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Your kids' toughest teacher

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My 12th grade dd is taking English comp this summer at the CC b/c she is trying to get admitted into a liberal arts program that requires sr English to be completed prior to acceptance. She just called me on the phone b/c she received back 4 of her writing assignments. She received a 100% on every paper.


She is ecstatic b/c when I critique her papers, it takes multiple re-writes before I accept them. :tongue_smilie:


So.......I can look at this one of 4 ways :D Either I need to relax my writing criteria, my writing instruction is working really well, every other student in the class has really awful writing, or the teacher is thinking she really wants to go hang out by the pool and not grade papers. :lol:


FWIW......my kids are convinced that I am one of the meanest teachers on the face of the earth. ;)

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Me, too. Especially in the writing department.

Obviously, no one cares as much about your child's writing ability as you do.


Ds took a research paper class. The teacher was very gentle and he followed all her corrections, then still ended up with a B. I think it was just too much trouble to point out ALL of the editing needed. Only a mother would be that persistent.


It would be difficult to take those A's and show your daughter where she could improve. I would say your work is finished. Congratulations!

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Last summer I read the paper my son turned in for his Ancient Legacies Seminar. He could tell by my face that I didn't think it was his best work. His instructor loved it, though--gave him a near perfect grade. My son enjoyed waving it under my nose (he didn't show me the grade which was on a separate cover sheet right away) He still grins and reminds me about it from time to time.

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You have obviously succeeded at teaching composition! Congratulations.


My dd was in 10th grade and took a cc Western Civ class. The instructor returned her in class test, an analysis essay, and announced it was an example of the perfect analysis essay. I think I was happier than she was! Her cc Cultural Geography teacher returned her research paper and the only thing written on it was 100% and "Excellent!!!!!". She said all the other students' papers had a lot of writing on them.


I do think that we, as hsing instructors, often have higher expectations than B&M school teachers, we have more long term responsibility, and a higher stake in our dc learning to write. We also have more time to invest in correcting and instructing their essays. Most B&M teachers return a writing assignment with a grade and comments, but don't expect the students to make any corrections or do any re-writes. I had these expectations.


But the end result is that your dd can write, and that skill will serve her well the rest of her life! Congratulations!

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My 12th grade dd is taking English comp this summer at the CC b/c she is trying to get admitted into a liberal arts program that requires sr English to be completed prior to acceptance. She just called me on the phone b/c she received back 4 of her writing assignments. She received a 100% on every paper.


She is ecstatic b/c when I critique her papers, it takes multiple re-writes before I accept them. :tongue_smilie:


So.......I can look at this one of 4 ways :D Either I need to relax my writing criteria, my writing instruction is working really well, every other student in the class has really awful writing, or the teacher is thinking she really wants to go hang out by the pool and not grade papers. :lol:


FWIW......my kids are convinced that I am one of the meanest teachers on the face of the earth. ;)


I'm only partly teasing. I consider my dd my weakest student and only an avg writer. I expected her to do better than avg at the CC, but this really is beyond what I anticipated. :tongue_smilie:


Awesome! Way to go. You continue to inspire me in my job of teaching my kids.

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My 12th grade dd is taking English comp this summer at the CC b/c she is trying to get admitted into a liberal arts program that requires sr English to be completed prior to acceptance. She just called me on the phone b/c she received back 4 of her writing assignments. She received a 100% on every paper.


She is ecstatic b/c when I critique her papers, it takes multiple re-writes before I accept them. :tongue_smilie:


So.......I can look at this one of 4 ways :D Either I need to relax my writing criteria, my writing instruction is working really well, every other student in the class has really awful writing, or the teacher is thinking she really wants to go hang out by the pool and not grade papers. :lol:


FWIW......my kids are convinced that I am one of the meanest teachers on the face of the earth. ;)



Wow this is awesome and so encouraging to me as I will be teaching upcoming 9th, 7th, and 5th grader. Congrats to you mom!

How about posting some of your best practices (specifics) and curriculum choices, what your dd struggled with and how you helped her overcome those struggles.

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Oh, yeah! Your toughness paid off. Congratulations to you both. I had a similar situation happen when a young lady, who was in my Great Books class in co-op, began taking courses at the CC as a concurrent student. Her composition teacher used her essays as examples of fine writing :-). She told her mom that my co-op class was far harder than her CC class. Her mom took that to mean that all the re-writing I required was valuable. But I think the student thought I was just a meanie.

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FWIW......my kids are convinced that I am one of the meanest teachers on the face of the earth. ;)


Great job, Mom!


My oldest thinks the same thing. He completed his 2nd college comp course during summer session; now he only needs a fourteen-credit load next spring instead of seventeen. In addition to many shorter papers, he wrote an eight-page research paper on a Hemingway short story. Before he turned it in, he wouldn't even let me read it.


A: Excellent work


Then he let me read it. And yes, there were some things I would have made him fix. Nothing big. Just some vague ideas lurking behind a couple of clunky sentences. But I pinched off my critical gland, smiled broadly, and hugged the boy vigorously. He's headed off to school for Mechanical Engineering, so I guess it's finally time to rest on those oars.


Feels great though, doesn't it? Especially when it's the kid that just can't write. At all. Ever.


So here's your parade, 8: WOO!!!! HOOOOOOOOO!!! YES! Great job, Mom! I am so psyched for you.


....now return to your regularly scheduled program of working hard to help people who think you're nuts......;):D ...Their final takeaway after years of diligent hard work? "See, Mom. It's not that hard to write well. See!"

:confused: (Ahhhhhhhh! Maybe we should have studied more logic.......)


;) Peace,


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