriving. ;-)


I still see you a few years down the road teaching some amazing online writing class to many of our children. ;-) I see you in your own home, surrounded by your family, and doing what you love best. It is a true testament to you and dh that you are staying connected through all of this. Just keep moving forward.

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:grouphug: Wow. I'm so sorry that you're dealing with all of this. I SO hoped that you were finally going to get a break and that things were going to turn around for all of you. You have such a wonderful family and you inspire so many! Love you bunches :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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As far as a source of caffine goes, does your mother like chocolate? the only type that does not have caffine is white chocolate. The darker it is the more caffine it has.

Now I have visuals of Aubrey lurking behind furniture, around corners, with slingshot and chocolate, waiting for her mom to open her mouth to speak...

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Now I have visuals of Aubrey lurking behind furniture, around corners, with slingshot and chocolate, waiting for her mom to open her mouth to speak...


:smilielol5:Don't they make caffeine pills? You know, wrap one up in a piece of ham or cheese, sort of the way we funnel heart wormer tablets to Lewis the cocker spaniel! :D



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Now I have visuals of Aubrey lurking behind furniture, around corners, with slingshot and chocolate, waiting for her mom to open her mouth to speak...


:smilielol5:Don't they make caffeine pills? You know, wrap one up in a piece of ham or cheese, sort of the way we funnel heart wormer tablets to Lewis the cocker spaniel! :D






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:smilielol5:Don't they make caffeine pills? You know, wrap one up in a piece of ham or cheese, sort of the way we funnel heart wormer tablets to Lewis the cocker spaniel! :D



You're not thinking this through.


My way has a lot of educational properties. Gross and fine motor skills, home ec (making your own cammo outfits), drama (face paint), gym...

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You're not thinking this through.


My way has a lot of educational properties. Gross and fine motor skills, home ec (making your own cammo outfits), drama (face paint), gym...





LADIES!!!!!! I leave for two hours to go to AC Moore to get stickers for my 'job board' and when I return there is a paint ball-like chocolate thing going on.:svengo:

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LADIES!!!!!! I leave for two hours to go to AC Moore to get stickers for my 'job board' and when I return there is a paint ball-like chocolate thing going on.:svengo:

Sling shot. Not paint ball.


Oh! Covers science too! Make your own sling shot...tensile strength, trajectories, physics....:D

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LADIES!!!!!! I leave for two hours to go to AC Moore to get stickers for my 'job board' and when I return there is a paint ball-like chocolate thing going on.:svengo:


YES! and not only this, but we'll be meeting on the field in our yellow and black kilt uniforms, and we've got a point system.


Extra dark chocolate truffles from the Chocolate Factory - 25 pts.


Lindser (sp?" truffles) - 15 pts.


Chocolate coated caffeine pills - 12 pts.


Dove chocolate covered carmels - 10 pts.


Hershey's kisses - 5 pts.


M & M's - 1 pt each with a 30 pt. bonus if you can pelt your dearly loved boardie with 2 green ones in a single shot!


I nominate Mariannova and Ria as team captains...we'll count chocolate splotches and add up the points at the end. 100 pt. bonus to the team exhibiting the greatest chocolate high at the end. SWB gets to judge.


Any questions? Oh and yes, licking your own shirt is perfectly acceptable etiquette! :D



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YES! and not only this, but we'll be meeting on the field in our yellow and black kilt uniforms, and we've got a point system.


Extra dark chocolate truffles from the Chocolate Factory - 25 pts.


Lindser (sp?" truffles) - 15 pts.


Chocolate coated caffeine pills - 12 pts.


Dove chocolate covered carmels - 10 pts.


Hershey's kisses - 5 pts.


M & M's - 1 pt each with a 30 pt. bonus if you can pelt your dearly loved boardie with 2 green ones in a single shot!


I nominate Mariannova and Ria as team captains...we'll count chocolate splotches and add up the points at the end. 100 pt. bonus to the team exhibiting the greatest chocolate high at the end. SWB gets to judge.


Any questions? Oh and yes, licking your own shirt is perfectly acceptable etiquette! :D




Extra points for banking it off someone's forehead or other body part into the mouth.


More rebounds = more points.




BE AFRAID!!!!! BE VERY AFRAID!!!!!!! slingshot.gif

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BE AFRAID!!!!! BE VERY AFRAID!!!!!!! slingshot.gif



Mariann, I AM SO JEALOUS! HOW DID YOU MAKE UP THAT LITTLE CHARACTER! I was congratulating myself in the other thread for finally being able to post a picture with dh's help and then you go and manage this. I am in the presence of a guru! I am the Jar Jar Binks to your Yoda!



