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How can police officers get away with being a$$es?

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Didn't get a chance to read all the responses, so sorry if I'm being redundant but if no one was injured, it's not a police matter unless an officer witnessed the accident. It's a court and insurance matter. I'm surprised the police even let you go as far as you did. I live in Los Angeles. Cops here would literally laugh in your face if you wanted help regarding a non-injury car accident. It just doesn't happen.


Call both insurance companies, then call a lawyer if you need to sue. It's that simple. This isn't about cops being bad guys, it's about police departments prioritizing the service of their community. Hundreds of non-injury car accidents happen every day in every city. If cops handled every case personally they'd be even more worthless to the community then they already are.


This is where voting for more cops comes into play. Make your statement at the voting booth and with your local representatives. Cops nation-wide are spread more thin than you can imagine. You want them handling non-injury car accidents or violent crimes? You be the judge.


Might I add, my mother and step-father are 25 year veterans of the police department.


:thumbup: :iagree: :thumbup:


Well said! Very well said!!!



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Over here, when you call the police, you talk to a civilian first. We've had problems with teenagers playing extremely loud music from a car in the park behind our house for a month now.


I called the police once, talked to the civilian dispatcher, and was told she couldn't send a patrol car because I didn't give her the exact address where the music came from :confused:. My kids can't sleep because of the loud music and drunken singing. It goes on until 2 am most nights, but the police won't come.


Perhaps it's possible to avoid the civilians and just go to the station and speak to a police officer? Especially since they told you that you were fine giving the info you had?

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Didn't get a chance to read all the responses, so sorry if I'm being redundant but if no one was injured, it's not a police matter unless an officer witnessed the accident. It's a court and insurance matter. I'm surprised the police even let you go as far as you did. I live in Los Angeles. Cops here would literally laugh in your face if you wanted help regarding a non-injury car accident. It just doesn't happen.


Call both insurance companies, then call a lawyer if you need to sue. It's that simple. This isn't about cops being bad guys, it's about police departments prioritizing the service of their community. Hundreds of non-injury car accidents happen every day in every city. If cops handled every case personally they'd be even more worthless to the community then they already are.


This is where voting for more cops comes into play. Make your statement at the voting booth and with your local representatives. Cops nation-wide are spread more thin than you can imagine. You want them handling non-injury car accidents or violent crimes? You be the judge.


Might I add, my mother and step-father are 25 year veterans of the police department.

Depends on where you are at. In So. IL you ALWAYS called the cops. THEY made the reports. Here in PA, you exchange info and move on (FMU)

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In some states you have to have a police report on any accident (if you want the insurance to pay). Of course an "almost" accident doesn't count.....I'm just saying that in some areas, you ARE supposed to get a police report even if there wasn't an injury.

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Coming from the perspective of having had multiple dealings with the police, it's hard to hear people bash them.

For sure, tho, good points about "bad apples" have been made in this thread, and also the point about the subculture--much like the military, isn't it? (not to open a COW or anything...).


I, for one, will continue to tell my daughter that police are there to protect us, do a fabulous job, and are utterly trustworthy, despite other people in our family who believe they are pigs, out to get us, and worthy of nothing but spit.


Talk about black and white.

Thanks for this...I am married to a man who has made his life long career (30 years) as a "cop" now a Captain for a major Police Dept. I have learned to ignore these types of posts

But sometimes it is still unsettling that people think LEO's are supposed to be "perfect".


Should I complain about the nasty plumber I had last week...no I don't think so

Edited by Love2Smile
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I feel like many of you are misunderstanding the situation or my meaning. I live in an area where we are instructed to file police reports even when there are no injuries. There was $1800+ of damage. My children were in the car. Im not so dumb to not know that whiplash-type injuries sometimes show up later. That's why im filing a police report AS I WAS INSTRUCTED TO BY THE POLICE. Every interaction I've had with the police im not taking them away from something else more dire. Im speaking with the people whose job it is to field these questions. If the were so swamped win more important things then he shouldn't have taken so much time to scold me & then talk in circles until I gave up. If I was asking for somehing that they couldn't orwouldn't help me with it could have been handled in a professional manner.


The policemen that I actually know are pretty horrified about how I was treated. As they should be IMO.

I if this were my DH that spoke to people this way I would be embarassed.


Im not surprised that there are people here that think this kind of behavior is ok or can be justified. But its still depressing.


Im on my phone so I know there are many typos.

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I feel like many of you are misunderstanding the situation or my meaning. I live in an area where we are instructed to file police reports even when there are no injuries. There was $1800+ of damage. My children were in the car. Im not so dumb to not know that whiplash-type injuries sometimes show up later. That's why im filing a police report AS I WAS INSTRUCTED TO BY THE POLICE. Every interaction I've had with the police im not taking them away from something else more dire. Im speaking with the people whose job it is to field these questions. If the were so swamped win more important things then he shouldn't have taken so much time to scold me & then talk in circles until I gave up. If I was asking for somehing that they couldn't orwouldn't help me with it could have been handled in a professional manner.


The policemen that I actually know are pretty horrified about how I was treated. As they should be IMO.

I if this were my DH that spoke to people this way I would be embarassed.


Im not surprised that there are people here that think this kind of behavior is ok or can be justified. But its still depressing.


