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Could this board (and the internet) be doing me more harm than good?

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Just musing out loud, feel free to ignore my ranting...


I am convinced I have undiagnosed adult ADD, and I am worried that this and other message boards (and FB) are really making it much worse. I come here for an answer to a question -- and don't get me wrong, this is an incredibly useful resource for answering questions -- and I get sucked in. My anxiety level goes up several notches thinking about the potentially useful threads I haven't noticed. I start wondering about ALL THE INFORMATION out there that I haven't found yet. I jump from idea to idea and drive myself nuts.


For example: Oh! I want to work on a schedule for MCT Island! Didn't someone say that Satori's mom had one? Let's look... Oh, wait! Look! Someone is talking about chore charts! I really have to figure that out! Should I put our chores in HST+ or elsewhere? Wait! Maybe I should go through and figure out if I should be using HST+ at all! We have a Mac so I can only use it on the computer that has Virtual PC installed -- hang on, didn't DH promise to bring home Virtual PC for the laptop? Let's go email him... Uh oh, they emailed me my new AT&T bill. Better pay that. But hang on, it's annoying that I get some bills emailed and others by paper... I really must figure out our financial system once and for all. Maybe I should go research financial apps for the iPhone or iPad. Oh, yeah! Back to chores! There are apps for that! But shouldn't I be doing laundry or dishes?


You get the idea. I'm kind of wondering if any of you ever consider just getting off the internet altogether. On the one hand I LOVE it, and I do think many of the organizational tools are great, but is it just adding to my problems in the end?


Thanks for listening. Feel free to ignore me if this is too nutty...

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Just musing out loud, feel free to ignore my ranting...


I am convinced I have undiagnosed adult ADD, and I am worried that this and other message boards (and FB) are really making it much worse. I come here for an answer to a question -- and don't get me wrong, this is an incredibly useful resource for answering questions -- and I get sucked in. My anxiety level goes up several notches thinking about the potentially useful threads I haven't noticed. I start wondering about ALL THE INFORMATION out there that I haven't found yet. I jump from idea to idea and drive myself nuts.


For example: Oh! I want to work on a schedule for MCT Island! Didn't someone say that Satori's mom had one? Let's look... Oh, wait! Look! Someone is talking about chore charts! I really have to figure that out! Should I put our chores in HST+ or elsewhere? Wait! Maybe I should go through and figure out if I should be using HST+ at all! We have a Mac so I can only use it on the computer that has Virtual PC installed -- hang on, didn't DH promise to bring home Virtual PC for the laptop? Let's go email him... Uh oh, they emailed me my new AT&T bill. Better pay that. But hang on, it's annoying that I get some bills emailed and others by paper... I really must figure out our financial system once and for all. Maybe I should go research financial apps for the iPhone or iPad. Oh, yeah! Back to chores! There are apps for that! But shouldn't I be doing laundry or dishes?


You get the idea. I'm kind of wondering if any of you ever consider just getting off the internet altogether. On the one hand I LOVE it, and I do think many of the organizational tools are great, but is it just adding to my problems in the end?


Thanks for listening. Feel free to ignore me if this is too nutty...


:grouphug: Not nutty at all!! I feel the same way sometimes.


I try to limit my internet time to when I have my first cup of coffee in the morning. I have also used a list of what I need to research and a timer if I have to get back on any other time of day......like when it's 3pm and I just remembered that I need to pay the electric bill that I got on the internet to pay at lunch time but then DS asked me a "what does ____ mean/do?" question that I didn't know the answer for so I researched that instead of paying the electric bill!! :lol:

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I don't have ADD and find myself being sucked in by the internet. It goes in phases for me...when I am stressed more, I am on the internet more because it is mindless. Overall, though, I think the information, support, and goods I receive via the internet outweigh the time wasted. And let's face it - life is complex and difficult at times, and this place is good for a laugh. ;) That in and of itself is valuable.

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Just musing out loud, feel free to ignore my ranting...


