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Reading books on a device....or not.

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Okay, I really want to read a certain few books (non-fiction; specific topic). I noticed they are several dollars cheaper (not to mention immediate) if I get them on Kindle which will allow me to read them on my laptop or my phone. But I'm afraid of spending the money and not ending up reading the book (and I really need the information).


Were any of you hesitant to use a device to read a book and end up loving it? Were any of you hesitant to use a device to read a book and ended up finding out that you were right in that it just wasn't for you?


I realize everyone's mileage may vary, but I'd love some experiences.

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I don't have Kindle, I have a PDA. I love it. I read in bed and when the book falls out of my hand the light shuts off automatically so I don't get woken up shortly by the light. It saves my place so I don't end up thumbing through wondering where I was because I dropped the bookmark.

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Hesitant to try it, but now love it. That's me.


I'm using my iPhone. I didn't think I would like reading a book on the small screen; but the convenience of having a book in my purse at all times far outweighs any disadvantages. Plus, it's so lightweight. Plus, you don't have to hold the page open. You can set it down and read while you're holding a hamburger in one hand and a fry in the other. Plus, you can read in bed with the lights out, and when you can't stay awake another second, you don't have to get up and turn the light off.


Really, it's wonderful.

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Big time! I love books. I love turning pages, looking at them holding the. I just couldn't imagine reading on an e-reader. Then I started putting books on my iPhone. They are with me everywhere, at the doctor's office, while I'm waiting for my dd at gymnastics, everywhere. I have gotten so used to reading on my phone, iPad and computer, that I now prefer it.

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I love my Kindle for reading fiction and for reading NF that I do not want to study.


It just drives me nuts not to have a real book for NF that I want to absorb -- what if I want to underline something, write in the book, bookmark the pages -- doing that electronically on the Kindle is not the same.


I have the cover with the booklight on it, so I can read in the dark (in bed, in the car, when the power goes out).


It fits in my purse and goes with me everywhere. The one time I didn't take it because I wouldn't need it, I ended up waiting in the car for DS1 for 15 minutes.


There are so many free books -- I get the lastest offerings from the Kindle message boards on Amazon -- that I rarely pay for a book. Right now I have over 150 free books that are of interest to either me or my kids. I haven't read all of them yet. I read 2-3 books a week, and I've only had two duds ... which simply deleted from Kindle after it became obvious that reading them was a waste of time.


I read DTBs (dead tree books), but not very often. Usually, DH has bought a book that I want to read -- he doesn't like electronic reading devices.

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It sounds great so far.


Does your answer go for fiction and non-fiction? I am unable to read fiction anymore (as some of you may remember) and I quit even trying (it's been 5 years; so I figure I'm just done). I have read scripture (daily reading) on my phone as well as a daily devotional type thing (JWs call it the Daily Text). I don't study scripture or otherwise on it though.


So no novels for me. Chapters of the Bible are hard enough!


But the dictionary feature could be nice sometimes. And definitely the ability to look up something specific....


I could try. One book probably won't break me financially I guess.


Is it easy to download onto computer and move to iphone or vice versa?

Edited by 2J5M9K
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Are we talking about reading on an actual Kindle? Just wondering since you asked about moving it to an iPhone.


Searching is a huge benefit, and I don't mind highlighting, bookmarking, and such in most books on the Kindle. I love having the list of bookmarks and highlights that I can scroll through and find topics I consider relevant, then go directly to them. The only problem I've had with reading on the Kindle is with pure reference books (or books I use purely as reference books), like TWTM or an encyclopedia-type work. In that case for some reason I prefer a physical book to page through, bookmark, highlight, circle, etc. More "thinking material" nonfiction, like Charlotte Mason's series or philosophy (things that make you say "Wow!" and then put the book down to think), are awesome on the Kindle for the reasons above. I guess the difference might be reading through vs using as a quick reference.

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I have a Nook. I thought I would use it during nap time while waiting for the younger ones to drift off, but you actually can't use it in low light situations (should of gotten the color version).


I haven't used it. Its just kinda impractical for me right now. I was so psyched, but then since I am so cheap I just prefer my library books that i can read at the breakfast table.

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Sun, I'd be using it on my laptop or iPhone....


The book, right now, is more like TWTM though I expect to have some emotional moments on top of aha! moments.


It's definitely a book I think I'd like to highlight and "flip" back through. I'll probably read it front to back first (and possibly in the future), but will use as reference semi-regularly also.

