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Did anyone end up doing the Hogwarts Summer School?

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The kids just got their invitations to participate via owl mail yesterday! Today they finished their applications.


This year the kids will be taking 7 courses.

Defense against the dark arts - How to use a compass

Quillwork - Illuminated Letters

Muggle Studies - by guest lectures Mr and Mrs Weasley focusing on Egyptian cooking

Care of Magical Creatures - Shells

Wizarding Studies - Famous wizarding mysteries

Potions - Dancing mothballs and coal flowers

Also Gringlotts will be teaching the kids about money (both wizard and muggle) and will include a field trip to the credit union to open a back account.

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The what?! I never heard of it. What's it about?


It looks like you make it up as you go, like this person:


The kids just got their invitations to participate via owl mail yesterday! Today they finished their applications.


This year the kids will be taking 7 courses.

Defense against the dark arts - How to use a compass

Quillwork - Illuminated Letters

Muggle Studies - by guest lectures Mr and Mrs Weasley focusing on Egyptian cooking

Care of Magical Creatures - Shells

Wizarding Studies - Famous wizarding mysteries

Potions - Dancing mothballs and coal flowers

Also Gringlotts will be teaching the kids about money (both wizard and muggle) and will include a field trip to the credit union to open a back account.



That's very clever! I wish I'd known about it before now. We start regular school on Aug 1, so there's no time to pull something like this together. I hope my kids are as rabid about HP next summer!

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:lol: Sorry. I wasn't being intentionally vague! PPs have directed you in the right direction to the Yahoo group.


I just can't believe how fast this summer is flying by. I was hoping to do the Hogwarts Summer starting at the beginning July. I'm going to aim for the beginning of August before we start our Ancients studies in the fall.


Thanks, derbygirl, your schedule looks awesome :thumbup:.

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I have been doing this for years. This summer is the first we didn't do it.


There is only the yahoo group and all the stuff that comes with it. I never actually participated in the groups, just got ideas.


I have to say that it is easier with a friend. We switched off activities. We have parchment paper for the printer and we use a Hogwarts crest etc. My friend and I discovered we each have teachers we do better with. I write great Dumbldore and Snape letters. She rocks Hagrid and Mcgonagall.


We have done potions (chemistry and some cooking), charms (latin), herbology, Care of Magical Creatures... I think that is it.


My friend is so, so gifted and she carved some sticks from her property and we let the kids pick a wand.


Oh, last year she orgainzed a quidditch for muggles game. That was EPIC!


We always finished the summer with a HP party with pumpkin pasties and other fun stuff.


it has been so much fun every summer.

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I have been doing this for years. This summer is the first we didn't do it.


There is only the yahoo group and all the stuff that comes with it. I never actually participated in the groups, just got ideas.


I have to say that it is easier with a friend. We switched off activities. We have parchment paper for the printer and we use a Hogwarts crest etc. My friend and I discovered we each have teachers we do better with. I write great Dumbldore and Snape letters. She rocks Hagrid and Mcgonagall.


We have done potions (chemistry and some cooking), charms (latin), herbology, Care of Magical Creatures... I think that is it.


My friend is so, so gifted and she carved some sticks from her property and we let the kids pick a wand.


Oh, last year she orgainzed a quidditch for muggles game. That was EPIC!


We always finished the summer with a HP party with pumpkin pasties and other fun stuff.


it has been so much fun every summer.


That sounds like so much fun!

BTW, I noticed your 'location' the other day... love it! :D

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I have been doing this for years. This summer is the first we didn't do it.


There is only the yahoo group and all the stuff that comes with it. I never actually participated in the groups, just got ideas.


I have to say that it is easier with a friend. We switched off activities. We have parchment paper for the printer and we use a Hogwarts crest etc. My friend and I discovered we each have teachers we do better with. I write great Dumbldore and Snape letters. She rocks Hagrid and Mcgonagall.


We have done potions (chemistry and some cooking), charms (latin), herbology, Care of Magical Creatures... I think that is it.


My friend is so, so gifted and she carved some sticks from her property and we let the kids pick a wand.


Oh, last year she orgainzed a quidditch for muggles game. That was EPIC!


We always finished the summer with a HP party with pumpkin pasties and other fun stuff.


it has been so much fun every summer.

That sounds awesome.



I'm sending my kids to HP camp in a couple weeks (through our city's parks and rec). DD is in HP mania right now so I'm soooo hoping that the camp is good.

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Thanks for the thumbs up Sparrow (it is my first!). The suggestion to team up with another family is a great idea. Sadly, our friends are too muggle for that. Too be honest the first time, I saw my kids in the school uniforms, I had them move away from the front window (what would the neighbors think).


One thing I would change if I was just starting would be to design summer uniforms because the outfits are soooo hot.


If anyone wants to see what we have done over the years in Hogwarts Summer Correspondence School, you can see on my little blog rumpus.ca.

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This is Wendy, the list owner of HSCS. I would love it if you would post the link to your blog over at the HSCS group! It's so cute to see actual kids doing the activities. I think it would be inspiring to other people. When we started the whole thing, I don't think there even was such a thing as blogging! Now everyone does it :) I'd love to see everyone's stuff! It's neat to see ideas put into action. Especially now that most of my kids have outgrown it.

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You just do it yourself. You don't join anything. You just do it. So, it's not too late to start because it is something you do yourself.


Personally, I need some time to plan it out, but not everyone is like me.


I certainly didn't do uniforms or anything like that. We do it as a correspondence course and they kids got maybe one assignment a week. That was about all I am willing to do during the summer. We have also done stuff like making quills and playing quidditch.


Some years we kept it to four assignments: potions, care of magical creatures, herbology, charms. So, it was only four weeks long.


There is no wrong or right way to do it. You just have to have a good sense of fun!

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This is Wendy, the list owner of HSCS. I would love it if you would post the link to your blog over at the HSCS group! It's so cute to see actual kids doing the activities. I think it would be inspiring to other people. When we started the whole thing, I don't think there even was such a thing as blogging! Now everyone does it :) I'd love to see everyone's stuff! It's neat to see ideas put into action. Especially now that most of my kids have outgrown it.


Hi Wendy,


It is nice to meet you. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the work you and the other moms have done for the HSCS site. Because of you, I have so many precious memories of my kids.


Of course I will share my blog with the HSCS site!

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Hi Wendy,


It is nice to meet you. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the work you and the other moms have done for the HSCS site. Because of you, I have so many precious memories of my kids.



You're welcome!! It's so cool to actually see people using the site and getting something out of it. My friends and I have so many fond memories of when our kids did it for several summers. They even did it together as a co-op type thing once or twice. They had a secret question to ask each other to see if they had gotten letters too. It was really cute when they found out they weren't the only ones. They were so excited!

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