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Can we talk health insurance?

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I was covered under my husbands plan, family insurance was $288. ( keep in mind I am in TX...rates aren't too high compared to other states). And, the employer paid quite a bit of the premium.


Well, we just got notice that the rates will be going up to $800 for family to be covered. I guess like others are doing the employer is not paying premiums anymore. My husband will be covered and the kids will be $240 a month. Adding me on was bringing it to $800 for the family plan.


Not doable. He is a truck driver and that is one weeks pay!


So....I called around and no...I can not afford even single independent coverage.


I am a Christian and am now looking into Christian medical sharing ministries.


Samaritan Ministries, Med-Share.



Does anyone have any experience with these?

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We're in the same boat. My husband can have the kids on his plan for around $350/mo, but to add me it jumps to about $800. It's crazy. I have a policy through Celtic Insurance that's $220/mo but it's really crappy. And I actually don't see a doc when I am sick at all, which is hardly ever. I do see a naturo/hormone specialist but they don't take insurance so I am out of pocket on that anyways. I would love to pay less monthly and just have major coverage with no doc or prescription coverage. I just want the major covered and understand that would come with a high deductible.


BTW, the policy I have was purchased through eHeathInsurance.com. I tried for a new one yesterday but they are soooooooo expensive for crummy coverage.


I am :bigear:.

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We're using the Samaritan Ministries plan. We really like it! I've only had one claim so far, but it was paid like it is supposed to be. There are some things that won't be covered, so be sure to read the full package.


I like the whole idea of it too. It feels different to send a check directly to someone who needs it with a note of encouragement. They also give you a brief description of why they are in need so that you can pray for them. It feels more like I'm blessing someone else, than it does just paying a bill. It is more meaningful than just sending a check to an insurance company.


Also, before I joined, I did in internet search. There were other Christian sharing plans that had trouble and bad articles written about them. Samaritan was clean. It is different and less vulnerable to embezzlement because you send the check directly to the one who needs it, rather than to a central company to distribute it.


ETA: We only pay $300 per month for the best plan they have with the accident plan as well. This is SO much better than the $750 we were paying with insurance.

Edited by lovelaughs_times_three
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That's exactly what I like about it. I would rather help another Christian in need rather than pay some CEO with my monthly payments.


I just wish they covered mammograms and pap smears. I guess in the long run I would still be saving money compared to insurance premiums.









We're using the Samaritan Ministries plan. We really like it! I've only had one claim so far, but it was paid like it is supposed to be. There are some things that won't be covered, so be sure to read the full package.


I like the whole idea of it too. It feels different to send a check directly to someone who needs it with a note of encouragement. They also give you a brief description of why they are in need so that you can pray for them. It feels more like I'm blessing someone else, than it does just paying a bill. It is more meaningful than just sending a check to an insurance company.


Also, before I joined, I did in internet search. There were other Christian sharing plans that had trouble and bad articles written about them. Samaritan was clean. It is different and less vulnerable to embezzlement because you send the check directly to the one who needs it, rather than to a central company to distribute it.


ETA: We only pay $300 per month for the best plan they have with the accident plan as well. This is SO much better than the $750 we were paying with insurance.

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That's exactly what I like about it. I would rather help another Christian in need rather than pay some CEO with my monthly payments.


I just wish they covered mammograms and pap smears. I guess in the long run I would still be saving money compared to insurance premiums.



That's exactly how I see it. We were paying almost $800 a month for our health insurance, but we had such a high deductible ($5,000 per person) that we were still paying for all our medical bills too! We rarely got over that $5,000 hump! So we were paying our $750 a month PLUS all the bills!!! Samaritan at least covers us if a bill/incident is over $300.


When I add up all the money I was just throwing out the window at the insurance company, I come out WAY ahead to cover my own mammograms/pap smears/ etc.!

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I find reading about these kinds of situations so upsetting.


How on earth is the average family supposed to manage such high premiums?


I think it's done on purpose. If we did this I would have to get a job to pay for the insurance which means I would be paying taxes and the government would get more money , lol. Conspiracy I say!!! lol




Really, it's just sad and so hard to be a one income family so that we can educate our children

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I'm getting nervous too. Our insurance rates should be coming in the mail soon. So far, my dh's employer has been very generous, even though we can still only afford the high-deductible plan. BUT, I can see that premiums are rising for everyone.



