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Moms who homschool and are in school!

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How do you organize your life? Do you keep your house clean and your children fed three meals a day? Are the clothes always clean not collecting in a mountain of funk? Do you do school every day? Are they where they supposed to be in terms of their studies? Do they know what they need to know, can they do what they need to do to be considered at or above grade level? Is your class work done and to the best of your ability? Do you retain all the information that you need to to perform at the level you need to? Do you get it done? If you do, how? Tell me your secret! Show me your schedule. Impart your wisdom! I would greatly appreciate it!:confused:

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I'm pursuing my accounting degree online, so I do all of my studying on the weekends and early in the morning (I get up about 5am and have at least 2 hours to study before I have to start my morning routine).


I couldn't do outside-the-home classes and keep the house straight and homeschool the kids! Something would have to give.


My children are older, too, which greatly helps. They do their own laundry and keep their own rooms clean, and assist with chores around the house. And, while I draw up the daily schedule, they're responsible for completing their assignments. I help when they need it and correct papers.


(My youngest is the exception to that rule, as she has autism and needs more one-on-one help and supervision, but the older ones help with that also).


Another great help for me is that my hubby works from home, so he does at least 75% of the cooking during the week.

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Okay, here is my schedule for this week.


8:00 Dig trenches for garden border/work dirt/frame addition at our school - We do Latin and history during this time.

10:00 Dig post holes at other property

12:00 showers and lunch

1:00 Work on my school - We do my son's writing and Math and other things during this time.

4:30 Take Teresa to catch the bus. (She works for us)

5:00 Workout with son

5:30 Dinner

6:30 Reading time for my son

7:30 Bedtime for my son

At this time I workout again, or I study, or I relax, whichever I need to do most.

10:00 Bedtime (though I never go to bed on time)


Also, my son has 4 folders worth of work that he has to do on his own every week. He's 7, but little kids are capable of being more responsible than many people think.

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I'm a full time student, and take most of my classes outside the home. DD is young, so we don't need long days to get everything done.


Things we do to make life/education/etc. easier:

-school year round. We actually do more in the summer and around the holidays since I'm out of school.

-sometimes school 7 days a week, but it may only be an hour or so a day.

-My most recent plans include "plans" for 5 days a week, and that leaves the extra two days for the stuff we didn't get too. I was scheduling things 7 days a week, but had no extra time to make up anything that we (inevitably) didn't get done.

-declutter. Majorly. Our lives have become so much simpler since we have less stuff.

-Get creative with scheduling my classes. Next semester I have 6 classes. 3 traditional classes, 1 lecture/online combined, 1 lecture + electronically measured workouts on my time, and 1 that is an independent study.

-I'll admit it, we don't always eat as healthy as we should. Sometimes we end up with hamburger helper for dinner because, well, that's what I have the time/energy for! I did however recently discover the crockpot, and I'm looking forward to really making use of it next year.

-Clothes are... often collecting in a mountain of funk... :D During my busiest times of the semester, I often find myself completely OUT of clothes to wear and have to quickly throw a load in. :tongue_smilie:

-DD is at least at grade level, probably a little above. She's above enough that I know she'd be academically bored in public school kindergarten next year, which is where she would be by age.

-I get what I need to get done. I'm not performing at 100 percent, but, I don't need to perform at 100% to get good grades. Sad, but true. This semester was my absolute worst and I had two A's and three B's. (And two of the B's were because I had a lot of confusion with two similar foreign languages, and it took most of the semester to sort it out.) I often pull all-nighters or near all-nighters to finish studying/reading/writing/etc. But... I'm a member of multiple honor's societies, my university's honor's program, will graduate with honors.. you get the picture.


Have you already started school? If so, are there particular areas which are a challenge to you?

Going to school and homeschooling can definitely be done. It's hard work, sure, but oh so worth it!

(Although, just wait for the responses. Whenever someone learns that I am a full time student myself as well as a homeschooling mom they always say "WOW. How in the world can you do it? I could never do that." :tongue_smilie:)

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Also, my son has 4 folders worth of work that he has to do on his own every week. He's 7, but little kids are capable of being more responsible than many people think.


