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Hair loss after pregnancy

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If you lost hair after you had your baby/babies..when did it start/stop?

Mine started about 3 weeks ago(he's 10/11 weeks now) and is showing no signs of stopping. I'm scared I'm going to go bald!


I don't think I have a thyroid issue because I don't have any symptoms besides losing my hair, but I haven't had it checked either.


I'm really starting to panic! Help!

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I didn't have this happen until Baby #5... and then when it did, it was very dramatic (and disturbing!!!) I think it started around 3-4 months post-partum. It lasted until he was 10 months or so... I'd say that's about when it started growing back in. While it was the thinnest, I could not wear my hair back in a ponytail b/c the thin spots were so obvious. You could totally see my scalp. I got really creative with barrettes and just wore it down a lot. I was worried it was my new normal.


Now (at 18 months PP) it is thicker than it has *ever* been. I would bet your hair loss is just a hormonal thing. Bear with it, it won't be forever!

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With Digby it started at 4 months pp and I'm not exactly sure when it stopped. I got pregnant again when he was 11 months, so it grew in nice and think. With baby girl Chuck, it started at about 3 months pp and is slowly getting better at 5 months pp. I think it'll still be going for another month or two. And yes, I always worry about going bald too. And hate the annoying angel wings as the hair grows back. Oh well, pregnancy and babies do such strange things to the body, this one isn't *so* bad compared to some others.

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I've had 4 kids and it freaked me out every single time. I was convinced every time I'd go completely bald. It usually started around 3 months, and tapered off between 6 and 9 months. I also avoided pulling my hair back in pony-tails or clips because I felt like it looked so bad. And then it would start growing back with all these baby hairs sticking up everywhere. And just about the time I felt like my hair looked normal again, I'd get pregnant and start the whole process all over...

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With my first baby, I had zero hair loss....so after our second in January, I sort of expected the same, no hair loss - except this time, boy I sometimes think I'm going bald, I'm losing that much hair! I'm not really, but it seems like it's just coming out by the handful, daily, all the time! The hair loss started about a month ago, so about five months post-partum, and is just starting to seem like it's slowing down a bit.

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I lose hair from 3-4 months postpartum until at least 12 months :/ with every child. I'm always amazed that I have hair left, but it never actually looks like I'm going bald. I usually chop it all off so as to deal with less mess.

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I always wondered if it was the prenatal vitamins as much as the hormones that gave me such wonderfully think hair.?


I cannot remember the exact time that the hair loss (in clumps) began and stopped, but it definitely was shocking.


Almost as shocking as when nursing stopped and I lost the only "breasts" I had ever had. Sure do miss those days :glare:.

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With my first two babies, the hair loss started at about 4-5 months postpartum; I don't really remember it happening much with my third baby.


With the baby I just had a couple of weeks ago, I wish it would hurry up and start falling out soon! I really noticed the thickness this pregnancy, and even though it's straight and fairly well-behaved, especially in this heat, it is tangling something crazy. (It's also well past my waist, so it is currently a LOT of hair.)

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