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Is there a place in the community where this might be possible?

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I want to do an experiment in which I would meditate for 2 hours in a completely silent, completely dark environment once a week for several weeks. Only I would rather find a place I can do this that is not at my house. It will work much better if I can be 100% (mentally) certain of not being interrupted. Where could something like this be arranged? Any thoughts?

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There is a Buddhist temple in or just outside Baltimore. One in Annapolis near the UU church. St. Mary's used to have something...


Evergreen Cove in Easton has silent meditation groups and a labyrinth to walk.


Not sure about venues closer to you.

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I have no idea where you could go for that, but can I come with you??? :lol:


Only if you are mute and not too attractive. :lol:


El cheapo motel room?


That would be possible. Although clearly, dh would have to know what I was doing in advance. :tongue_smilie: But really, I was thinking "free," like would there be a library room or something a church would permit. Idk.

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Well, many Catholics do this in adoration chapels that are in their church or rectory, but it's not dark. I close my eyes. Most of my friends and I have had a weekly hour at one or another church for years. You could ask a Catholic friend where there is one near you. People usually won't bother you, although you might here someone else come in or leave. Usually there is only one other person there when I go.


Is there any reason why you can't get up an hour before everyone else or go to bed an hour later in order to carve out this quiet time?

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Our adoration chapel has visitors from other denominations as well. You don't have to be Catholic to visit. The peace and quiet is phenomenal.




Well, many Catholics do this in adoration chapels that are in their church or rectory, but it's not dark. I close my eyes. Most of my friends and I have had a weekly hour at one or another church for years. You could ask a Catholic friend where there is one near you. People usually won't bother you, although you might here someone else come in or leave. Usually there is only one other person there when I go.


Is there any reason why you can't get up an hour before everyone else or go to bed an hour later in order to carve out this quiet time?

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Quill- there is a Buddhist temple in Finksburg, isn't there? Behind the shopping center at 140 & 91? :001_smile:

I have wished for the same thing, dark, no noise distractions, no interruptions.


Ooooh! I didn't know there was one there. That might be possible.


Well, many Catholics do this in adoration chapels that are in their church or rectory, but it's not dark. I close my eyes. Most of my friends and I have had a weekly hour at one or another church for years. You could ask a Catholic friend where there is one near you. People usually won't bother you, although you might here someone else come in or leave. Usually there is only one other person there when I go.


Is there any reason why you can't get up an hour before everyone else or go to bed an hour later in order to carve out this quiet time?


Only lazy reasons. :D Dh gets up at 5:30 and there's not a chance I'm going to try and beat him up by an hour. Bedtime does serve as a time to meditate, but I still can't be positive of no interruptions. I'm idealizing being literally unavailable to my family while I do this.


Our adoration chapel has visitors from other denominations as well. You don't have to be Catholic to visit. The peace and quiet is phenomenal.


I would not have thought you could do that if you aren't Catholic. Good to know!

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See if there is a monastery in your area. I know people near me go there for a weekend retreat every few months. I'm sure they could do the same thing on a weekly basis for a couple hours. Oh, and I always thought a monastery meant monks/men. But it seems the word is used for both sexes these days and it also doesn't specifically denote Catholic anymore.

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See if there is a monastery in your area. I know people near me go there for a weekend retreat every few months. I'm sure they could do the same thing on a weekly basis for a couple hours. Oh, and I always thought a monastery meant monks/men. But it seems the word is used for both sexes these days and it also doesn't specifically denote Catholic anymore.

This is true about retreats. I am certain there was a monastery in the Hunt Valley area that did provide the place for group spiritual retreats (Al-Anon, AA). Maybe someone at St. John's in Westminster would know about it. I hope you can find a place to get the quiet meditation we all need to get from time to time. :grouphug:

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I would not have thought you could do that if you aren't Catholic.

Anyone can go in a Catholic church, adoration chapel, monastery, etc. whenever they are open. Anyone. We have homeless people wondering in and out of our church during the day and no one bothers them unless they start snoring. On weekdays the people that go to church tend to be very prayerful and will assume you are there for the same reason that they are there even if you are a stranger to them. In big cities the doors may be locked, but in smaller areas the church door near the rectory is usually unlocked.

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