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I just got Wii FIT!!!

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:hurray:I went to the mall today to buy booklights for my boys, and decided to check Best Buy - I thought the Wii Fits would have been sold out already, but they had 5 left! So I called dh and he said go ahead and get it!!!!! It is kicking my butt already!

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My brother-in-law just bought one today, and he doesn't even have a Wii yet! We have a Wii (and LOVE it), so I'm sure we'll be getting one soon. I need some incentive to exercise (though I'm not sure even this will be enough!). :D

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Oh, you will have to tell us all about it!! I think we are going to get it...

Well, first of all, my kids were rofl:rofl: while they watched me hula-hoop! "Look at mom shaking her BOOTY!!"


I spent 30 min. experiencing all the different exercises and found out that my balance is awful! And who knew yoga was so hard?:confused:


I am impressed that they found a way to make running in place fun, and I think that step aerobics may be my favorite so far.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

My mom just informed me she got the kids a wii for next Christmas. I know nothing about the things. How much does a wii fit cost? If you don't mind my asking.

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So do you have to buy the battery separate from the get go? So it's $110, not $90?


I want one also. Though it said a 10yo, 4 ft 9inches, was overweight at 84 pounds. That is SO wrong! They said it wasn't made for children, but even a 4'9" adult would be the right size at 84 pounds. I don't get it.


Of course BMI isn't all it's cracked up to be using the simple equation. A person with 4% bodyfat could come up overweight if they were muscular and not a twig. So I don't worry about that so much. I use a more sophisticated BMI calculator online. And anyway, it saying I'm overweight would be CORRECT! LOL


I want a wii fit.

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I paid $90 plus tax. It comes with 4 AA batteries (not rechargable). If you want to keep replacing the batteries, you don't need to buy their batteries - I'm thinking we will get the rechargable thing at some point if it goes through batteries as fast as the Wiimotes.


Assuming you already have a Wii, everything you need to play is included in the box (the game, the board and the batteries), but the guy tried to sell me an exercise mat and a $30 game.

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I pre-ordered at the local TRU and went when they opened this morning. There was a line and they had only 15 for the general public, but there was a stack of about 50 that had been pre-ordered. The general ones were gone in less than 10 minutes. They did have Wii systems too.


My ds was ROTFL his you know what off while I got nailed with shoes and teddy bears in the soccer game. I just went through all the open activities and got a few more unlocked.


With DDR, WiiFit, and WiiSports, I can do a great varied workouts depending on my mood.


They also had a deal on Wii Ski for $19.99 if you bought WiiFit. I picked it up too but you can play that one with wiimotes and nunchuks or a balance board.

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Which is the best basic Wii set up to start with? I was looking to have dd12 take yoga and Pilates to help with her back. The Wii Fit sounds, in the end, to be cheaper and possibly as good. So I guess I need a Wii first. The ones I see are $500! Ack, are there any cheaper? Where should I look?

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How does the running work? Do you actually run in place on that boxy thing?

Nope, you put the Wiimote in your pocket and jog. You don't actually control left to right, just how fast you go. But you follow a guide around a nice jogging trail.

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Which is the best basic Wii set up to start with? I was looking to have dd12 take yoga and Pilates to help with her back. The Wii Fit sounds, in the end, to be cheaper and possibly as good. So I guess I need a Wii first. The ones I see are $500! Ack, are there any cheaper? Where should I look?


Check out "

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Which is the best basic Wii set up to start with? I was looking to have dd12 take yoga and Pilates to help with her back. The Wii Fit sounds, in the end, to be cheaper and possibly as good. So I guess I need a Wii first. The ones I see are $500! Ack, are there any cheaper? Where should I look?


The Wii retails for $249 and you can get them for that price if you can be patient and keep your eyes peeled. :) I signed up for alerts on nowinstock.net and would receive e-mails when they were in stock (I only chose to receive alerts when it was in stock at Amazon). On Amazon you pay $249 - no tax and no shipping.


I am wishing I preordered Wii Fit because I have a feeling it'll be hard to get for a little while!

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Which is the best basic Wii set up to start with? I was looking to have dd12 take yoga and Pilates to help with her back. The Wii Fit sounds, in the end, to be cheaper and possibly as good. So I guess I need a Wii first. The ones I see are $500! Ack, are there any cheaper? Where should I look?


You will have to buy an extra remote and nunchuk(actually I don't remember if we had to purchase both of ours)



Also call your local Wally world every morning to see if they got any in.

They get a truck or 2 every night.

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Jenny, it only costs $500 if you get a package. You can pick up a wii for $250. Then you'll probably need some extra controllers, maybe nunchucks. We got 3 additional controllers and an additional nunchuck for a family of 4 (both kids being teens) and that has been fine. So for that, you'd be looking at a bit over $300 counting tax. It comes with Wii Sports which we LOVE!

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