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decluttering disaster!!

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My attempts at decluttering the school area has turned into chaos.:tongue_smilie:I can't see the top of any table to have dinner off. Nothing fits in the storage bins I used last year. I can feel a trip to Ikea coming on.


Altogether now:







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Our school room at the end of last year became the catch all and we ended up schooling in the living room. So... I have a huge mess. Just yesterday I cleaned a path through the room and have most of the legos picked up and the donate totes taken away. I have my work cut out for me and all I want to do is plan, not clean!


Oh and part of my problem is I need at least one more bookshelf, maybe even two!

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I'm having some decluttering and organizing victories this past week. Besides finding something at Costco that enabled me to finally eliminate toy clutter, I've spent all morning rearranging stuffing between rooms and making huge progress. I'm definitely in a much better place for starting school next week. I hope you find the solution to your clutter problems! A trip to Ikea sounds like fun!!

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I have the same problem. Whenever I tackle an area of our house to declutter, the problem gets MUCH worse before it gets better. I find myself tempted to just give up once the piles get to large, but try to keep your momentum going. Imagine how it will look when you are done! Storage is definitely important. I just moved into a new house and can't unpack a lot of my stuff because every closet in our house is empty...no shelves!!!!! We still own our old house and can't afford to put shelves in right now. :banghead:

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Go through the clutter and make a list of the groups and size of items you have/need. Then decide on what system would work for the amount/size of the items. Note that some bins go in front to back and some go in side to side. Also, pick your colors!:D If you can't afford the units for all the bins you need, buy extra bins with lids to store for a switch up. I switch out a few bins every few months and rotate others around for added variety.


You will love the flexibility of the Trofast system. Have fun and enjoy your clutter free space!

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Keep plugging away. It always gets worse and worse until you want to stop and cry. Then suddenly, everything just clears up very quickly. At least that's how it always happens. If I keep working at it when it looks like a scary beast, it clears up kind of suddenly. If I leave it alone for awhile, it takes on a life of its own. Right now I have a few beasts growing in our home...:glare:

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I feel your pain! I try to declutter and clean and it just gets worse! I find more and more stuff!




In contrast, I can't seem to find stuff...I think that's worse! :(

Edited by Geo
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I have been decluttering the whole house this summer. One thing I learned from The Flylady is to not pull out or move around too much at once, only what you can easily put back up or away again in less than fifteen minutes. I have been working her 15 minute system all summer. You work at decluttering or whatever else you need to do for 15 minutes, then move to another task for 15 minutes, then another, and then come back to the first thing you were doing... this has really helped me to stay focused and not get burnt out. I have the house in really good shape now. I left our homeschooling materials for last, so I'll start on that next week.


One thing she says over and over that is so true is that "you can't organize clutter". You HAVE to get rid of it. That's the hard part.

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Nothing ever justifies a trip to Ikea. We have one up north from us, and I visited it once, in an innocent search for a new sofa. I quickly realized that it was one of Dante's bolgias, undoubtedly the one prepared for the disorganized. One was forced to pass through every single aisle of the store in order to escape. I found myself assigning metaphorical interpretations, with special application to my life's failings, to each pseudo-Swedish-named gewgaw I walked by. By the time we passed through the checkout lines and emerged at last into the sunlight, it was as if the selva selvaggia had been overcome, and my Virgilian dh led me, penitent but absolved, to the minivan.


Never again.

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Nothing ever justifies a trip to Ikea. We have one up north from us, and I visited it once, in an innocent search for a new sofa. I quickly realized that it was one of Dante's bolgias, undoubtedly the one prepared for the disorganized. One was forced to pass through every single aisle of the store in order to escape. I found myself assigning metaphorical interpretations, with special application to my life's failings, to each pseudo-Swedish-named gewgaw I walked by. By the time we passed through the checkout lines and emerged at last into the sunlight, it was as if the selva selvaggia had been overcome, and my Virgilian dh led me, penitent but absolved, to the minivan.


Never again.

Oh, but it is possible to go to the places you want without going through every single department. I have it down to a fine art, lol (although I have been known to get lost looking for the kitchen stuff!).

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Oh, but it is possible to go to the places you want without going through every single department. I have it down to a fine art, lol (although I have been known to get lost looking for the kitchen stuff!).
That way surely lies indifferentism and cheap grace. The appliances acquired in such a manner will not eventually fill that vacuum-shaped vacuum* in your soul.



*apologies to Pascal

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You ladies are keeping me well entertained through this decluttering session.:001_smile:


We love a trip to Ikea, even my kids love it, especially the boys; the restaurant overlooks the runway of the airport next door.:lol:


To make it quick and painless though:


Check your local store online before you travel, it will tell where to find your already chosen items.

Keep your head down and walk fast.

Treat yourself to a bag of mini dime bars on the way out.



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