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Mariann, I AM SO JEALOUS! HOW DID YOU MAKE UP THAT LITTLE CHARACTER! I was congratulating myself in the other thread for finally being able to post a picture with dh's help and then you go and manage this. I am in the presence of a guru! I am the Jar Jar Binks to your Yoda!






Thank you! Most days, though, I must confess, I am QUEEN JAR JAR BINKS!


However, I have to know whose team you are on before I tell you!



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Thank you! Most days, though, I must confess, I am QUEEN JAR JAR BINKS!


However, I have to know whose team you are on before I tell you!




Sniff, sniff...:nopity:I have a very bad cold, thus the sitting all afternoon in front of the computer while decimating a box of kleenex. I just sneezed five times in a row. I don't think anyone wants me on their team today. My mom will have to write a note to the PE teacher stating that I can't dress for class today!


You can whisper your secret to me...I'm the girl sitting on the sidelines in my street clothes, being pestered with insults from the jock girls who are out there anihilating my band buddies with their rock hard chocolate no-bake cookies that weren't supposed to be allowed, but the PE teacher likes the super cool jock kids and lets them get away with it! :lol:



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Sniff, sniff...:nopity:I have a very bad cold, thus the sitting all afternoon in front of the computer while decimating a box of kleenex. I just sneezed five times in a row. I don't think anyone wants me on their team today. My mom will have to write a note to the PE teacher stating that I can't dress for class today!


You can whisper your secret to me...I'm the girl sitting on the sidelines in my street clothes, being pestered with insults from the jock girls who are out there anihilating my band buddies with their rock hard chocolate no-bake cookies that weren't supposed to be allowed, but the PE teacher likes the super cool jock kids and lets them get away with it! :lol:





You can be on my team -- I won't insult you -- the jock girls didn't want me on their team either till they saw how I could run and throw. :lol: My fifth grade PE teacher actually told the jock girls that they would be crazy NOT to choose me for their team. :hurray::hurray: So, of course you have to be on my team.


This is what I do: I google whatever I am looking for (really, literally) and then I click on images. SHHHHHHH! It's our secret!;)

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Hi Aubrey--


Coming back into the game to give a few more thoughts.


First, hang in there. I've been praying for you.


Second, definitely call the dr and tell him what's going on. Ask if he can give your mom meds if you promise to get her to the psych post-haste. It's unfortunate that when your mom canceled the appt she didn't just schedule another one right away. Another option might be to schedule the psych appt and tell the dr that it's scheduled--he can rx for the interim.


Is your mom in denial about her needs?


My heart goes out to you laying tile and dealing with this while Great With Child.


And a word on the chocolate paintball slingshot war--when I was in high school, I did one season of track/field. We had a warm-up that required three girls to run the track while running a pattern around each other tossing a ball or bean bag. My friends and I thought this would be fun to do while running and spitting gummy worms--one girl spits high in the air, and the next girl catches it in her mouth, who then spits it to the next girl, and so on. :D



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And a word on the chocolate paintball slingshot war--when I was in high school, I did one season of track/field. We had a warm-up that required three girls to run the track while running a pattern around each other tossing a ball or bean bag. My friends and I thought this would be fun to do while running and spitting gummy worms--one girl spits high in the air, and the next girl catches it in her mouth, who then spits it to the next girl, and so on. :D






We're gonna need another team!



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And a word on the chocolate paintball slingshot war--when I was in high school, I did one season of track/field. We had a warm-up that required three girls to run the track while running a pattern around each other tossing a ball or bean bag. My friends and I thought this would be fun to do while running and spitting gummy worms--one girl spits high in the air, and the next girl catches it in her mouth, who then spits it to the next girl, and so on. :D



Ok, yer just gross. You'd probably lick the chocolate before slingshotting it. Blech.


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You can be on my team -- I won't insult you -- the jock girls didn't want me on their team either till they saw how I could run and throw. :lol: My fifth grade PE teacher actually told the jock girls that they would be crazy NOT to choose me for their team. :hurray::hurray: So, of course you have to be on my team.


This is what I do: I google whatever I am looking for (really, literally) and then I click on images. SHHHHHHH! It's our secret!;)


WOW... you guys have put WAY more thought into this than I think is healthy....and the sad thing is I've been sitting here reading all these posts about chocolate sling shot wars and analyzing strategies.. what does that say about me? :lol:

Edited by jclinton
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