Im on my phone so I know there are many typos.

Someone behaving like a twit isn't ok or justified.


I dislike, intensely, *all* police officers being judged accordingly. Blanket statements/comments being made about all who wear the uniform.


Being disrespectful to the police has become seemingly accepted in society, and it bothers me.


There are jerks in all careers and walks of life. Doesn't mean that everyone is. Its not b/c they're a police officer that they're a jerk. Its b/c of themselves. If they were a tax accountant, they'd still be a jerk.


I guess what I'm attempting to say is that while the individual may not be worthy of respect, it doesn't mean that anyone/everyone in that position isn't.

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OP, I think I derailed the thread when I responded to someone who complained the police did nothing when there was *almost* an accident, and now people are confusing the two stories. $1800+ of damage, in most places, would warrant an officer taking a report on scene. However, I was in an accident once where there was over $1300 of obvious damage, but the officer did an info exchange because it was raining and he didn't want to get wet.


I was sympathizing with you, but I think my response to someone else kind of threw everything off. Sorry. :001_smile:


For future reference, if you have a collision that is significant enough to cause soreness or injury, go ahead and ask for an ambulance to check you out, and the officer will respond as well. You can always decline treatment, but I often erred on the side of sending EMS if there were kids in the car of a rear-ending type of accident.

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Its not b/c they're a police officer that they're a jerk. Its b/c of themselves. If they were a tax accountant, they'd still be a jerk.


Completely disagree with this line of reasoning. If a tax accountant is a jerk to his clients, pretty soon he doesn't have any clients. A police officer can be a jerk to his "clients" all day long, and no one cares.



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Someone behaving like a twit isn't ok or justified.


I dislike, intensely, *all* police officers being judged accordingly. Blanket statements/comments being made about all who wear the uniform.


Being disrespectful to the police has become seemingly accepted in society, and it bothers me.


There are jerks in all careers and walks of life. Doesn't mean that everyone is. Its not b/c they're a police officer that they're a jerk. Its b/c of themselves. If they were a tax accountant, they'd still be a jerk.


I guess what I'm attempting to say is that while the individual may not be worthy of respect, it doesn't mean that anyone/everyone in that position isn't.

This is hard for me to responto on my phone but im going to try. I agree that police shouldn't all be painted wit re same brush. I respect thepolice department very much. I think the difference between the plumber being a jerk and a policeman is I can't just go to a different policeman. Like it or not they are in a service career. I expect them to be professional even to idiots. I don't tthink im settingthe bar too high with that.

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OP, I think I derailed the thread when I responded to someone who complained the police did nothing when there was *almost* an accident, and now people are confusing the two stories. $1800+ of damage, in most places, would warrant an officer taking a report on scene. However, I was in an accident once where there was over $1300 of obvious damage, but the officer did an info exchange because it was raining and he didn't want to get wet.


I was sympathizing with you, but I think my response to someone else kind of threw everything off. Sorry. :001_smile:


For future reference, if you have a collision that is significant enough to cause soreness or injury, go ahead and ask for an ambulance to check you out, and the officer will respond as well. You can always decline treatment, but I often erred on the side of sending EMS if there were kids in the car of a rear-ending type of accident.

Could be. It happens when people don't read carefully. No worries. :)

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I have dealt with a couple out right mean and cruel ones over the years. 1 I reported and did get an apology from. The other I didn't need to report, the other officers at the scene stepped in and dealt with her immediately. I have dealt with a few that were awesome people and very suited for this profession. The rest were somewhere in the middle. The 2 that I first mentioned, 1 called me a criminal and caused bruising on my hands when I had to get fingerprinted as part of a criminal record check because there was someone with the same name/info with a record. The other was screaming obsenities at me and accusing me of murdering my son when he was missing and I had called the police to help search for him.


:001_huh: :grouphug: Wow. Just wow.

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Didn't get a chance to read all the responses, so sorry if I'm being redundant but if no one was injured, it's not a police matter unless an officer witnessed the accident. It's a court and insurance matter. I'm surprised the police even let you go as far as you did. I live in Los Angeles. Cops here would literally laugh in your face if you wanted help regarding a non-injury car accident. It just doesn't happen.


Call both insurance companies, then call a lawyer if you need to sue. It's that simple. This isn't about cops being bad guys, it's about police departments prioritizing the service of their community. Hundreds of non-injury car accidents happen every day in every city. If cops handled every case personally they'd be even more worthless to the community then they already are.


This is where voting for more cops comes into play. Make your statement at the voting booth and with your local representatives. Cops nation-wide are spread more thin than you can imagine. You want them handling non-injury car accidents or violent crimes? You be the judge.


Might I add, my mother and step-father are 25 year veterans of the police department.


In some areas it's a requirement to have an accident report, even in a non injury accident, before the insurance can or will do anything. So yeah, in that case I would want them handling non injury car accidents. It's part of their job.

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Completely disagree with this line of reasoning. If a tax accountant is a jerk to his clients, pretty soon he doesn't have any clients. A police officer can be a jerk to his "clients" all day long, and no one cares.



You misunderstand what I said.


Its NOT the uniform that makes someone a jerk. They'd be a jerk no matter what their career. That's what I was saying.

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