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How did your first day back go?

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I know that several people had posted that they were starting back today, so I was just wondering how it went.


I think I did pretty good today. I didn't lose it until the last subject with the youngers. After a trying day with them that included bad attitude and tears all.day.long. from one of them, I just couldn't handle the "I don't want to try to read the words I've been reading all summer long so I will just guess" that one twin was doing. I lasted 2 of his 10 pages before I sent him away. Mommy was done! The oldest is still working. :glare:

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We actually started back last Thursday. Things have gone very well. DS is getting done with his work a lot faster than the past two years. Maturity does have advantages :). We are getting done so much quicker that I have looked several times to see if I am missing something crucial from my curriculum. :confused:

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There was good news and bad news today.:glare: My 4th grader is zipping through his work and may catch up and pass my 8th grader in some subjects. But he whined ALL DAY because his brothers weren't taking school seriously! My 8th grader did well overall but I wish he would get some initiative. My 4yo has decided that she knows how to color and so she doesn't need to do it ever again.


The biggest heartbreak today was doing math with my 3rd grader and realizing he can't do subtraction unless he uses manipulatives or draws dots on his paper. So now I really think I need to go back to first grade math for him or at least go back to 2-1=1.


And finally, I had a near riot when my children realized that we were going to do science but not do an experiments. Truthfully, it never crossed my mind because we are doing biology and I have no idea what kind of experiments to do.

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We started back this morning (after taking 6 weeks off). It went surprisingly well. The three younger ones finished by lunch time (we still have some other subjects to add in, but wanted to start off a bit more slowly). My oldest finished shortly after lunch (but three of her subjects are being done at co-ops which don't start until later this month). Everyone had okay attitudes, but I did notice that my 2nd grader had a hard time getting her brain back into "math mode!"

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Ours went really really well. The girls had good attitudes all day long. DD7 got a little frustrated over her art. She thought it wasn't good enough :) We will work on it. But all of her other work went well. We didn't jump right into everything today. We still need to add in math and spelling tomorrow. But I am happy with our start. It was kind of a slow continuation of most things. Not much new today since we are still finishing a few things from last year. But we did start their english books and will start math and spelling workbooks tomorrow.

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I think it went very well! My 3 year old was SOOOO excited to start school, she was in her desk, ready to go before I was! She is doing letter of the week from Brightly Beaming Resources. Day 1 was a success!


DS5 balked a little at starting back to school. He wants another month off. We started everything except Classical Conversations. Handwriting was the only struggle. He did more math that what was planned, and did it quickly! We did have some issues with Grammar. I think I am going to switch programs. :confused: A friend raved about Shurley English, and I liked the look of it on the website. I love the idea of how it is done; but I think it is too scripted for me. Everything is in my manual and his book has very little. It is not arranged by chapters, but by exercises, jingles, vocabulary, and tests. It is too much prep for me. Rod and Staff looks like a MUCH better fit for both of us! He did not like the jingles :tongue_smilie:.


Here is my blog, with some pictures of our first day! I have had a blog for 2 years...only minimal entries so I used today's to summarize last year and our first day. It is still short, but I hope to blog more regularly to document our journey.

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I am taking it one day at a time!


Some days are really good and then others well school takes all day! I am trying to get my ds to realize that he can be done with school early if he wants to. He digs in and decides not to do it and sits at the table all day. The other day he sat at the table for 5 hrs over 15min worth of school work. :ack2:


I told him that he will have to do this and there is no getting out of doing it. After that day and that talk it has been a lot better. I am adding a couple extra things a week until we are at full force. He was kind of upset about the extra work, but it went smoothly and quickly.

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We sat at that stinkin' table from 9:30-4:45 and still didn't finish.


I yelled, one son cried....I looked up the documentation needed to enroll the kids in school in 3 weeks and threatened.


It was NOT a good day.



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We sat at that stinkin' table from 9:30-4:45 and still didn't finish.


I yelled, one son cried....I looked up the documentation needed to enroll the kids in school in 3 weeks and threatened.


It was NOT a good day.




:grouphug: I'm so sorry...praying that tomorrow is a much better day!

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We sat at that stinkin' table from 9:30-4:45 and still didn't finish.


I yelled, one son cried....I looked up the documentation needed to enroll the kids in school in 3 weeks and threatened.


It was NOT a good day.




I know the pain. We actually managed to finish but it took way longer than it should have. Now on the wonderful second day, we already have an unexpected interruption to the schedule care of having to take the dog to the vet at 11.

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