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3rd grade expectations


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How much time does (did) your 3rd grader spend doing school daily?


How much time spent on math? writing?


How much time spent in independent work? (and if you are laughing at the thought...please post that too...:tongue_smilie:)


I am mulling over how to schedule a 3rd grader, 1st grader, and Ker. Any and all thoughts, advice, experience, and sample schedules welcome.:001_smile:

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How much time does (did) your 3rd grader spend doing school daily?

My dd spends 3 to 3 1/2 hours a day on school, not including reading time.

How much time spent on math? writing?

She spends about an hour on math (includes word problems, teaching time, workbook work and drill). She spends about an hour on language arts (includes spelling, grammar and writing).

How much time spent in independent work? (and if you are laughing at the thought...please post that too...:tongue_smilie:)

We don't do any subjects completely independent, but I do teach the days work and then let her loose in math and latin. Language Arts, she does a few things independently, writing spelling sentences, diagramming for grammar and reading her passages in WWE, but they only take 5 min, so I don't really count them as independent. We do bible history, science and electives together.


I am mulling over how to schedule a 3rd grader, 1st grader, and Ker. Any and all thoughts, advice, experience, and sample schedules welcome.:001_smile:


I only have one in school right now, so I don't know how helpful this will be, but here it is :).

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My going-into-third grader is usually done with school by lunchtime. For him, that's Math (Math U See and Saxon), handwriting, grammar, writing, science, TOG, Latin, and Greek. He works pretty much independently. He watches the Math U See DVD first thing with his sister and I, and after they're both done with math, I take them through their Grammar lesson, then their Writing (provided the littles aren't tearing up the place. Sometimes, writing waits until after they're in bed). Everything else he does alone, unless we're working on a science or history project. That gets done during quiet time, too. At the absolute latest, if we have projects we're doing and the littles have been REALLY trying, he might get done between 2 and 3 pm. But, most days, with just book work, he's done around 11:30-noon.


ETA: He spends somewhere around an hour to an hour and a half on math, 20 minutes or so on grammar, and writing is between 30 and 45 minutes right now, but we're just starting that with Classical Composition. Once we get into our "groove," I'm not sure how long that will take. ;)

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My DD is finishing up 3rd. We can usually finish up seatwork before lunch...sometimes we finish in the afternoon. We start at 9:00 so that would be 2-2.5 hours. She spends the rest of the day with free reading, art projects/drawing, games, and chores. She does:

2 pages ETC

1 page Cheerful Cursive

1-2 Singapore math lessons (we're playing catch-up)

1 R&S English lesson (mostly orally)

a few pages of her reading aloud to me

HOD lesson which includes history, art, science, Bible, poetry, storytime, geography--I think this usually takes less time than her 3R's work, maybe 45 minutes or less on most days

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How much time does (did) your 3rd grader spend doing school daily?


My general rule is an hour per day, per grade. So maybe 3 hours, tops.


How much time spent on math? writing?


Math is usually 30 minutes or so. Writing is done within other subjects, so that varies, but I would average it at 20 minutes 2-3 times a week, plus daily handwriting practice.


How much time spent in independent work? (and if you are laughing at the thought...please post that too...:tongue_smilie:)


Yeah, that REALLY varied. My oldest did most of her work independently. My next did almost none. I would guess my last will be more than half.


I always schedule math first for everyone. Then I try for independent work for the oldest and work with the youngest. Then I work with the next, and finally the oldest. I was always able to overlap some, so with a 3, 1 and preK, I was still only doing school for 3.5 hours or so.


Hope this helps.

Edited by Asenik
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How much time spent in independent work? (and if you are laughing at the thought...please post that too...:tongue_smilie:)


Interesting thread! And I'm so glad you wrote the last part of that question :tongue_smilie:......I can't even get my DD to do her handwriting without me sitting next to her and talking with her. If I don't, she is to looooooonely to study (:lol:, but I really have to change this attitude :001_huh:).

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How much time does (did) your 3rd grader spend doing school daily? About 3 hours but it could go over with when she starts working on her SOTW activity pages which she often likes to do independently. It's mostly coloring and writing a short summary about a historical character. She likes to do her own SOTW scrapbooking (as she would call it).


How much time spent on math? writing? Math is about 45 minutes to an hour. Writing (WWE is about 20 minutes), handwriting is done independently and then I check her work afterwards. We use CLE Cursive book and Reason for Handwriting. Sometimes she does copywork in her composition notebook.


