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iPad or some other tablet?

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Our anniversary is coming up and I want to get my DH something really nice this year. I'm thinking about an iPad, but I want to explore all my options. We've always been a PC/android family, but just recently he said we would probably replace my laptop with a Mac when the time comes.


What should I buy? (He's my go-to guy for tech questions like this, but I want this gift to be a surprise :D )

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I was resistant-- and one year later I wish we had two!


"Thanks Dad for getting ME and IPad for MOM's birthday" This is a direct quote from one of my dds.


Right now my 9yo is on the IPad... my 20yo had it most of last night. I have to FIGHT for my turn!


I've looked at other tablets (because I really want a second so I don't have to share mine!) but they just don't compare... they are 'similar' but not the same.


I have the 3G and we use it occasionally. It is nice that you can subscribe to it on a monthly basis only as needed. (We are rural so not too many wifi hotspots around). Still we could have managed with the wi-fi only option.

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My husband works in the software/tech industry, but usually he waits a while to jump on new technology until he's sure it's solid, prices come down, etc. But after a couple of months of seeing all his coworkers on IPads, he bought one. He LOVES it. After having to share it with me, he bought me an IPad2 for my birthday a month ago. I *LOVE* :001_wub: it. It fits in my purse, I'm finding free wireless all over the place, I've been using it as a book reader, we love the educational apps, and it's gotten me off my desktop more. Feels easier to pop on and off the ipad for a couple minutes at a time - when I sit down at my desk, I find I spend more time surfing. Anyway - we're PC users so I don't love everything about the IPad (some of the user interactions are off to me - did I mention I used to be a software engineer?), but it is wonderful anyway.

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I have the 3G and we use it occasionally. It is nice that you can subscribe to it on a monthly basis only as needed. (We are rural so not too many wifi hotspots around). Still we could have managed with the wi-fi only option.


Thanks for your insight. I think I'd go for the wi-fi only option. There's free wi-fi everywhere, especially at the places he would use it the most.

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My husband works in the software/tech industry, but usually he waits a while to jump on new technology until he's sure it's solid, prices come down, etc. But after a couple of months of seeing all his coworkers on IPads, he bought one. He LOVES it. After having to share it with me, he bought me an IPad2 for my birthday a month ago. I *LOVE* :001_wub: it. It fits in my purse, I'm finding free wireless all over the place, I've been using it as a book reader, we love the educational apps, and it's gotten me off my desktop more. Feels easier to pop on and off the ipad for a couple minutes at a time - when I sit down at my desk, I find I spend more time surfing. Anyway - we're PC users so I don't love everything about the IPad (some of the user interactions are off to me - did I mention I used to be a software engineer?), but it is wonderful anyway.


Good to hear a tech industry insider and PC user loves it!

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Go iPad! You'll love it. I've never heard anyone who got one complain about it, but I've heard plenty of people who got something else complaining that they wish they had one. That was the longest sentence in the world. Tonight I'll be buying an app to teach me about proper sentence structure. :lol:

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I just bought a Toshiba Thrive. I never buy products that just came out, but I broke my rules for this one. I think that Android/Google will eventually be more dominant than iPads in this market. I bought one because I wanted to use Flash, it has a replaceable battery and a full-size SD card. I love it!


However, if your dh is planning to buy a Mac, he might have a preference for Apple products.

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I was in the Verizon store today waiting for their nonexistent customer service, and since my 4yo was playing on my iPad I looked at the other tablets on display. I guess they might have been appealing if I had never known anything better, but compared to the iPad their UI and design just felt awkward, clunky and ugly.


Of course, I feel that way in general about PCs vs Macs, so take with a grain of salt. :)

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My husband convinced me to get an iPad and I can't tell him often enough how much he was RIGHT. I got the basic one, but I have an Android phone that I can turn into a mobile hotspot, so I can pretty much get connection to the internet wherever I am, including in my van on a road trip. This is how I feel about it: :thumbup::party::hurray::001_wub::thumbup:

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My husband convinced me to get an iPad and I can't tell him often enough how much he was RIGHT. I got the basic one, but I have an Android phone that I can turn into a mobile hotspot, so I can pretty much get connection to the internet wherever I am, including in my van on a road trip. This is how I feel about it: :thumbup::party::hurray::001_wub::thumbup:


Ooo, I have an android. We could probably do this too! Thanks for the idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love my iPad 1.


I have had the opportunity to play with several of the Android tablets and don't not think they are ready for prime-time. And at least one, the Motorola Zoom, was more expensive than an iPad.


I hope (and expect) that they continue to make improvement in the Android realm, as competition is a good thing. But they have a long way to go at this point.



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Really, all I am going to say is search out tablet and ipad on the forum. And maybe read some of my babble here - Pick A Tablet


The only bad choice is one that doesn't meet your needs, budget, and wants.



1. Consider the hardware.

2. Evaluate the operating system.

3. Look at the applications (Apps) available.

4. Choose connectivity.

5. Decide on accessories.

6. Ask yourself if you have met your needs and wants.

Get hands-on experience. Head to your local tech store! Take a list of questions.

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  • 1 month later...

DH and I considering what tablet to get. He wants the Ipad3 that's coming out. He was going to get me an Ipad2, but I found out that it's not flash supportive. I'm not sure what sites require flash anyway. Any tips on how to know what sites use flash? Also what would you buy if you didn't have to boggle the cost.


I want something I can use for grocery lists, organizing and having the kids use it for school apps if any appeal to us. And have on the go with me. No more printing my lists and such, I'd love to have something in my purse and be able to use it for when I'm out and about.

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If you haven't seen it already, please read my recent review of my iPad 2:


Why I bought and love my iPad 2...confessions of an Android lover


As PP said, the combination of an Android phone and an iPad is a good one: You can create a hotspot any time you like and if you desperately need Flash support while out and about, you have it. (Although there are some serviceable solutions for Flash available for iPad today.)


ETA: Just in case I wasn't clear: I recommend you get your husband an iPad!

Edited by RegGuheert
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DH was set on Ipad3 and getting me the 2. But after I read somethings about the flash issue and such and no SD card...I'd rather get the Samsung Galaxy. I don't know though. We have until February, which is our planned time to purchase our tablets.


I really appreciate your suggestion and your passionate review!

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