Seems to be more and more common

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I was covered under my husbands plan, family insurance was $288. ( keep in mind I am in TX...rates aren't too high compared to other states). And, the employer paid quite a bit of the premium.


Well, we just got notice that the rates will be going up to $800 for family to be covered. I guess like others are doing the employer is not paying premiums anymore. My husband will be covered and the kids will be $240 a month. Adding me on was bringing it to $800 for the family plan.


Not doable. He is a truck driver and that is one weeks pay!


So....I called around and no...I can not afford even single independent coverage.


I am a Christian and am now looking into Christian medical sharing ministries.


Samaritan Ministries, Med-Share.



Does anyone have any experience with these?


My first suggestion is to review all the options your DH has regarding the type of coverage he opts to go with. Most employers who offer health insurance do it as part of a 'cafeteria plan' where more than one policy type is offered.


Compare apples to apples!


For your DH and children, coverage will cost (pre-tax) $240 per month, so $2,880 per year for him and the kids.


Adding you on increases that to $800 (pre-tax), so total cost of covering the entire family is $9,600 a year - expensive, yes, but compared to the average cost for a family plan, it's less than the norm. You cost the most since you're a female of child-bearing age - your cost is directly related to the *risk* you'll get pregnant and utilize services for having a child. Not fair, I know, but DH's company pays all premiums for employees, so I see the rates each year for renewal and it's the women of child-bearing age who cost the most for premiums.


You being added to the plan is going to cost $6,270 a year (pre-tax) - given your pre-existing condition, how much healthcare will you utilize over the course of the year paying without insurance - your doctor visits, labs, prescriptions, etc?


Now a couple of things - while $6,270 is A LOT OF MONEY - it is pre-tax - so you'll want to do some math to figure out how that expense being pre-tax effects the taxes you'll pay.....it isn't going to make them go down by much, but it may actually take you down a bracket, so factor in the difference in what you pay now with what you'll pay with the plan. For example, the premiums paid pre-tax may bring your tax burden down by, say hypothetically, $2000....so now you're costing, really, $355 a month - can you find comparable insurance for that on the private market?


Then, what to do?


Look to see if there is a high-deductible plan and and HSA....that may be a reasonable option for you to consider if overall your utilization of services, as a family, is less than your premiums - that way you can sock away money into the HSA to pay for medical expenses. The other option is if they have an HSA option on the plan he's offered, that CAN be used for your medical expenses even if you are NOT on the insurance plan he has! If you were to go that route, you then could seek a catastrophic plan only and use the HSA money to pay your routine medical expenses (HSA is pre-tax money also).

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When dh QUIT his job, we had to get insurance on our own. I got a policy through http://www.eHealthInsurance.com. Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield is the carrier. We started out paying $320 for the family per month (2 adults, 2 kids). After 3 years, we are paying about $450 per month. The deductible is $1000 or $500 (can't remember at the moment), and we get three office visits each per year that we pay only the copay, the rest we have to meet the deductible, etc.

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Giving this a little bump.


I read through the Samaritan website and like what I see. I also am hypothyroid and I see a naturopath so it doesn't go through insurance. I have slightly elevated blood pressure too. I have applied for a new policy through ehealthinsurance but I think I will be denied.


Why not think of this Samaritan thing as paying out of pocket for small everyday expenses yourself, but if something really major happened then you would have the payment help. What is the downside?


But, in light of Joanne's thread (:crying:) would someone needing a specialist or to be admitted to the hospital be treated as uninsured and therefore refused treatment?:confused:

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Giving this a little bump.


I read through the Samaritan website and like what I see. I also am hypothyroid and I see a naturopath so it doesn't go through insurance. I have slightly elevated blood pressure too. I have applied for a new policy through ehealthinsurance but I think I will be denied.


Why not think of this Samaritan thing as paying out of pocket for small everyday expenses yourself, but if something really major happened then you would have the payment help. What is the downside?


But, in light of Joanne's thread (:crying:) would someone needing a specialist or to be admitted to the hospital be treated as uninsured and therefore refused treatment?:confused:


You have to pay your bills yourself and then are reimbursed. Joanne's dh isn't being denied care because he is uninsured - he is being denied care because he can't pay for his care up front (there is a difference.) So, if you can pay cash for your care and then wait to be reimbursed, it should work out.