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I have a kindle and I don't quite get it. Yes you can mark passages and save notes but you can't flip through and skim pages the same way as a book to find new things. It seems one has to go about it in a more orderly manner and that misses something. I like using it for bedtime reading but I got all the way through a book before I realized there was info in the back I would have liked in the beginning.

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Did you know you can sample kindle books before you buy them? I'd get the sample first and see how you like reading on a device. (If you've already downloaded and registered the software to your phone/computer, when you're on the amazon page for the book it should let you send a sample to one if the devices.)


From any device, it's very easy to access the books you've purchased - just click on archived books and then the book you want. It will download to your device and will sync with other devices, so will open up to the page where you last were.


As far as I know, there isn't a way to print your notes or anything else.


For general non-fiction, I enjoy reading on the kindle, but for reference books and books that you would like to be able to flip through, the physical book is probably better. (You can search, and many books have a linked table of contents, but it's still not the same.)


Sun, I'd be using it on my laptop or iPhone....


The book, right now, is more like TWTM though I expect to have some emotional moments on top of aha! moments.


It's definitely a book I think I'd like to highlight and "flip" back through. I'll probably read it front to back first (and possibly in the future), but will use as reference semi-regularly also.

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From any device, it's very easy to access the books you've purchased - just click on archived books and then the book you want. It will download to your device and will sync with other devices, so will open up to the page where you last were.


Thank you! I've had trouble keeping track of what is on my laptop vs what is on my ipod, and was looking for a way to do this!


On the OP, I've put a few books on my ipod and others on my laptop, and use it some but still prefer paper books. I'm most likely to use it when a paper book would be inconvenient or I don't want one more thing to carry, but I miss being able to flip around.

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Kindle is more easy to read on than a real book. No pages to keep open or bend back to keep out of the way, it never flops closed. I like how it has a dictionary feature if I don't know the exact meaning of a word. Two thumbs up.




Love mine. Wish more was available on it.

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I've a kindle app on my phone. I read Wuthering Heights on it. I haven't read anything else with it. It wasn't a bad experience, just not better than a book.


I've read lots of actual books since then.


Maybe if I got rid of all my actual books and the kindle app was the only thing I could read I'd read more from the kindle app.

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Thanks y'all.


So I first downloaded the sample last night just to get a feel for it.

I liked it well enough. And it was nice as I was trying to deal with kiddos.

And nice to run out and tell hubby a part.


Oh, I was a little worried about being able to find information again to show hubby but it wasn't bad. Just as I'm able to picture where it is on a page and the page in relation to others, I was able to do similarly with the app. It's not perfect, obviously because there are MANY more pages, but it was good still.


Anyway, so I went ahead and got the book. I've already read a good bit of it. I could do it while standing in the hall supervising children. I could do it in bed (which is nice because I can't turn on a light as we have a baby in our room). I could take it to the bathroom.


I do think I'll probably want a copy of this particular book (Beyond Consequences, Logic and Control). Though part of that may be that I haven't figured out how to highlight things on my phone. That may be enough. I don't know. I can definitely see this would be fine for some of the other things I've been working on (Teach Like a Champion, for example).


Anyway, so I think it may work for me. I definitely can see how it'd be even better for a novel. Maybe I'll address that issue another year :)

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I've a kindle app on my phone. I read Wuthering Heights on it. I haven't read anything else with it. It wasn't a bad experience, just not better than a book.


I've read lots of actual books since then.


Maybe if I got rid of all my actual books and the kindle app was the only thing I could read I'd read more from the kindle app.


Kindle app is not equal to the kindle by FAR. Just throwing that out there.


It's almost impossible for me to read anything from my phone. If I did not have the actual kindle, no way would I be reading any kindle books. I tried on my PC (which has a rather nice screen).


There's nothing else out there with a screen like the kindle. You have to get your hands on one to believe it.

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I got a Kindle a little over a month ago for my birthday. It is definitely well worth the money! With a little one I don't always have time to read a real book -or the energy to, for that matter, when it comes to having to set it down over and over and refind my place while hoping the pages aren't getting torn from Mr. Grubby Fingers. Turn it on and I'm right there, and it slips right into the diaper bag when I'm done. Anyhow, I thought I would hate E-readers until I got my hands on one and then I fell in love. This weekend we went to Florence and I was able to go back and forth between the guidebook I downloaded (free!) and a book of legends about the various areas (free!). Instead of paying for an audio tour that the kid would get little use out of I told him stories that would stick and give him more of a reference of that time period. It made looking at tombs and paintings a little less boring for him. :lol:

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