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Second grade science- what are you doing right now?


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We're a week away from finishing a fairly science intensive 13 months. We did Apologia's Astronomy from April '07-Oct '07 to take advantage of clear Oregon skies during the summer. We enjoyed it. Then in October we started Noeo's Chem 1 and we're a week away from finishing it. Have enjoyed that too. Just for fun we also have butterflies at the moment. We'll be taking a break from science over the summer other than whatever the girls do on their own. Then we'll start up Noeo's physics I in the fall.

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We finished Apologia's Astronomy a couple of months ago and took a month "off" while the girls finished up their notebooks and added a few things. We're visiting NASA in FL next month as a nice cherry-on-top. :)


We've started Apologia Zoology I. We actually have 2 pair of sparrows and a pair of robins nesting RIGHT outside of our breakfast nook window. So, we're learning a lot and taking lots of pictures! LOL


After we finish Zoology I, we are probably going to do REAL Science Chemistry Level One to get us through til next Spring. Then, we'll start Apologia's Zoology II or Botany. :D

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We didn't do Science in 2nd grade. I tried, but Kate makes just getting the essentials done take too long. I was cooked before we ever got to science. But I have a shelf full of books on science that I've picked up here and there and somehow they all got read. The girls spent a lot of time outdoors in the creek and the pond checking out bugs and streamlife. They watched a number of videos with dh on flyfishing and hunting which involved tons of science. They've gone on many nature hikes with daddy. We planted a garden. I am amazed at what they know and I never taught them a thing out of a book. They teach me about science. They know about earthquakes, tornados, gravity, how things work, thier bodies, babies, botony, chemistry, animal mating habits, frogs, cows, horses, and dirt. They know a lot about dirt. And I never taught them a thing. They are in 3rd grade this year and we do science now, once a week. Astromony. Sunday night in our driveway, they found the Great Bear and discovered how to find Polaris. Science is our most fun subject, they know a lot and we hardly ever study it.


One thing they want more of is experments. Lots of them. Kate frequently will bring me books and asks to do some experiment that she found.


My sis gave me an 8th grade science book and I am loving it. Looking ahead like that, I am now seeing the importance of math. It's an absolute must to acheivement in science in the higher grades. I only say that because math is equal to torture in our house.

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I've hit a "dry period" so to speak with science and am trying to come up with things to do.


What are some other second graders here doing?


Mostly he's just been reading books on various life science topics that come up, and doing lapbook folds to put in his life science binder. For his last formal second grade unit, Verdi's participating in the Tomatosphere project this spring and summer. It's a perfect transition from life science to earth/space science.

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I just got my copy of this a couple of days ago and I've already fallen in love. :001_smile: This is the science curriculum I've been looking for.


It's not your standard science textbook which throws a lot of disjointed facts at the kids. It's also not filled with hands-on experiments which don't teach concepts and leave the child no better informed than she was before. It is very inquiry-based, or discovery-based. It prompts the child to ask questions, and do activities which will answer those questions (and maybe inspire more!).


You can get it on amazon.com and read a great, thorough review there written by one of the members here (and in fact, she may have responded to your post! Sorry, but I didn't read the other responses before writing mine.)

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