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IMHO the problem with Samaritan Ministries is that it is not health insurance and there is no guarantee of coverage. Also, you not be able to get the discounted, contracted rates for services that you would get with health insurance if I am not mistaken which are a substantial savings as well.


I would do everything possible to have health insurance since as a nurse I took care of many, many people who were healthy one day and critical the next:( I would check to see if you are eligible for any low income health insurance plans in your state. I would check every avenue.:grouphug:

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Also, I hate to be a little black raincloud, but you will not qualify for Samaritan Ministries if you have a pre-existing condition AT ALL. Any pre-existing condition will disqualify your whole family from participating. IMHO, they are not so much a ministry as an alternative to traditional health insurance for healthy people (which as we all know is frequently just luck of the genes).

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Seems to be more and more common


Health insurance rates have been rising dramatically every year for several decades now. On top of that the plans have been getting worse for decades as well in terms of coverage. I know since my hospital employers told of how the insurance companies would raise the rates 20 to 50% every single year starting about 20 some years ago. Plus our plans would get worse and worse every single year. This problem is not new and this is why we need medicare for all IMHO. The Affordable Health Care Act is the next best thing and will offer more choices when it becomes fully enacted.

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Our insurance premiums went up 75% after it was passed BECAUSE of the bill (according to the letter sent out by the insurance company). The bill never addressed the increased cost of "medical services". It just wants to give out freebies to people at others expense. The insurance companies aren't going to eat those costs! They will (and are) passing them on to us.


The costs of medical care are increasing so much because all these "hands" are in the pie distorting the real costs. I have to go through an insurance company or the government to find out what a medical procedure costs! Really! And they don't think that adds to the costs! Of course it does. How can the real consumer (us) keep control of our costs.


IMHO, the government should get out of the healthcare business. So should the insurance companies! Pay for what you get, and get insurance for big time things. (like auto insurance).


Ugh. What is our healthcare system going to look like when I am old. I fear the worst!

Hot Lava Mama

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Our insurance premiums went up 75% after it was passed BECAUSE of the bill (according to the letter sent out by the insurance company). The bill never addressed the increased cost of "medical services". It just wants to give out freebies to people at others expense. The insurance companies aren't going to eat those costs! They will (and are) passing them on to us.


The costs of medical care are increasing so much because all these "hands" are in the pie distorting the real costs. I have to go through an insurance company or the government to find out what a medical procedure costs! Really! And they don't think that adds to the costs! Of course it does. How can the real consumer (us) keep control of our costs.


IMHO, the government should get out of the healthcare business. So should the insurance companies! Pay for what you get, and get insurance for big time things. (like auto insurance).


Ugh. What is our healthcare system going to look like when I am old. I fear the worst!

Hot Lava Mama


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IMHO the problem with Samaritan Ministries is that it is not health insurance and there is no guarantee of coverage. Also, you not be able to get the discounted, contracted rates for services that you would get with health insurance if I am not mistaken which are a substantial savings as well.


I would do everything possible to have health insurance since as a nurse I took care of many, many people who were healthy one day and critical the next:( I would check to see if you are eligible for any low income health insurance plans in your state. I would check every avenue.:grouphug:


You are right that there is no guarantee of coverage, however, they have been around for over 10 years (maybe longer) and no one has ever had that problem.


As far as the discounted rates, you are right about that as well. But, I have had many, many doctors and medical businesses give me the same or a better discount to help me out if I asked if they could.

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We just got notice that our premiums are going up, but thankfully my employer is still absorbing most of the increase. It will only mean another $30 per month for the family plan...at least until next year. Where I worked several years ago it would have been $800+ for my family to be on the plan, so I definitely know where you're coming from.

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My hubby is self-employed and we have a high deductible health plan with an HSA for 2 adults, 2 kids. The premiums started very low but have now crept up to about $450 per month. We pay for all our care (fairly healthy bunch, fortunately), but have something in place "just in case".


The health plan does "deals" with the provider, which drops the cost down some even though they don't actually pay anything. A great benefit to us, of course, but I have never really understood that - I agree with a PP that insurance & government should stay out of it. Why should it cost less (sometimes significantly less) for me to say "I'm with ABC provider but they won't pay anything so I'm paying cash" instead of just "I'm paying cash"?? Seems like it should be the other way around.


The only part I actually agreed with on the new health stuff was the elimination of pre-existing conditions issues (since I know lots of ppl with this problem). Doesn't that do anything for you?

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