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Can you plz list anything from Netflix that you've loved for learning purposes?

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I am not really using my Netflix because their search function stinks! I want to fill up our queue this summer with lots of History Channel or cool science type things, documentaries, etc.-really anything that could be considered educational. My dc are 11 and 8 and I really want to stretch them in this way and spark some different fields of interest-we don't have cable and I think they'd enjoy some engaging educational dvds.


If there is already a thread on this, could you please link me? I've seen some of the "chronological history" Netflix threads, but nothing just in general. Thanks!




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Liberty's Kids

Ken Burns's The Civil War (we just watched a couple of parts, I think the one about Gettysburg was one)

David McCauley Castle and Cathedral (we have the books too)

The Revolution (13 part History Channel program with Kelsey Grammer)

I think there were a few programs on Rome.


Try browsing under documentaries, subheading historical documentaries. They have tons of stuff, I tend to stick to PBS, BBC or some History Channel things.

Hope this helps.

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Over the last year or so, we've watched (several of these are series):


Pompeii Last Day

Globetrekker (the only one that's been inappropriate was Great Festivals, and I don't know if that's streaming)

Story of India


People of the Wind

Beyond the Movie: Alexander the Great


Crucible of Civilization (the Greeks)

Michael Palin's New Europe

Atlas: Uncovering Earth

In search of myths and heroes

National Geographic: Inside Mecca

The Secret of Kells

Secrets of Jerusalem's Holiest Sites

Secret Yellowstone

Wild China: Land of the Panda

Bizarre Foods

Dolphins: Imax

Mad Hot Ballroom

Nefertiti and the Lost Dynasty

Walking with Dinosaurs

Walking with Prehistoric Beasts

The Gods Must Be Crazy

Helen of Troy

The Alps: IMAX


Rudy Maxa's World

A Man, A Plan, A Canal: Panama

Viva Cuba

Ancient Egyptians

Hittites: the civilization that changed the world

The First Merchants

Ancient Egyptians

The origins of civilization

Planet Earth

National Geographic: Birth of Civilization

Prehistoric America

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Not on instant watch, but this one was fantastic for us. It gives a really good picture of the Mayflower journey, and what they did before and after. Really good.


One of the following Lewis and Clark documentaries. I can't remember which one we watched (they are both saved in my queue, so I can't tell). Anyway, it was good. Maybe check them both out.






My DS5 likes the "Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That" (there are a few). He also likes the LeapFrog stuff.

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We watch a lot of Nova and Nova Science Now. Yesterday we watched a cool Nova show called "The Pluto Files", about Pluto no longer being called a planet. Also my son and his friend enjoyed "Making Stuff", which is also from PBS.

There are also a lot of National Geographic documentaries on there. Mythbusters is educational. Also, Dirty Jobs.


What ages are your kids?



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