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Today is my kids last day in PS

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:D I'm very excited and a little scared at the same time. I hope I don't go crazy HS'ing next year and regret my decision. I can plan, plan, plan but can't stick to a schedule. Can anyone sympathize? I hope I can pull it together.

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Congrats! How exciting. :) You'll figure out what works for you. Just remember that it takes some time and experimentation, so your first year will involve a lot of tweaking.


I, too, am a planner who hates to stick to a schedule. I enjoy the flexibility of homeschooling. Instead of a daily scheudle, I make a daily checklist. We have a start time and scheduled extra-curriculars, but no set school schedule. We just do the next thing until the day's work is done.


Have fun!



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I'm better at the planning than the sticking to the plan part too. What can I say, we're all a work in progress--and sometimes it's the departures from schedule that are the best learning experiences! That's one of the great freedoms we have as homeschoolers.


Enjoy the journey, and realize it is a journey--you won't be a "perfect" homeschooler (whatever that is) next week or next month or next year...but you'll be on an incredibly rich adventure together.

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Congrats, that's very exciting! :) I pulled my daughter out of public school toward the end of third grade and haven't looked back. It's been great! We've also managed to go two plus years without ever using a strict daily schedule, and that's been just fine with me. The flexibility has been great.

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I totally understand where you are at right now. My older kids finish next Wednesday, but today was my youngest's last day of preschool. I started having anxiety and feelings of "Can I really do this?" as we were pulling out of the parking lot. I'm sure it will be even worse next week on our last day of public school!

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That was me a year ago! We have just loved our first year of homeschooling!

I love to plan, but like flexibility too. I planned each week what we would get done in a day and checked everything off as we did it. I really tried to do everything I wrote down, especially at the start so that I would stay on track. And I did it!

I am sure you will succeed and enjoy it too!

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