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What is your favorite Housekeeping plan?

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House Honcho has helped, specifically the daily email.


Flylady was annoying. When I got the regular email, there were so many, I felt like I was being nagged. When I got the daily digest, it read like one long series of ads for her products.


Motivated Moms is a nice idea, but the lists seem endless, which is kind of depressing to me. YMMV.


Household Management 101 has a free e-book of chore lists and some other useful articles, but it's a bit heavy on the ads, IMO.


If you want to make a household notebook, Organized Home has tons of free printable forms for one and shows you how to do it. If you browse around the site, there are many, many more useful forms, articles, ideas, etc.

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I ignore it all and stare at my computer until it becomes too dark outside to see the mess, and then I go to bed in the dark.



Oh wait, that's probably not what you meant. :tongue_smilie:



HAAA! Thats what Ive been doing! Thats why I need a new plan, because that has stopped working:tongue_smilie:

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Now that my dds are older teens we have a division of work that just came about naturally. I do all the kitchen stuff, one dd does all the laundry stuff and the other one does general cleaning.


When all five were little I just found one thing that worked. Hard work. (I did spend a lot of time training the kids. Tough, but worth it.)

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I used to do Flylady.....way back in the day before she sold anything! That was a a while ago...lol. Now I can't stand all those junk emails and stuff. She lost me when she switched to so much self help junk. I happy with myself, I'm just a lousy housekeeper...lol. But I learned a lot from her ideas and now I use a card file from sidetracked home executives. I like that a lot better, because I decided what chores should be in there and how often they should be done. If I get behind it's simple to reshuffle the cards and get right back on track. I can get my house from disaster to presentable in a hour or so with the cards because they keep me focused. If I use them without getting behind, my house stays company ready all the time.

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I wish Flylady hadn't changed so much- the essential system is really good and changed my life. But it's hard to find it under all the clutter of emails and extras now!

IF you can go to the Flylady website and find the Babysteps page, and find the essentials in what she is teaching....it is a great system. She also has a book which I can recommend- it doesn't have all the extra stuff either.

For me, Flylady is healing if you have "issues" around keeping home, perfectionism, giving yourself a hard time etc. It was a healing journey for me in my 30s to go through it- on many levels. To take babysteps, To stop trying to do it all. To stop whining. To stop giving myself a hard time about the mess. To be kind to myself about how I couldn't seem to keep house. It was more than a "how to", telling me what to do. It was a healing, a daily pep talk, from a voice that had been where I was, and was leading me out of the quagmire- and it spread right through my life. That probably sounds overly dramatic to many, but it was my reality.


If thats what you need- I can still recommend Flylady. If all you want is a system- there are plenty to choose from, or you can make your own plan.

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I agree, FlyLady has a lot of good things in her system, but all the emails/spam are really annoying. On another forum I frequent, a poster shared her own cleaning checklist that she adapted from FlyLady. Basically, it has you focusing on one zone every day instead of one each week. I love it!

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