I am convinced I have undiagnosed adult ADD, and I am worried that this and other message boards (and FB) are really making it much worse. I come here for an answer to a question -- and don't get me wrong, this is an incredibly useful resource for answering questions -- and I get sucked in. My anxiety level goes up several notches thinking about the potentially useful threads I haven't noticed. I start wondering about ALL THE INFORMATION out there that I haven't found yet. I jump from idea to idea and drive myself nuts.


For example: Oh! I want to work on a schedule for MCT Island! Didn't someone say that Satori's mom had one? Let's look... Oh, wait! Look! Someone is talking about chore charts! I really have to figure that out! Should I put our chores in HST+ or elsewhere? Wait! Maybe I should go through and figure out if I should be using HST+ at all! We have a Mac so I can only use it on the computer that has Virtual PC installed -- hang on, didn't DH promise to bring home Virtual PC for the laptop? Let's go email him... Uh oh, they emailed me my new AT&T bill. Better pay that. But hang on, it's annoying that I get some bills emailed and others by paper... I really must figure out our financial system once and for all. Maybe I should go research financial apps for the iPhone or iPad. Oh, yeah! Back to chores! There are apps for that! But shouldn't I be doing laundry or dishes?


You get the idea. I'm kind of wondering if any of you ever consider just getting off the internet altogether. On the one hand I LOVE it, and I do think many of the organizational tools are great, but is it just adding to my problems in the end?


Thanks for listening. Feel free to ignore me if this is too nutty...



First bolded quote is EXACTLY me, to the point that it causes me anxiety. It's like I can't move forward with a decision before researching it fully on the internet, and can you ever FULLY research something?! NO!


I was always an information junkie, long before the internet came along, and always had to be reading something. I would read the backs of jars and boxes while cooking, the shampoo bottle while washing my hair, etc. Now, if I have a down moment, I open my laptop, which leads to a wasted hour, or longer, at times.


I don't think I could ever completely get off the internet, because of the super useful stuff, but I really want to do better at limiting my time. I think that could start with shutting my laptop off, instead of just letting it sleep.

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I have the same issue. (I'm on my phone right now, taking a momentary break from laundry and kitchen cleaning while the dishwasher lets the steam out)


I realized this morning that a large part of my scatteredness is that I have 6 of what other people do as a full time occupation. Even without outside labor, as homeschoolers we have at least two.


Part of the draw, for me at least, is having some "down time" that is still productive in one of those areas. You know? And being in social contact with others adults, which I have limited time for in person.




Oh, but before I forget. There are HST+ schedule files on the MCT yahoo group. :D

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I treat myself like my kid. I usually set my timer for 15-20 minutes and then go off and do something else. Notes are made in an always open Word document so when I have baby-free time I can go back and do research, pay bills, etc.


Routines are super helpful for me. I am a bit scatterbrained but if I can do the same thing at the same time every day, I feel better. Mornings are : start laundry, empty dishwasher, get cup of coffee, internet until The Kid is up. It really helps.

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Guest momk2000

I have actually requested to have my registration to the boards cancelled, hoping this would help with my addiction. They must be pretty busy, because I haven't heard anything back and I'm still here. :001_huh:

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I treat myself like my kid. I usually set my timer for 15-20 minutes and then go off and do something else. Notes are made in an always open Word document so when I have baby-free time I can go back and do research, pay bills, etc.


Routines are super helpful for me. I am a bit scatterbrained but if I can do the same thing at the same time every day, I feel better. Mornings are : start laundry, empty dishwasher, get cup of coffee, internet until The Kid is up. It really helps.


I agree, routines are my ticket out of this predicament.


Speaking of, better get to it...

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I understand! The internet is brilliant and wonderful but also maddening. If I wasn't ADD before, I certainly am now :tongue_smilie:


I found with 9 months off-line last year, that I just found other ways to occupy by ADD-ness...reading one book after another, watching more TV...sigh. It did simplify things, though.

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I'm currently reading a very interesting book on this very topic that may interest you. It's called The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains. I find myself agreeing with a lot that is said and have learned quite a bit. A good portion of it is more than I ever wanted to know about brain function (not my area of interest at the moment) but I think it's been a worthwhile read. Definitely given me a lot of food for thought. I'm not done yet so I'm not sure how it all ends so I stopped by here instead. :001_huh::lol:

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