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Tell Me More: Has anyone used this foreign language program?

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I just went and looked at their website. It is kind of pricey - 350 pounds = $500 for 12 months of access.


Plus, I was not impressed since I was trying to watch their demo and couldn't pause it, so that it could queue up. So I watched about 2 minutes of stopping and starting video which was really annoying. It makes me wonder how companies are going to sell anything is their website doesn't work properly.


This is my favorite site: http://www.spanishdict.com/


Plus it is free!

Edited by Anita in NC
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I'm confused by your thoughts on price. I've been looking at the site myself. Its $299 for a 5 level course. Not just one year. Not just 2. Compared to Rosetta Stone, BJU, etc. that's pretty darn cheap in my opinion. Also, I was impressed by the video...true, I can't stop it, but didn't really want to.

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I also am interested in hearing more about this program. I checked out their website and had no problems viewing it. I think I will sign up for their free seven day trial.


As an aside for sixglides: I knew you were on here somewhere, your name just gave you away. Shouldn't that be eightglides now neighbor?

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My dd is using TMM for French, Spanish and German. I've used Rosetta Stone before (did NOT like it) and this program is far superior. It includes pronunciation, dictation, grammar, crosswords, word order, role play and much more. I like it because it incorporates speaking and listening into learning the language, which is hard to get in this accessible format with other curriculum. However, we do not use TMM exclusively.


Here are a few threads where I explained a little bit more about TMM! :001_smile: :





If you are patient, you can purchase TMM through Homeschool Buyers Co-op during their group sale (usually about twice per year). I bought 5 levels for $160 - $180.


HTH! :001_smile:

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My kids tried Tell Me More for a couple weeks. They got bored. I didn't push it, so I don't know if they would have got more interested later.


They didn't give up on Rosetta Stone until somewhere in the 2nd unit. I don't know that they learned all that much from RS though, other than some vocabulary. They just didn't bore of it quite so fast (after months rather than days).


They did a lot better with Pimsleur. They actually learned quite a bit from that program. It's all aural, but it's a really nice place to start before going on to a program with written materials.


Destinos for Spanish and French in Action for French have also been useful, and the videos are free at


You can get the textbooks and workbooks cheap if you look for them used. And the audio portions can be found on the web, I think, if you go searching for them. (You can also buy the audio tapes used for cheaper but I've never seen them down in the range where we might consider them affordable.)


We were able to access Tell Me More through our library. You might want to see if that's possible in your area. (We also got Pimsleur through the library.)

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My 7th grade son has been using TMM German HS edition for just a couple of months now. He seems to enjoy it. I like that there is a screen for me to view his progress. He has been using it at a very casual pace this year just because I wanted him to have fun with it. Not sure this info helps.

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Cleopatra, thank you....how old are your kids? Do you think age has a part in the interst level of this program?




My dd was grade 5 when she started with TMM. She loved it and it didn't even have to be part of the school day; she would do it on her free time. This year I'm also teaching another girl (grade 5) who has started with the TMM French and asks to do it every single day.


I don't think age is the issue (although I don't think it should be attempted by a student under grade 5). It could possibly be that if the student is using TMM exclusively, he may have information he has learned but have nowhere to apply it and therefore the purpose of the program doesn't make sense to him ......? That's part of the reason I recommend using it in conjunction with other resources (grammar book, readers, CDs, DVDs, etc.).


TMM does not require much parent involvement but I would think there would need to be some to assess how the child is approaching it and to ensure they understand what is expected of them . As I said in my thread links, it's an immersion program and since this is not the norm for North America, it might take the student a little getting used to.





Destinos for Spanish and French in Action for French have also been useful, and the videos are free at


You can get the textbooks and workbooks cheap if you look for them used. And the audio portions can be found on the web, I think, if you go searching for them. (You can also buy the audio tapes used for cheaper but I've never seen them down in the range where we might consider them affordable.)


We were able to access Tell Me More through our library. You might want to see if that's possible in your area. (We also got Pimsleur through the library.)


Destinos and French in Action are good recommendations.


If you can get TMM through your library, that would certainly be the way to go!


Kindest regards ....... :001_smile:

Edited by Cleopatra
for clarity
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My just-finished-9th-grade dd used TMM Spanish this last year after hating Rosetta Stone. She by far preferred TMM. OTOH, my just-finished-6th-grade ds stalled out fairly early with TMM and preferred Rosetta Stone's approach - he found the writing/spelling portions of TMM too "hard". I would've pushed it but personally view grade school language as just exposure - he'll get it again in a couple of years.


I like TMM for older students and Rosetta Stone for younger ones here in our house :-)

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I also am interested in hearing more about this program. I checked out their website and had no problems viewing it. I think I will sign up for their free seven day trial.


As an aside for sixglides: I knew you were on here somewhere, your name just gave you away. Shouldn't that be eightglides now neighbor?



We should have a neighborhood visit:001_smile: Miriam

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I purchased TMM French through the Homeschool Buyer's Co-op last year, but we struggled with getting it going. It's probably user error. I wish I knew someone locally to walk us through it the first time.


Have you contacted the company? I have had to call about a couple of things, and I've found the homeschool rep very helpful and patient in explaining what I needed to know. A friend has had the same experience.

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I just stumbled upon this on the HSLDA page....has anyone ever used it? What are your thoughts?


I have had 2 kids using the French TMM for 3 yrs now. They don't use it exclusively. They combine it with Breaking the Barrier.


We also tried RS prior to TMM. We like TMM much better.


Our oldest dd was using Breaking the Barrier with FiA. (she is now combining all three, TTM, BtB, and FiA.) B/c of the results with my oldest dd, I have mixed feelings about FiA for a beginner. My rising 7th grader will finish TMM and BtB next yr. I think I am going to have her move through FiA after that. I think she understands French better than her older sister.......HOWEVER, that may be a false assessment. My younger dd is a stronger student than her older sister, so it may have nothing to do with FiA's approach and everything to do with individual learning. I just don't know enough at this pt to say one way or the other.

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