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My DS just got rejected to attend a co-op Christian academy

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I don't consider this respectful, but condescending and silly. I mean, if they are talking about this child somehow creating an "unsafe" environment, that makes no sense. For one, I doubt he's any more likely to be disrespectful of anybody's beliefs than any of the other kids there (because, while their parents might affirm the SOF, who knows what the kids actually believe?). And, if any child does put another child in a position to defend their beliefs, give them a warning or boot them from the class/co-op. But, the idea seems to be that simply having an LDS child present would somehow create an "unsafe" space for the other students.


Or, if they are talking about not wanting the LDS child to be put in a position where his beliefs are challenged, that's really patronizing. Shouldn't that be up to the parent to decide?


I think what they mean by "safe" is comfortable. Or unworried.


And I disagree with you.


I've been in groups where we wanted to be comfortable talking bluntly without worry that we might be insulting or hurting feelings of others in the group. We didn't want to feel defensive or make anyone else feel that way. I don't care how thick skinned those others were, WE did not want to have to worry about it. Catholics get together to share the tribulations of dealing with living in the Protestant belt. Secular groups get together and gripe about how ignorant Christians are. Home schoolers talk about dealing with public school issues. Ethnic groups talk about other ethnic groups. Moms of many gather and share stories of frustration of not being understood by moms who have smaller families. This is usually the reason for exclusion. They want to be able to have a place where they feel comfortable and not judged and maybe even find some understanding. It has nothing to do with whether you would feel okay with them discussing these things around you. They don't want to discuss it with or around you. They want to feel "safe" to be honest and have the "safety" of a community that understands them.


I can understand that even as I get frustrated by it sometimes.


Really. It's about them. Not you.


And yeah. When you just want a straight Spanish class, it can be a PITA.:grouphug:

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I think this can be said of other groups. It may be that other churches aren't as active in recruiting new members, but I've known loads of people from different denominations try to explain why their particular flavor is better than another. They just don't do it door to door. Maybe LDS is MORE christian because they're out there trying to make disciples of all nations. Or something.


I don't know that it is just a "better flavor" issue. I've had Baptists, JW, and LDS at my door. I'm always very polite, btw, because I know they are told in their faith to spread the word. I have had some interresting conversations..... I usually spend about 15 minutes talking with them - especially when I was still in my "seeking" phase. I sincerely enjoyed talking to them. So - I have a pretty firm understanding of what they are trying to do - at least on the recieving end of things.


Here is an example - I had a Baptists argue with me that Mother Theresa was going to h3ll becuase she wasn't Baptist.....

I'm not saying that is the normal opinion of Baptists (I honestly don't know) - but to me, the people knocking on my door are condemning other faiths - and all three at one point or another have argued that the others are not actually Christian. Yes - I have specifically asked, and they were good enough to be honest with me and not sugar-coat it.

So - I do really think that some - at least these three - Christian denominations do NOT think of others as "real" Christians.


ETA: Please don't take this personally if you are one of these three faiths - I understand, as should everyone here, that I am not one of these three - or even Chrisitian at all. So - I am simply reporting my personal encounters with a very small number of adherents. I honestly have no idea how many perople in each faith believe this.

Edited by SailorMom
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I don't know that it is just a "better flavor" issue. I've had Baptists, JW, and LDS at my door. I'm always very polite, btw, because I know they are told in their faith to spread the word. I have had some interresting conversations..... I usually spend about 15 minutes talking with them - especially when I was still in my "seeking" phase. I sincerely enjoyed talking to them. So - I have a pretty firm understanding of what they are trying to do - at least on the recieving end of things.


Here is an example - I had a Baptists argue with me that Mother Theresa was going to h3ll becuase she wasn't Baptist.....

I'm not saying that is the normal opinion of Baptists (I honestly don't know) - but to me, the people knocking on my door are condemning other faiths - and all three at one point or another have argued that the others are not actually Christian. Yes - I have specifically asked, and they were good enough to be honest with me and not sugar-coat it.

So - I do really think that some - at least these three - Christian denominations do NOT think of others as "real" Christians.

I'm sorry that was the impression of LDS thought from the missionaries you met. :( While we *do* believe that we are the Restored church of Jesus Christ, it is *never* taught from our pulpits that the members of other Christian denominations are not "real" Christians. I've honestly never heard it in my almost 30 years of LDS life.

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I'm sorry that was the impression of LDS thought from the missionaries you met. :( While we *do* believe that we are the Restored church of Jesus Christ, it is *never* taught from our pulpits that the members of other Christian denominations are not "real" Christians. I've honestly never heard it in my almost 30 years of LDS life.