How much time spent in independent work? (and if you are laughing at the thought...please post that too...:tongue_smilie:)

We use CLE Math and Reading. I often work with her on the new lessons and drills, then I let her do her own workbook and check it after.


I am mulling over how to schedule a 3rd grader, 1st grader, and Ker. Any and all thoughts, advice, experience, and sample schedules welcome.:001_smile:


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How much time does (did) your 3rd grader spend doing school daily?


How much time spent on math? writing?


How much time spent in independent work? (and if you are laughing at the thought...please post that too...:tongue_smilie:)


I am mulling over how to schedule a 3rd grader, 1st grader, and Ker. Any and all thoughts, advice, experience, and sample schedules welcome.:001_smile:


She started school around 9 and finished by 2.


Math - about 1 hour. Writing - maybe 20 minutes.


Independent work: oftentimes, I would print out a syllabus of assignments and she would run off and complete the assignments on her own. She actually liked this. I plan to buy her a planner this year and we can write her independent work in the planner every day.


This year, I'll have a 4th grader, 3rd grader, 1st grader and preschooler. Yeah, it's rough. I don't have much advice. We school year-round, so there doesn't seem as much pressure to finish everything within a certain time. Also, my 1st grader and preschooler play together constantly - so, that helps. The 4th and 3rd grader are so combined that the 3rd grader basically does a lot of stuff that's over his grade level. Poor Dude.

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What has worked mostly for us is my oldest will do his 1 hour of reading first thing (1/2 fiction/other half history) and some independent worksheets from Critical Thinking Co. During this, I work with my #2 and get through most of his work. Then, I go back to ds the older and work one on one with him to finish his stuff up. My littlest has one more year in prek before I officially start her. That will be a whole new ball game!

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If your 3rd grader does mostly independent work, what are you using?? My curriculum choices are too teacher intensive I think... FLL, AAS, MM/Saxon combo, WWE...


I've been thinking I might need to change something to free up some more time with dd when we start 3rd and K this fall.

Edited by golfcartmama
poor spelling.....
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If your 3rd grader does mostly independent work, what are you using?? My curriculum choices are too teacher intensive I think... FLL, AAS, MM/Saxon combo, WWE...


I've been thinking I might need to change something to free up some more time with dd when we start 3rd and K this fall.


From my experience so far, using teacher-intensive curricula yields much better results. The kids remember the material better, you know exactly what they understand and don't understand, you can cover more material in less time... I'm wary of too much independent work - some is OK.


I'm to the point where I look to use teacher-intensive curricula - especially with my son (who needs guidance :tongue_smilie:).

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From my experience so far, using teacher-intensive curricula yields much better results. The kids remember the material better, you know exactly what they understand and don't understand, you can cover more material in less time... I'm wary of too much independent work - some is OK.


I'm to the point where I look to use teacher-intensive curricula - especially with my son (who needs guidance :tongue_smilie:).



Thank you for the vote of confidence!:001_smile:

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How much time does (did) your 3rd grader spend doing school daily?


How much time spent on math? writing?


How much time spent in independent work? (and if you are laughing at the thought...please post that too...:tongue_smilie:)


I am mulling over how to schedule a 3rd grader, 1st grader, and Ker. Any and all thoughts, advice, experience, and sample schedules welcome.:001_smile:


My 3rd grader does about 2-3 hours daily. Math is about 45 minutes (TT, LOF a couple of times a week, and some Singapore Challenging Problems). Writing is only WWE (she despises writing) -- so 15 minutes, maybe? Independent work is not very much. She does TT by herself and cursive. Everything else is with me.

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Thanks for posting this question. I'm up to my eyeballs now planning 3rd grade. We're doing a lot more hands on stuff next year and not much independent stuff yet. When I do hand her off to do a subject without me (spelling or math workbook) I'm in the same room working with my pre-Ker.


My dd has been working on more of a 3rd grade level for a couple of months now, and it usually takes us about 4 hours to get it all done. Not all subjects are done every day, but most are. I also schedule 5 days of work into 4 school days so we can take off during the week when needed. We still finish all the curriculum in 35 weeks since I have to report 175 days of school. At least once a week we get out of the house for a field trip or stay home for some of the fun school-like projects. I see it as 4 hours a day for 4 days = 16 hours versus 3 hours a day for 5 days = 15 hours.


My dd does NOT work fast and needs time for transitions between subjects. I try not to rush her, either, because it causes us both to lose patience. But she does well, and I want to challenge her and make learning enjoyable so I put the hours in.

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