Oh yeah, this too! Even my 5 year old has work that she can do on her own, or with me right at her elbow for quick corrections while doing my own work. I also send independent work with her to the babysitters (handwriting practice, math/phonics review worksheets, videos for French/science/history, etc.)

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Have you already started school? If so, are there particular areas which are a challenge to you?


I am currently in school and I do on campus and online. I am a fashion design major so there are classes that can't be taken online! What am I having trouble with.....well I am really having trouble with everything! I'm really normally an organized person but for the last two years everything just seems to be bursting at the seams( ha ha I used seems and seams in the same sentence:lol:). I also go to a art school that functions in quaters which make life a little more difficult because of the accelerated pace. When I went to regular university it was a little easier ( more time to procrastinate) but I also didn't have kids then either. I end up doing well in my classes and not because their easy or all things I'm good at, but because I work very hard. I just can't find my groove and I'm really considering taking the summer off to sleep and play with my kids and get a routine down. I think ten weeks is enough to do that. Any suggestions?

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Eek! Keep my house clean and serve 3 meals? Um, I didn't do that even before I went back to school. :tongue_smilie:


First, my situation is different because my children are high school age. (But stick with my post because some things might be helpful for you.) Things would be different if they were much younger. Also, we use a correspondence high school program with teachers so they are getting grades and classes are applied to a diploma.


--My classes are either Mon/Wed OR Tues/Thurs. It would be impossible for me to be at school more than 2 days a week.


--The children work 4 days a week. One of those days has to be independent since I'm at school, and the 5th day is the other day I'm at school so it's an OFF-day for them.


--About every 3 months, I look at the work they'll be doing and write out a daily checklist. This is extremely important in keeping us on track. I do the same thing for my own classes. I schedule homework times when I focus on my work without being disturbed. I keep several hours open each day I'm home to work with them.


--Between their schooling and mine, I'm busy 7 days a week. But it's okay because I really enjoy it. And it's obviously working well because I maintain top grades.


--The MOST IMPORTANT thing that keeps things running smoothly is my DH. If he wasn't so supportive, this wouldn't work for our family. He does a considerable amount of work around the house. He's in charge of all cooking, cleaning the kitchen, and laundry. I handle the rest of the things that don't have to be done daily. He has had these responsibilities for a long time anyway because I loathe cooking. Laundry is fairly easy because he loads the washer and dryer but each family member is responsible for folding and putting away their own clothes.

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Kids? I have kids? and I am supposed to feed them? What? That is the way I feel somedays. I don't really have a set schedule, even if I did, I wouldn't follow it. We decided to not school during the summer this year because I am in school and we just moved, remodeling the old house for a rental and I work, DH is a farmer and harvest is around the corner, etc etc etc.

For this last year, I would get up in the morning and read my school stuff while waiting for DD to wake up. I don't start school at a set time. I don't wake her up. When she gets up, we eat breakfast and then start school. We did school for about 2 hours and then she could do her papers that we covered (ABeka). That was another thing I did because I am in school...I switched to ABeka. I needed it layed out, easy and doable. I still "teach" it but it isn't as intense as reading/classical method. While DD was doing her papers, I would do the dishes and clean the kitchen and maybe a load of laundry since she was at the table in the kitchen/dining/laundry room. After that I would do some more of my work. I wrote a lot of papers in my mind and then typed them up when kids were sleeping. HEADPHONES!!!! My DH bought me a pair of noise cancelling headphones and they are awesome! I could take a test with kids in the room.

I also worked 2 days a week and didn't get much done on those days.


Over all, I did OK. 5 A's and 1 B with a 3.84GPA and made the Dean's list and my kids are fed, we moved to a new house, everything is put away already and DH still loves me (hehehehehe) It has been hard and very busy but good.