Don't worry - I've been around enough to know that there are huge regional differences and huge difference just in different wards. Some of my closest friends in the AF have been LDS - and they were some of the most tolerant people I have ever met, and we miss them still (moved....)

But obviuosly there are at least some - and it is a shame that they are some of the ones knocking on doors, eh?


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I'm sorry that was the impression of LDS thought from the missionaries you met. :( While we *do* believe that we are the Restored church of Jesus Christ, it is *never* taught from our pulpits that the members of other Christian denominations are not "real" Christians. I've honestly never heard it in my almost 30 years of LDS life.


:iagree: And I've got another decade of experience on you. But again, this is one of those niggly areas. We do consider members of other Christian denominations to be "real" Christians--according to how we define 'Christian'. But we also believe that they have no 'real' priesthood authority and we don't view ordinances performed there as valid and binding so a Christian of another faith who wanted to join the LDS church would still have to be baptized. Not because they weren't Christian before, but because the authority under which they were baptized is not seen as legitimate. We definitely view them as "real" Christians because they have real faith in Christ, but I can see where they might get the impression that we thought otherwise.


Don't worry - I've been around enough to know that there are huge regional differences and huge difference just in different wards. Some of my closest friends in the AF have been LDS - and they were some of the most tolerant people I have ever met, and we miss them still (moved....)

But obviuosly there are at least some - and it is a shame that they are some of the ones knocking on doors, eh?



Oh it varies by individual. Members of the same ward can have vastly different attitudes about any number of things, some of which fall under the category of "the church doesn't have a stance on this so think whatever you want" and some of which fall under the category of "not in harmony with the teachings of the church". And we're all at differing levels of understanding and growth, and sometimes there's something we don't "get" yet, or an aspect of practical application that we struggle with. But yeah, I've met with some pretty obnoxious Mormons myself. We are taught to be kind, though, fwiw.

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:iagree: And I've got another decade of experience on you. But again, this is one of those niggly areas. We do consider members of other Christian denominations to be "real" Christians--according to how we define 'Christian'. But we also believe that they have no 'real' priesthood authority and we don't view ordinances performed there as valid and binding so a Christian of another faith who wanted to join the LDS church would still have to be baptized. Not because they weren't Christian before, but because the authority under which they were baptized is not seen as legitimate. We definitely view them as "real" Christians because they have real faith in Christ, but I can see where they might get the impression that we thought otherwise.





Ahhh... yes - that makes a lot of sense.... I think it may also be a problem that most of the LDS people I have spoken to at my door look like they are about 15 - lol. I know they aren't but they look so young!!!! Maybe the finer points aren't quite clear to them?

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There's a "Independent Fundamental Baptist Church" in our town at which the teaching is that only members of THAT church are true Christians. The pastor refuses to join the … whatever it's called - all the churches here belong to a group, the leaders meet regularly, they share in doing positive things for the community, etc etc.. anyway, he refuses to join and rants about it all the time. He puts down other churches. He teaches (and the members follow) that it's wrong to even associate with people from other churches. The homeschoolers there will NOT join the local Christian homeschool group. (We went to this church for a bit last year so this isn't just rumour - I heard it all for myself). Basically, his church is the only true church, the rest of them are going to hell in a hand basket.


We went there for a bit last year, so I'm not just passing along rumours.. I heard all this ranting and "separation" teaching for myself.


[somewhat OT i guess, but the talk above about LDS churches' views on other churches got me thinking about it]


*i realize this church is not representative of all Baptist churches. There is, in fact, another very large Baptist church in our town that is welcoming of all, works with the community, etc etc etc. Lots of awesome people there.

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Ahhh... yes - that makes a lot of sense.... I think it may also be a problem that most of the LDS people I have spoken to at my door look like they are about 15 - lol. I know they aren't but they look so young!!!! Maybe the finer points aren't quite clear to them?


Lol...yes, that is entirely possible. They do have to be at least 19 to go, and most of them are between 19 and about 25 or so. We also have "senior missionaries", who are retired couples who go out and serve together, but they don't do as much door-to-door as the younger ones. And their role is to just teach the basics to those who are interested and then bring them to church where they can get more in-depth information over a more extended period of time. As I say, we view belief and baptism as only the beginning of a life-long journey, and I can definitely say that there are many, MANY things I now understand on a deeper level and with more detail and clarity than I did when I was 19.


(And can I just say....those missionaries look younger to me every year!)

