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"Shake your booty" for 25% off of an ice cream cone?

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A local free parenting magazine, which is mostly a collection of useful ads targeting families, has a list of its "A List" activities for summer. Included is a listing for local ice cream stores, one of which offers, on Tuesday nights after 6, 25% off if you "shake your booty for 20 seconds for the Morelli's scoop crew."


Is it just me, or does anyone else find that repugnant? Children (and it is certainly aimed at children) shaking their behinds for the adult crew of an ice cream store? I have e-mailed the magazine already, but I am honestly wondering if this is one of those "its just me" things.


Thanks for your opinions.



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There is a time to be playful, and not take life so seriously.


This would be one of them for me.


Dancing and "shaking your booty" is a natural childhood movement. Babies and toddlers do it in response to music.


It wouldn't ring my radar for inappropriate.


Too bad I am eating low carb right now.

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It doesn't really phase me, but then, here we have a movie theater that on one night/week gives half off (so, buy 1, get 1) to any couple who kisses at the ticket booth.




And yes, you really do have to kiss in order to get the discount.


So, a little dancing for a discount on ice cream? Not a huge deal to me.

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Write "Booty" on a piece of paper. Bring it. Shake it for 20 seconds. :D


I can take this either way. I'd have a better idea of the intent if and when I went to the ice cream shop. I'm guessing no one has to shake anything if they don't want to, and they'd still get the 25% off. :)

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It bothers me. But when people say that in DH's family they literally do a "clubbing" booty shake. Even the kids. I am NOT a fan and my children are not allowed to shake it with them! :glare: I don't really like referring to dancing as shaking your booty because originally that is now what it meant. It is the sanitized version of it.

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