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I get more old-fashioned the older I get.

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As a hip 26-year-old, I have gone through the medicated birth to natural birth to home birth, ramen & Fruit Loops to mostly vegetarian homecooked food, with babywearing and cloth diapering thrown in. (Not to say anything one way or the other about any of these except that I went from more typical modern ideas to more granola, old-fashioned ideas.)


However. This stuff doesn't hold a candle to the current progression.


I learned to knit about two years ago. Then I learned to spin on a drop spindle. Then I bought a spinning wheel. Now, as a 26-year-old, I am sitting here on TWTM, carding raw wool into rolags as I browse the forum. I bought the wool I'm carding in raw fleece form from a sheep farm & cleaned it myself. I will then spin it, dye it, and knit it. Am I all modern & hip or what? :lol::lol::lol:

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As a hip 26-year-old, I have gone through the medicated birth to natural birth to home birth, ramen & Fruit Loops to mostly vegetarian homecooked food, with babywearing and cloth diapering thrown in. (Not to say anything one way or the other about any of these except that I went from more typical modern ideas to more granola, old-fashioned ideas.)


However. This stuff doesn't hold a candle to the current progression.


I learned to knit about two years ago. Then I learned to spin on a drop spindle. Then I bought a spinning wheel. Now, as a 26-year-old, I am sitting here on TWTM, carding raw wool into rolags as I browse the forum. I bought the wool I'm carding in raw fleece form from a sheep farm & cleaned it myself. I will then spin it, dye it, and knit it. Am I all modern & hip or what? :lol::lol::lol:

As a 30+ year knitter, I bow down to your greatness.

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I think it is VERY cool. I volunteer at Heritage Park in Salt Lake (as a pioneer woman...wearing the old-fashioned clothes and everything), so I have carded and spun a lot of wool over the past 9 years. It's really fun, and for us....it's fresh off the sheep. Baaa. :D

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You are one rockin' mama!


My 22 and 23 yo dds can spin and knit - heck, my 22yo asked for and received 3 Border Leicester sheep last year for her birthday.


I'd love to see what you knit up with it! You ARE hip, cool, and groovy! Way to go! :)


Dude. I want sheep for my birthday. :w00t: The dds were carding with me on dog brushes :lol:.

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Dude. I want sheep for my birthday. :w00t: The dds were carding with me on dog brushes :lol:.


My friend up in Oregon has a couple of goats. Not sure what kind. She also spins her own wool with a spinning wheel her mil gave her. Very cool! We went to a Society for Creative Anachronism gathering a few months ago. We watched a woman with a drop spindle. My dd wants one.

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Greetings from a fellow 26 year old, LDS, mama who also finds herself going back in time! My husband has been nudging me into learning how to spin wool. We should hang out. ;)


:D If UT wasn't such a drive I totally would. Maybe if dh picks a grad school in VA....

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Then I learned to spin on a drop spindle. Then I bought a spinning wheel. Now, as a 26-year-old, I am sitting here on TWTM, carding raw wool into rolags as I browse the forum. I bought the wool I'm carding in raw fleece form from a sheep farm & cleaned it myself. I will then spin it, dye it, and knit it. Am I all modern & hip or what? :lol::lol::lol:

How did you learn this? I'd love to expose Diva to it, I think she'd love it.

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How did you learn this? I'd love to expose Diva to it, I think she'd love it.


Youtube videos by afranquemont and/or her downloadable vide (it's also a book but I prefer video), Respect the Spindle, as far as using a drop spindle goes. The Youtube is almost everything that's in the paid video, though, and the Youtube is free! :D The carding wool is also from Youtube, lol. The spinning on a wheel, well, I've seen videos but I have a local spinning group to help, too.

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