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I need a "rigor" thread/website (i.e., kick in the butt)


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Please, if you have a great thread or post or sermon or link that you read when you need to get more, um, rigorous with "doing school" (if you ever need that kind of thing), could you please share this with me?


I've been thinking that there are times for saying to oneself, "Oh, they're little children, they're so young, there is plenty of time, let them play in the sandbox....."


But lately I've been thinking I've said that long enough this year (ahem) and I need to get a marching drumbeat in my head (at least for a while).


One, two, three, four, MARCH, two, three, four...


Does anyone have a "rigor" speech or link for me? Please? :bigear: (or do I need to just chill?)

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What I would consider rigorous is when on a school day I can't seem to get in any fun reading to my kids!!! Because, we have spent most of the day getting them through there daily "work". This would also include eating, bathroom breaks, some play time and some extra curricular activity we have gone to. I can not fit in as much as I would like! There just isn't enough time in the day!

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Please, if you have a great thread or post or sermon or link that you read when you need to get more, um, rigorous with "doing school" (if you ever need that kind of thing), could you please share this with me?


I've been thinking that there are times for saying to oneself, "Oh, they're little children, they're so young, there is plenty of time, let them play in the sandbox....."


But lately I've been thinking I've said that long enough this year (ahem) and I need to get a marching drumbeat in my head (at least for a while).


One, two, three, four, MARCH, two, three, four...


Does anyone have a "rigor" speech or link for me? Please? :bigear: (or do I need to just chill?)


There is a time for sandboxes and playing and enjoying your kids. One of my regrets with my youngest is that I didn't read as much TO him as to his brothers.


But I can also tell you that time is fleeting. They will be older before you know it. The time for building firm foundations is now.


Don't put of tasks that are hard just because they are hard. I don't mean that you need to read Anna Karenina with your 2nd grader or do algebra in 3rd grade. I do mean that avoiding teaching a child to do chores or schoolwork that is at their ability level, just because it is time consuming or they or you don't really like to isn't going to correct itself. A chore becomes easier because the child has more experience with it. The same with school work.


This line is quoted in one of the Little House books. I should probably make my computer lock up every hour while it flashes at me.


Lost, yesterday, somewhere between Sunrise and Sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are gone forever. (Horace Mann)

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I look to fellow WTMers for inspiration. I tend to gravitate toward bloggers who are aiming to develop the whole child (Heidi's list of "Educational Goals" hangs on my frig).

If I feel like I need a boost or a kick in the pants or just some "centering" I read the blogs of Lisa, Heidi, Beth, and Angela off of the top of my head from Google Reader.


Yes, I read and enjoy these blogs, also! Thank you for posting. :D

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Thank you, Creekmon. I remember reading this when it came up, but I hadn't been able to find it again. This is exactly what I was asking for, exactly what I was needing.


I still need to go through and read all the posts below yours ;), but let me say that there are times when it's time to get the train heading down the track, KWIM? We have been accomplishing so much in the past few weeks... I am amazed at what my children can learn and do, if only their mother/teacher will "work it." And sometimes I need that encouragement to "work it" -- like a coach telling an athlete to do another set of reps.


I think I was just feeling the pressure towards "let them play, let them paint" a bit too much for where the girls really are and what they really need and can do. If I applied too much pressure, that would be detrimental. On the other hand, too little pressure applied to (IMO) very bright children would not be a good thing.


In fact, in the past few weeks, my children have shown me that they are SCARY bright. It freaks me out, to tell the truth -- not just their ability to learn, but the intensity of their desire to do so.


They are pushing me. Thanks for posting, Creekmom.

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Thanks for the link, it was helpful. I'm totally disabled and had to pull my younger son out of ps mid-year. He's an Aspie and twice exceptional. It's cold comfort that he was at least two years behind grade level when I took over.


Lots of times it had been really hard to keep on going, for example, when he got spring fever and the weather change made me feel even worse. But the push forward is worth it. He's no longer living in fear and he is learning.

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Whenever I know I'm getting really lazy, I reread the November 2006 Epistula (newsletter) from Veritas Press.


It caused quite an uproar when it came out... "We home school, we don't need to spend x hours each day." "Why shouldn't I wear pajamas all day?" etc. The whole point of the article is that if you want to educate classically, it's going to take work. Like any other "how-to" resource, you just have to take what you can use from the article and discard the rest.

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