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Paypal is not an option for payment on Amazon?

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Wow I didn't know this or even realize it. Today I went to checkout with several books to only find out I couldn't find an option that said paypal. :glare:


Now I must transfer balance and wait another week to purchase books that I wanted on my school shelves a month ago. :glare:


Thanks for listening to my small rant.

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ebay owns Paypal. amazon and ebay are competitors so it makes sense that amazon doesn't offer Paypal.
For large retailers, PayPal fees are greater than those of the major credit cards. Amazon has no incentive to use PayPal, as I'm sure it has the best deal possible with the various credit card companies.
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Yup, and it is an Amazon cc so I get points back to Amazon. Since I never carry a balance, they lose on me.:D


And I LOVE that they changed the points system and now those little suckers are right there for you when you check out!!!


I've capped mine at $500 and then I pay it off if I need more throughout the month but I cannot believe how fast those points add up when you try to do a lot of buying on amazon.

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Yup, and it is an Amazon cc so I get points back to Amazon. Since I never carry a balance, they lose on me.:D


Yeah, but they love us anyways! I just bought a boatload of wishlist things with my points, since they were right there for the taking at checkout. I did feel a little like I was stealing something though. ;)


As a VISA supervisor explained to me once though, plowing through a large number of purchases and paying them off each month is making their cash flow just fine....(I forget their take, maybe 2-3%?)

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