Edited by MamaSheep
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I may the lone duck here, but the e-mail they sent you sounds very respectful and makes it clear that they are looking for members who share the very same beliefs. LDS don't hold the same beliefs as say a Baptist church, or Bible church, or most other protestant denominations. And, they're trying to make sure that what you're teaching your ds at home isn't undermined by what the teachers teach in class. And yes, even in a Spanish class, there can be room for Bible teaching, particularly depending on the curriculum used.

If I were applying to a Catholic co-op and was turned away b/c I'm protestant, I'd understand.


Surely there are other co-ops out there that will meet you needs?



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No I was not looking for a non-religious co-op if I was I certainly wouldn't be applying to a Christian Academy. I have NO problem with my son being around, with, introduced to other religions and their beliefs. If I was I would start an exclusive LDS co-op. Yes they CAN do whatever they want to but to hold my check and then only tell me after I emailed them twice about status?? You as a leader of a co-op would YOU do that? And when I said just "Spanish" I meant that it wasn't all incompassing but I know that Christian beliefs would be discussed. How could they not?

Oh and they seem to pick and choose. I have a friend that is Catholic and her 2 children attend but I have another friend that is also Catholic and they refused her children. But again "Its their party and they can do what they want to"

Unfortunately it might take me 2.5 months to get back with you. I am not paid to manage the co-op and I've pretty much put my life on hold during the school year making the time from about April to July the time I catch up. Also it is difficult to find a time when our admissions committee can all meet. We tried to encourage people to apply just after Christmas to avoid delays. So it's understandable but unfortunate that you were inconvenienced in the delay.


I can also understand why one Catholic is accepted and one isn't. We had the parents and students who were applying for admission attend a day of coop. From there we worked on determining if they would fit in well with the current families. We denied admission to some who would readily agree with our SOF but who exhibited behavior that was counterproductive to the group. These folks would have been miserable and we would have been miserable as well.


Like Martha said this isn't about you it's about them. I hope you can find a place that meets your needs.


I'm typing on my iPhone so sorry for typos etc :)

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Here is an example - I had a Baptists argue with me that Mother Theresa was going to h3ll becuase she wasn't Baptist.....

I'm not saying that is the normal opinion of Baptists (I honestly don't know) - but to me, the people knocking on my door are condemning other faiths - and all three at one point or another have argued that the others are not actually Christian. Yes - I have specifically asked, and they were good enough to be honest with me and not sugar-coat it.



It is a fundamental human trait to bind groups together by identifying an Other, politically, socially, religiously, to "reject". It would be easy to unify the human race: have the earth be attacked by aliens. The technique works from nations as big as the USSR to Little League Teams. While it is part of the social glue, it had terrible consequences, too, and I watch warily about becoming victim to such associations.

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It is a fundamental human trait to bind groups together by identifying an Other, politically, socially, religiously, to "reject". It would be easy to unify the human race: have the earth be attacked by aliens. The technique works from nations as big as the USSR to Little League Teams. While it is part of the social glue, it had terrible consequences, too, and I watch warily about becoming victim to such associations.


Yep - I made a comment about this in one of the other SoF threads.

It is very easy to get sucked in.... it is part of our (no offense to any who don't believe in this) evolutionary makeup to try to band together as groups to keep ourselves safe.

Anyway - I really believe we are all smart enough to rise above our evolutionary make-ups. I think we have to understand it as such to do so, however.

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Here is an example - I had a Baptists argue with me that Mother Theresa was going to h3ll becuase she wasn't Baptist.....

I'm not saying that is the normal opinion of Baptists (I honestly don't know) - but to me, the people knocking on my door are condemning other faiths - and all three at one point or another have argued that the others are not actually Christian. Yes - I have specifically asked, and they were good enough to be honest with me and not sugar-coat it.

So - I do really think that some - at least these three - Christian denominations do NOT think of others as "real" Christians.


My conservative Southern (from the South :001_smile:) Baptist pastor preached, "Do you know Jesus? Do you believe he died for your sins? Do you follow him? I don't care what you call yourself then... Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, whatever." :D You will likely find people in all religions who think that all others are wrong and people who don't.

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My conservative Southern (from the South :001_smile:) Baptist pastor preached, "Do you know Jesus? Do you believe he died for your sins? Do you follow him? I don't care what you call yourself then... Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, whatever." :D You will likely find people in all religions who think that all others are wrong and people who don't.



Oh - absolutely. That is why I made sure to say some :) It's all over the board in all of the faiths that I have personally had contact with.


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