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Guest kamirisf

Hello to all of you! I'm currently a full time nursing student and will start homeschooling for the first time in the fall. It is very overwhelming to think how in the world come the beginning of my next semester am I going to manage college, homeschooling, and housework. First and foremost, I thank God for the great family support system that I have. I figured that the only way this could work is if everybody pitched in and does their part. Something that I have learned from becoming a nurse is that you have to be organized and structured. My goals are to prepare at least 3-4 frozen meals a week, wash a load of clothes every day so it can be kept under control, create a schedule for schooling and follow it(encourage the kids to work independently since they are old enough to do it), and as for me I'm not a night owl but I tend to retain more when I study before bed. By the way, this is a great thread and thank you for all of your suggestions...

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I've worked, homeschooled, taken classes, and dealt with family medical and eldercare crises all at once. Last summer was particularly hectic. I finished two graduate classes during a period where a family member had four surgeries. By the time December hit, I was in a major burn-out that took months to resolve. I decided to end my graduate studies at the Graduate Certificate level and not take any classes in 2011, which has proven to be the right choice.


The reality is that you have to work out reasonable priorities for yourself and your family. You are not superwoman. You cannot do it all, so you have to decide what can go undone and what must be done. In my case, we have no relatives nearby and DH cannot help much because of disability, so I have to be brutally honest with myself as to how much I can truly carry and how much I have to let go. There is no one answer to this. You basically have to work it out as you go. ;)

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How do you organize your life? Do you keep your house clean and your children fed three meals a day? Are the clothes always clean not collecting in a mountain of funk? Do you do school every day? Are they where they supposed to be in terms of their studies? Do they know what they need to know, can they do what they need to do to be considered at or above grade level? Is your class work done and to the best of your ability? Do you retain all the information that you need to to perform at the level you need to? Do you get it done? If you do, how? Tell me your secret! Show me your schedule. Impart your wisdom! I would greatly appreciate it!:confused:


I work outside of the home, and try to do as much of my schoolwork then (as opposed to trying to fit it in at home) - even if it means adding it to my day in between work and home, such as stopping in at the library for an hour on the way to/from work.


We live with my family, so the laundry and meals are taken care of - nothing assigned, just whomever is able and available will do what needs to be done. Sometimes it's me, sometimes it's my parents or my siblings. My kids do help out a fair amount, too: some meals, laundry, cleaning. They do more chores than most kids we know their age (5 and 10).


The kids' schoolwork is at level, but we go year-round and can afford No School Days when I have a test to study for or big exam to prep for. They're also great students, pick things up easily and are motivated to learn -- that helps immensely. Again, I also have my family to help with the homework side of school when I feel we're falling behind.


My classwork is done to an acceptable ability. I'm a perfectionist, and it's definitely not my best and I've had to adjust my expectations (of myself). I tried to do It All and failed miserably; this is the only area I felt I could adjust (I'm not going to lower my expectations at work or WRT homeschool or the home). I put in good faith effort, do well, but for some classes I'm in it just for the grade and I'll do just what I need to do to secure that grade - scanning for answers, etc. Other more interesting classes I find myself retaining more just because it's interesting material; it's not that I'm trying any harder, it's just easier to do well because it's relevant to me in some way.


For me the key is delegation of responsibilities at home, fully utilizing the support of family and friends, and adjusting my academic expectations where I can afford to.

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I am currently taking 2 master's classes online to complete my degree in professional counseling. I got my bachelor's degree last May while homeschooling all of my kids. It isn't easy but it worked and you have to make it work.


Yes, I keep the house clean because I have to have order around me to be able to function. Breakfast and lunch are mostly the kid's responsibilities; they eat what there is. Suppers are planned a week ahead so I know what to pull out of the freezer that morning.


I have a good schedule for their day but my school work gets done when I can fit it in. I can all of my classes online except for 3, which I will have to go to Liberty for 1 week. But, being online and only 8wks long my classes are extremely challenging because they are packing in 16 weeks worth of work into 8weeks.

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I am currently in school and I do on campus and online. I am a fashion design major so there are classes that can't be taken online! What am I having trouble with.....well I am really having trouble with everything! I'm really normally an organized person but for the last two years everything just seems to be bursting at the seams( ha ha I used seems and seams in the same sentence:lol:). I also go to a art school that functions in quaters which make life a little more difficult because of the accelerated pace. When I went to regular university it was a little easier ( more time to procrastinate) but I also didn't have kids then either. I end up doing well in my classes and not because their easy or all things I'm good at, but because I work very hard. I just can't find my groove and I'm really considering taking the summer off to sleep and play with my kids and get a routine down. I think ten weeks is enough to do that. Any suggestions?


