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What multivitamin won't make me feel nauseos

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...preferably available on Amazon as I'm about to place an order with them :D I am thinking of Rainbow Light? I know they're really big, but reviews say they don't make you sick. The One-a-days were a NIGHTMARE. For about two weeks I was so sick-feeling until I put two and two together and realized I'd started my new vitamins at the same time. Ugh.



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I've heard Rainbow Lights were good. I use NOW's Special Two's. I break it up into two doses, one in the morning, and one in the evening. (My last midwife said that your body can't absorb all of the nutrients in a vitamin at once, anyway, so it was better to break it up like that.) I haven't had any problems with them at all, even when I take them on an empty stomach (which I usually do). I do, however, feel MUCH better and MUCH MUCH more energetic when I'm taking them as opposed to when I don't.


When I'm pregnant, I still take them, but I cut the amount in half. Right now, I'm taking two capsules in the morning and two in the evening. If I'm pregnant, I take one in the morning and one in the evening.

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I might try taking vitamins after your biggest meal of the day. Long ago, my midwife suggested taking my iron on a full stomach, and not first thing in the morning. For years , I have been in the habit of taking suplements at about 6pm. It made a dramatic difference for me.

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I might try taking vitamins after your biggest meal of the day. Long ago, my midwife suggested taking my iron on a full stomach, and not first thing in the morning. For years , I have been in the habit of taking suplements at about 6pm. It made a dramatic difference for me.



Thanks. I always take my vitamins on a full stomach, preferbaly VERY full (I tend to eat small meals). It didn't help. There were times when I woke up in the middle of the night thinking I was about to yak. :ack2:

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Thanks. I always take my vitamins on a full stomach, preferbaly VERY full (I tend to eat small meals). It didn't help. There were times when I woke up in the middle of the night thinking I was about to yak. :ack2:


I felt like that when I was pregnant with my twins (before I found the Special Two's). I found drinking a protein shake right before bed helped a lot. I kept it up even after I had them, because it just helped me feel so much better in the morning. So you might try having a high protein snack right before bed. Your blood sugar might be really crashing, which can make you feel really nauseous.

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I have to get a multi-vitamin that is split up between several capsules. Usually, I look for ones that are powder in a capsule and lists 6-8 capsules per day as the dosage. Then I can split up the dosage throughout the day.

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I asked this question last saturday at my local vitamin shoppe as my DH gets nauseated from Twin Labs daily vitamin. It does help if he eats it with a meal, but it has to be in the middle of the meal, not the beginning and not the end.

They told me it was the B vitamins that typically cause the nausea. They also told me that B vitamins can interfere with sleeping, so take them earlier in the day. I didn't know any of that!

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I usually take Rainbow Light's Women's ONE and love them. They were out of the Women's ONE formula last time I went to get some and got the RL Prenatals instead--I have had SUCH a hard time taking them and it feels like they make me sleepy?? :confused: IDK but I'll be looking for the Women's ONE again next time I'm at walmart!!! :) Did you know they sell RL at walmart now? I was soooo happy when I realized that! :D

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I have the same problem. I now take a liquid vitamin in capsule form that is formulated for seniors (more mild than normal). Mine is a store brand, but I bet oyu can find a name brand version. It makes a world of difference.

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I threw up so many of my prenatal vitamins during this last pregnancy! Then my iron level was flagged as low at a WIC screening. I was given a strict talking to about going home and telephoning the obstetrician IMMEDIATELY!!!


The obstetrician's nurse told me to take 2 children's Flintstone chewables a day. Get the big bottle.


I hope you find what works for you.

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2 children's Flintstone chewables a day.




That is what I took with my pregnancies. I later found out I had some food allergies, so that may have been the trigger, but the Flinstone ones were fine.


Here is an allergy free one from Nutricology, I didn't test it out at the time and have not yet tried it, I am afraid to try new things for no reason, I get bad reactions and to things other people are not allergic to. I have thought about it, but always decide not to risk it.



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I asked this question last saturday at my local vitamin shoppe as my DH gets nauseated from Twin Labs daily vitamin. It does help if he eats it with a meal, but it has to be in the middle of the meal, not the beginning and not the end.

They told me it was the B vitamins that typically cause the nausea. They also told me that B vitamins can interfere with sleeping, so take them earlier in the day. I didn't know any of that!


I was going to say that it's the B vitamins that cause me nausea. It doesn't help that they smell soooooo bad. Why do B vitamins smell so nasty? Surely someone knows. Or am I the only person who can smell them?

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