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Now for a little controversy (and very uncanadianlike)

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I with you, not ordinarily though, being rivals and all :boxing_smiley:

But my team has choked well before playoff time.


Have you been watching all the games?


I have. In fact we even installed cable just to watch the playoffs (how's that for dedication). Even though we're 1500 km's from Vancouver, the hockey fever is big here in our little town. Sports cancelled, meetings cancelled . . . no pressure Canucks :)!

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I'm only sort of joking. Is it a sports team? Which sport?


I'm not up on sports. I hear a little about soccer from DH, but otherwise that's it.


Hockey OF COURSE. There are no other sports ;)


Tonight is Game 7 (Of a best of seven) of the Stanley Cup Finals in Vancouver (Vancouver Canucks vs Boston Bruins).


Feel free to watch it and listen to http://www.whilethemenwatch.com/ for a bunch on Canadian women doing commentary.

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Yeah . . .but they're home tonight :).


(I actually feel sorry for Luongo but apparently I'm a loner in that camp.)


He superstitious. It's all in his head. I feel sorry for him too, but mostly because there's a lot of pressure on him and he's ... not really that good :leaving:

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Oh this thread is getting very controversial.:)


I can back it up though.


For example everyone cheered him for his great save(s) in OT at the olympics, but he let in a horrible shot late in the 3rd that caused it to go to OT in the first place. He's done the something similar in half the games of the playoffs.

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my loathing for Chara knows no bounds.


:iagree: There have been about 100 too many interviews with him these playoffs. It's one thing to be a jerk, it's another to sound like one every.single.time you're interviewed.

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He superstitious. It's all in his head. I feel sorry for him too, but mostly because there's a lot of pressure on him and he's ... not really that good :leaving:



No, he isn't very good. Thomas, on the other hand, rocks the net like crazy. I don't feel sorry for Luongo. I do feel embarrassed for him. The first 5 minutes of Monday night's game was a display of some of the most craptacular defending and goaltending I've ever seen. Truly embarrassing. Thank goodness coach had the sense to pull him out of the net. At that rate of 4 goals per 4.2 minutes, it could have been 52-0 instead of 5-2.


Still... GO CANUCKS GO!!!!! It's now or never.

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Yeah . . .but they're home tonight :).


(I actually feel sorry for Luongo but apparently I'm a loner in that camp.)


As a goalie mom, I will join you in that camp.


As a Sabres fan, I am honor bound to despise the Bruins so:


Go, Canucks, go!


(But DH, who also despises the Bruins doesn't want the Canucks to win b/c they joined the league the same year as the Sabres and that means the Canucks got the Cup sooner than we did. He's in a lose-lose place, no matter who wins.)


Just please, don't let anyone else get hurt.

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I hate Boston. Almost as much as I hate Buffalo. And my loathing for Chara knows no bounds.


Please, please Vancouver, you must win this.


You must not be from North Texas originally.


Are you from Philly? :lol:


Not many people hate Buffalo, cuz we're perpetual chokers/losers.

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Ironically, there's more Canadian players on the Bruins team. Or so my trying-to-justify-his-love-of-the-Bruins friend tells me here in Cowtown. And my poor dh was scheduled to give a talk tonight eons ago. Hope he doesn't take it personally when no one shows up. :-)

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Wolf and I were rooting for the Lightening...solely for Rollie. We're still ticked off that Edmonton traded him. Idiots. Would love to see him get a ring.


I can't bring myself to care much about game 7. Just. Get. It. Over. Already.


Playoffs are just lasting too long for me to sustain interest these days. Even Wolf isn't caring much, and that normally has me checking for his pulse.


Last time I was pregnant, the Oilers were in the finals. Now, *that* was worth watching :tongue_smilie: Rollie was injured, and that was the end of that.

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Wolf and I were rooting for the Lightening...solely for Rollie. We're still ticked off that Edmonton traded him. Idiots. Would love to see him get a ring.


I can't bring myself to care much about game 7. Just. Get. It. Over. Already.


Playoffs are just lasting too long for me to sustain interest these days. Even Wolf isn't caring much, and that normally has me checking for his pulse.


Last time I was pregnant, the Oilers were in the finals. Now, *that* was worth watching :tongue_smilie: Rollie was injured, and that was the end of that.


He is DS's favorite goalie (next to Miller). We splurged one year and got DS a Roloson jersey (MN) and then he got traded. that'll teach us! :lol:

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He is DS's favorite goalie (next to Miller). We splurged one year and got DS a Roloson jersey (MN) and then he got traded. that'll teach us! :lol:

I just bought Wolf a Taylor Hall jersey for last Christmas. I want to get a Rollie jersey (Edmonton) made for him next yr. We're still huge Rollie fans.


I like Kippersoff too. shhhh!

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As a goalie mom, I will join you in that camp.


As a Sabres fan, I am honor bound to despise the Bruins so:


Go, Canucks, go!


(But DH, who also despises the Bruins doesn't want the Canucks to win b/c they joined the league the same year as the Sabres and that means the Canucks got the Cup sooner than we did. He's in a lose-lose place, no matter who wins.)


Just please, don't let anyone else get hurt.


:iagree::iagree::iagree: I feel like the refs have been letting things escalate too much and then stupid things happen.

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I just bought Wolf a Taylor Hall jersey for last Christmas. I want to get a Rollie jersey (Edmonton) made for him next yr. We're still huge Rollie fans.


I like Kippersoff too. shhhh!


Either Rollie or Kipper is twice the goalie Luongo is.

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Anyone that makes millions of dollars a year. :glare: Better question is, wth was the judge thinking to allow it?!


Does his contract really depend no convictions? Most have pretty airtight contracts, he'd make millions even if Edmonton was too embarrassed to play him.

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Am I the only person here who supports the Bruins?





I can't say that I support the Bruins, but the Canucks knocked my Blackhawks out, so I'd like to see them see them eat it.


So if you cant take conditional, band wagon, revenge support....I'm in!



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I can't say that I support the Bruins, but the Canucks knocked my Blackhawks out, so I'd like to see them see them eat it.


So if you cant take conditional, band wagon, revenge support....I'm in!




:lol: Most of us are conditional, band wagon support the other way. But prepare to lose anyway :boxing_smiley:

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Am I the only person here who supports the Bruins?




NOPE! Right here with you! Dh has been a fan since birth and watches every.single.game. all season. I've become a fan over the years and birthed 3 baby Bruins fans, so we are watching for the CUP TO COME TO BOSTON, BABY!!


Tim Thomas is my Ice Ninja and I can't wait to see what he does tonight! Might even let the baby Bruins stay up late late tonight to watch when (hopefully) history is made for Boston!

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Does his contract really depend no convictions? Most have pretty airtight contracts, he'd make millions even if Edmonton was too embarrassed to play him.

There's speculation that a conviction would mean he couldn't travel btwn the States and Canada.


ETA: I would think being in jail and unable to play would also effect his pay.

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NOPE! Right here with you! Dh has been a fan since birth and watches every.single.game. all season. I've become a fan over the years and birthed 3 baby Bruins fans, so we are watching for the CUP TO COME TO BOSTON, BABY!!


Tim Thomas is my Ice Ninja and I can't wait to see what he does tonight! Might even let the baby Bruins stay up late late tonight to watch when (hopefully) history is made for Boston!



Oh, he is good and I give him all respect, but.... you know. Sorry. I've got to root for the Canucks.

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