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Is anyone using Telling God's Story yet? Thoughts thus far?


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Looking to hear from those who are using (and plan to continue using) Telling God's Story. Anyone, anyone? I still don't have the books in hand, but I hope to soon and am looking forward to using it with Kai, my rising 1st grader. I'm sure Rafe (rising 4th grader) will listen in, as well.

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I'm using it with my first graders. We're just finishing up the first unit so fifth week. We love it! My kids are really absorbing the parables we've studied in this unit and are enjoying the activities. It's been, so far, the best bible curriculum I've used and I've used many.

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I'm using it with my first graders. We're just finishing up the first unit so fifth week. We love it! My kids are really absorbing the parables we've studied in this unit and are enjoying the activities. It's been, so far, the best bible curriculum I've used and I've used many.

Glad to hear it's going well. Thanks for the reply!:)


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Okay, don't everyone answer at once!:tongue_smilie: Seems like this is by no means flying off the shelf, which of course leads one to wonder if the author's views (either real or misrepresented) are a factor. Also raises the question as to whether or not planned subsequent books will indeed be forthcoming. Well, we shall see. I like what I've seen of the first year enough to use it, and I'll just go from there.

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my kids will be in 2nd/3rd and this will be our first year HS'ing. I bought it and have it but am first going through our book we have with Sonlight at a faster-than-suggested pace of one lesson per day (leading little ones to God). Then by mid-year we will start this curriculum. I had already seen examples of the curriculum and liked what I saw despite what I had read about the author's views. I really think the kids will enjoy the curriculum. The activities are engaging and the curriculum does seem to encourage getting to the heart of the parables :)


I have seen on their facebook page that they are working on next year's curriculum and I believe they showed samples to a convention (or something like that).

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Okay, don't everyone answer at once!:tongue_smilie: Seems like this is by no means flying off the shelf, which of course leads one to wonder if the author's views (either real or misrepresented) are a factor. Also raises the question as to whether or not planned subsequent books will indeed be forthcoming. Well, we shall see. I like what I've seen of the first year enough to use it, and I'll just go from there.


I wonder if a bigger factor might be that most HSers are on summer break now?

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Okay, don't everyone answer at once!:tongue_smilie: Seems like this is by no means flying off the shelf, which of course leads one to wonder if the author's views (either real or misrepresented) are a factor. Also raises the question as to whether or not planned subsequent books will indeed be forthcoming. Well, we shall see. I like what I've seen of the first year enough to use it, and I'll just go from there.


What are the author's views? Or, what have they been misrepresented to be? :)


I was just looking at the curriculum and I liked what I saw. I may get it for my first grader to use in the fall barring some hideous revelation. :D

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Okay, don't everyone answer at once!:tongue_smilie: Seems like this is by no means flying off the shelf, which of course leads one to wonder if the author's views (either real or misrepresented) are a factor. Also raises the question as to whether or not planned subsequent books will indeed be forthcoming. Well, we shall see. I like what I've seen of the first year enough to use it, and I'll just go from there.[/color][/font]


I bought the overview book. I like it, but had hoped for more depth.


If some of the levels for older kids had been available, I would have bought and started using those. Level 1 is a bit young for us though. ;) I do *hope* other levels come out soon!

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What are the author's views? Or, what have they been misrepresented to be? :)


I was just looking at the curriculum and I liked what I saw. I may get it for my first grader to use in the fall barring some hideous revelation. :D


There is a whole bunch of info on the sticky notes at the top of the K-8 curriculum review board with links to blog posts by the author explaining how the curriculum is being misrepresented.


I think, although it means a loss at the beginning, it was smart of the publisher to offer the first year free for a limited time so we can try it for ourselves to make our own judgments. Like a "by their fruits ye shall know them" experience. In my opinion, for our family, any religious studies are going to have bits and pieces in them that I'll want to assess how to teach to my children since all of us have our own life experiences to add and instruct on how to apply the gospel teachings to us--especially if you believe in being guided by the spirit. From what I've seen, TGS is a great approach but it is only one approach and as with lots of things in homeschooling we have a spine (like scripture or a certain history text) and then we use lots of other things to supplement to get a fuller picture.


Just my thoughts.

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There is a whole bunch of info on the sticky notes at the top of the K-8 curriculum review board with links to blog posts by the author explaining how the curriculum is being misrepresented.


Thank you! I did some reading on the blogs and stickies. I hadn't realized he was associated with BioLogos. A big plus, in our book. :) I think we'll be ordering the curriculum.

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Well, we are just finishing up week 2, and so far, I like it ok. The girls really like the activities so far, and I like how they help to reinforce the scripture we read.


The one complaint I have with the program is that we are on one passage the whole week. I read the passage on Monday, and then the rest of the week is spent doing activities associated to it. That's fine, but I would really have liked other scriptures related to and expounding on the idea of the original passage to be read and discussed as well. I have begun looking for those myself.


After this year, I really don't see continuing with this program. For us, I just don't think it has enough.