I can't take many classes online either- my university doesn't offer many. It was one of the things I had to consider when I chose this school, but because of the finances, here I am!

I'm NOT organized naturally. At all. Not even close. It is a real challenge for me. But one of the things I've really had to learn is to prioritize and let go of high expectations. Remember that this season is short. All too soon you'll be done with school and your children will be older. Sometimes I sacrifice because of this. My house is livable and "clean", but until I decluttered it was messy. It's still messy a lot of times, because really, cleaning up the piles of books and the hot wheels tracks is less important than spending that hour playing with DD or getting a paper done.


I know it's hard to find a groove. To me, it feels like as soon as I've figured out how to make everything work, the semester is over and my schedule is changing!! :tongue_smilie:Could you take a lighter load over the summer? Then you could take less classes during the year? I don't have this option, but if I could take 4-8 credits during the summer and 12/16 in the fall instead of 21 in the fall (which is what I'm doing! :svengo:) I definitely would.

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Could you take a lighter load over the summer? Then you could take less classes during the year? I


I'm thinking of taking no classes at all and really getting some things done and squared away during the summer. I'm also going to have to make up for that during the fall/winter/spring quarters. If I'm being honest the thought of taking classes is getting to me in the worse way. Sort of like a semi anxiety attack, heavy breathing, upset stomach, light headed/dizziness. So I'm think about letting this summer go! I might have to take at least one class because it might not be offered in the fall thus killing my progression.:tongue_smilie:

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I'm thinking of taking no classes at all and really getting some things done and squared away during the summer. I'm also going to have to make up for that during the fall/winter/spring quarters. If I'm being honest the thought of taking classes is getting to me in the worse way. Sort of like a semi anxiety attack, heavy breathing, upset stomach, light headed/dizziness. So I'm think about letting this summer go! I might have to take at least one class because it might not be offered in the fall thus killing my progression.:tongue_smilie:


It seems like you need the break!! Go ahead and take the summer off (except the class that would throw off your progression- that's the worst!) I don't even get to the point of needing a break, since I go to a traditional university and just take classes in the fall and spring. By the time I get really overloaded, it's time for Thanksgiving, or winter break, or spring break, or summer! :D

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It didn't work for me. I got burned out on my own school-work and decided that it wasn't for me. Everything has been running much smoother since I decided to dedicate myself to my home and family. I also WAH and I get my work done after the kids are in bed. It's easier for me to do that than try to cram hours of my own school work in at night resulting in only getting a couple of hours of sleep at night. I also came to terms that a degree doesn't have to define me, especially since I don't plan on going back to work outside of the home until my kids have graduated from high school. Crafting work supplements our income nicely, and it's very therapeutic. I know this post won't help you, just thought I'd share my experience!!!

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It didn't work for me. I got burned out on my own school-work and decided that it wasn't for me. Everything has been running much smoother since I decided to dedicate myself to my home and family. I also WAH and I get my work done after the kids are in bed. It's easier for me to do that than try to cram hours of my own school work in at night resulting in only getting a couple of hours of sleep at night. I also came to terms that a degree doesn't have to define me, especially since I don't plan on going back to work outside of the home until my kids have graduated from high school. Crafting work supplements our income nicely, and it's very therapeutic. I know this post won't help you, just thought I'd share my experience!!!


No your post does help...it's a reminder of things that I try yo push aside. Maybe this isn't the time. Maybe I am chasing this degree because I think I need it instead of my actually need for it( I started this degree in 99 and have gone to school off and on since then for reasons such as money, pregnancy, no support, depression, money, pregnancy, money, no support........). Your post helps to pull things back to the forefront instead of pushing them to the back of my mind.

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Having more scheduled rest times (after lunch, stricter bedtime) helped.


Also, having a partner who understands and is on board. Someone to come home and make dinner, deal with kids, and generally not freak out at limited time together.


Every year is a new year here with different challenges.

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