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What can I do with a leftover roasted chicken?

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Our chickens are kind of small, so there's usually not quite enough meat on them for a second meal where the chicken is the star. Typically, I would boil the chicken carcass until I could strip the meat off easily but before it lost all its flavor, then go on to make stock with the bones. I had a few things I was making with that leftover chicken meat, but it turns out that heated dairy products have a, shall we say, negative effect on both DH's and my digestive systems :001_huh: So those recipes, although amazingly delish, are now out.


What else can I do with those bits of leftover chicken? What is your typical process for getting a few meals out of a roasted chicken?



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Stage 1: Roast Chicken

Stage 2: Chicken burritos or Chicken fried rice or Chicken stir fry

Stage 3: Chicken stock


Sometimes we'll drop the roast chicken carcass into the chicken run and let them feast... The hens do love their protein!

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One of my family's favorites is to heat the bite-sized pieces of meat in chicken gravy on the stove. Then I cook up some flat pasta noodles (ribbons, or those no yolk things), and pour the gravy w/chicken over it. I sometimes like this better than the original meal!

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Chicken Salad

Chicken Tacos

Chicken Enchiladas

Chicken Soup

Chicken Sandwiches

Chicken and Rice w/ vegies (sort of a stir fry)

Pasta Salad w/ Chicken


I love spending time over at allrecipes.com. They have a ton of great ideas for using up leftover chicken!

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