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I would guess you aren't getting a lot of responses because it just came out earlier this year and a (typical) new school year hasn't begun yet since it's release. I know lots of people homeschool year round but I also think lots of people start their new year with new curriculum in late summer / early fall. That being said, I have purchased this and plan to use it with my younger 2 boys (2nd grade and preKish/K). I am hoping new levels will be released on time so we can continue using it. :)

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I would guess you aren't getting a lot of responses because it just came out earlier this year and a (typical) new school year hasn't begun yet since it's release. I know lots of people homeschool year round but I also think lots of people start their new year with new curriculum in late summer / early fall.


:iagree:Yup, this. I have it all planned out and filed in our binders, but we aren't starting it until next fall. I may blog about some of our lessons, we have lots of fun activities planned!


Also, to address the one passage per week issue, the way I see the curriculum being set up is that it is a once a week subject, similar to how Memoria Press or LCC sets up Christian studies. Telling God's Story just takes up our Christian studies slot once a week. We will read the passage, and do an activity or craft related to the passage and then do/review the memory work. We also have AWANAs, a faith-based Co-op once a week, and regular church, so I'm not sure I'd have the time to fit in Christian studies more than once per week anyway.

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We are using it, and are really liking it. I'm using it with a 2nd and 3rd grader, and they like many of the things I've chosen for them throughout the week's worth of material. I can see how some of the activities are definitely geared for a tad younger (1st).


The activities we are doing are doable, fun, and the girls are truly learning the meaning of the passage being stressed for the week. We talked about how God reacts when someone "finds" Him, the parable of the widow and the coin. The games really helped the girls to see Him more. I LOVE this. They always ask how they can see Him, and I say the same thing always. This is actually fleshing Him out in their eyes, making Him more real as they learn about His character. Lovely. Just lovely.


To address the one passage a week, I like it, as it gives the girls' time to digest it all. We are also doing AWANA and SL's Bible schedule, though.

Edited by 3peasinapod
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To address the one passage a week, I like it, as it gives the girls' time to digest it all.

This is what I'm finding. We're absorbing. It's what we reflect on and really internalize that becomes meaningful. It's what I'm enjoying about this curriculum. Most lessons (all but one) so far have five activities and we do one activity each day to reinforce that week's lesson/story. I really like it.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I haven't decided if we are going to use it yet. My kids will be in 5th grade so I am wondering if it will be too young for them. Also, we do AWANAs so we wouldn't have time for a time consuming curriculum. I was toying with the idea of just letting them read the textbook for assigned reading rather than using the AG too, but if they are too old for it, maybe I will wait for the other levels.


Any thoughts on this?

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We are using it. I like it, it is very simple but I think taking the time on each lesson really helps things to sink in - as opposed to a totally new lesson every day. We usually do about 2-3 of the activities suggested.

When I read the Parent's Guide, I absolutely loved the idea of the whole thing and how it will work. Like, seriously, LOVED it! :)

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i had not seen this book, till this post. is it broken into veeks for easy study -- or is it more of a 'book' to be read though?


or am I looking at the incorrect item: http://www.amazon.com/Telling-Gods-Story-Narrative-Beginning/dp/0805432825


It's this http://www.welltrainedmind.com/store/religion-curriculum.html and I was just looking at it this morning.


I like the look of it but haven't tried it. Is it set up kind of like SOTW?

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We've got it. I'm planning on using it starting this fall, but we did do a preview lesson or two this summer. I really like the way it's set up. It seems to stress God's love for us through the lessons, and that is what my daughter needs. She is very prone to deciding she is "bad" if she breaks a rule in an all or nothing sort of way. I like that she is learning the lessons about God's love for us first.


I think the curriculum is very doable and easy to add into a busy homeschool schedule. It doesn't feel like something we'll have to ditch if we get behind in math, KWIM? And the way it goes over one story/scripture per week allows my daughter to digest the information better. She has her whole life to learn about the bible. I don't mind her taking her time to really absorb it.

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I only have one post about Telling God's Story so far on my blog, but I plan to update it monthly with some highlights of the activities, games, and recipes. I hope it will give people a feel for it as a whole, though I don't touch a lot on the lesson itself, but just the activities.


The written part is so well done, the girls take away something each week we progress. It points to the heart of God and who He is, not just what He has done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We began using TGS after our vbs wrapped up this summer. We've completed one unit (we started in the middle to reinforce what the children had been hearing at VBS). So far, it's been wonderful. When I brought out the book this morning my son jumped up and exclaimed "ooh, my favorite book!" This has never happened before and we've used a couple of very popular bible studies already. I love the easygoing pace, the allusions to Legos, and the plethora of activities. I love that whole passages of scripture are studied each week instead of one verse. I love that this study helps me tell my son who Jesus is and why I love Him so. I can't wait for next week's lesson and next year's book.


For those of you considering the book for older children, each lesson is introduced with a "note to parents" which I think could be used to bring the lesson up to their level.

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