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I need to outsource math for a year-help!


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I was just given a one year work contract that is really important to my career. I work at home or bring my children with when I travel so there is no reason to put them in school however, I will have considerably less time.


The subject that I and my daughter struggle with is math and this subject is literally the only subject to cause me grief either teaching or preparing. I think if I could cut this one subject I would be able to maintain everything else for school both in time and passion. I need to outsource math for a 5th grader. Any ideas?


I have thought about enrolling her in math class but we travel half of the year so this could be tricky. I would love a tutor if possible. (any ideas on how to look for a good tutor who could actually TEACH math not just help with homework?) I am open to any and all options! Please give me all of your ideas! Does anyone have experience doing this? If you can't teach math what do you do?

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I was just given a one year work contract that is really important to my career. I work at home or bring my children with when I travel so there is no reason to put them in school however, I will have considerably less time.


The subject that I and my daughter struggle with is math and this subject is literally the only subject to cause me grief either teaching or preparing. I think if I could cut this one subject I would be able to maintain everything else for school both in time and passion. I need to outsource math for a 5th grader. Any ideas?


I have thought about enrolling her in math class but we travel half of the year so this could be tricky. I would love a tutor if possible. (any ideas on how to look for a good tutor who could actually TEACH math not just help with homework?) I am open to any and all options! Please give me all of your ideas! Does anyone have experience doing this? If you can't teach math what do you do?


Does a place like Sylvan do that sort of thing?


(And congrats on the career-enhancing contract!)

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K12 has an online program. You can use it as an independent. It is $$$, though.

How about Christian Light Education? The lessons are self-teaching at that age. Be sure she takes the placement test and order the level she places in. This is very important.

Teaching Textbooks is also all taught on a computer and graded, too.


That is all that comes to mind right off the bat.



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What math curricula have you used before? How well did it work out or not work out? What sort of math student is she?



Honestly, the only thing she currently likes is Math Mammoth. I also supplement with various math based activities cooking, random games, books, flashcards for basics etc.


She hates anything that uses rods or manipulatives but does great with hands on learning if it is disguised as something not relating to math. She gets bored easily with math. She loves stories about math in history, for e.g. Archimedes she loves, but anything that goes beyond reading about his work she isn't into.


Miquon math made both of us crazy, Singapore was awesome for kindergarten and first grade but somewhere in second grade she really started avoiding math and it felt like a change may be good. (considering she absolutely loves learning ANYTHING else but ended up with chronic stomach aches that eventually brought us into the doctor twice only to mysteriously go away when we traveled for a month and I forgot the math supplies. The stomach ache came back the day after the supplies arrived but then went away when I said we could take a break. She wasn't faking it, she honestly didn't even want to go wander around the mummy exhibit she has been looking forward to for months. Repeat this stomach cycle until I figured out that it was linked to math, I'm an idiot, it took me a bit.)


I looked at Saxon but it didn't seem to fit her. Out of desperation I ordered Math Mammoth which I stuck with because she didn't hate the process. Honestly, math is hard for her and she doesn't "like" it but she isn't truly bad at it. She is normal or slightly below average in ability in this area but there isn't a problem with her comprehension. She does excellent in her other subjects but math is not her happy place.


Sorry for the lengthy background.


Thanks for the ideas! I am really trying to come up with a way for math to not be a struggle this year and still give me the time I need! I appreciate the input!

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Here's yet another vote for TT. We love it! I am not a good math teacher, and time is precious here as well. When we moved over to TT I was thrilled that dd was getting solid instruction without me having to be involved. Her test scores are always high even though she isn't a mathy kid, and we are both happy.


Congratulations on your career advancement. I love it that we can flex hs'ing and other life responsibilities this way!




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Thanks everybody! I am in full researching mode now! Feel free to add more to my research list! :001_smile:


I am excited about the contract-I have been working for an opportunity like this for a long time and it feels so nice to have something work out!Best wishes!

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I LOVE teaching textbooks, we are in TT6, my dd told me today that she never wants to use another math program.

She gets it, YEA!!!, math is our worst subject. She loves TT.

all computerized, they do have a textbook, but we dont buy it, we just buy the cd's for the computer and go from there.

It would be a great way for your child to learn and not needing you right by her side. hth, nancyt.:)

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