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Reasonable Shipping Time From FS Board?

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I bought and paid for some items April 25th off the FS board and they haven't arrived. I have had a couple PMs from the seller saying she's busy but still intending to mail them but I'm thinking I've waited long enough. I sent one more email and if I don't hear from her soon I think I'm going to contact Paypal (though not sure how since I've never made a claim?). :sad:


I feel like a jerk for doing this because she seems very nice, just busy. How long is appropriate to wait for shipment from the WTM For Sale board?

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That's really hard, when she seems so nice...BUT, most of us are busy, that's way too long to be waiting for someone to send something. If she has the time to list the items, she has the time to send them. I guess I don't understand why she listed the items if she didn't have the time to send them right away. Sorry you're going through this...

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Actually, if it helps she didn't list, I posted on the WTB and she PM'd me. I actually feel bad even posting this here but I wanted to make sure I was not being unreasonable. I did send a PM a few days ago saying if she was too busy to ship she could just refund the paypal but I haven't heard back from her.


I do think she is probably very nice and just busy. But I am still out of my $, you know?

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Outside of extremely unusual circumstances, I say it's way too long. If she was too busy to mail it she should have held off on selling it. That was almost an entire month ago! Hopefully you didn't pay with the personal tab. I needed to file a claim once on a sale from another board. Not surprisingly, as soon as I did she mailed out what I had paid for weeks earlier.

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I would say two weeks is plenty of time to get something to a buyer. Anything beyond that would have to be due to extraordinary circumstances.


I'm sorry, but if she didn't have time to ship the item, she shouldn't have sold it to you. Busy is not an acceptable excuse!

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I send the packages out within two (business) days, and I put the thing so I know it's delivered... (but they don't have to be home). I let them know with an email or pm that "it's on it's way" and I always mean to tell them how it's mailed, so they know the time frame. With my last sellings I put "least expensive mailing included" and so the media mail... was that way... and some was faster.... (But, I have something I could track it if need be.) SO, I'm not sure it's how long it takes to mail, but rather how long the mail takes to get to you :)

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:bigear: I am in the same boat. Purchased something April 26th. Seller was sick and couldn't mail it that week. I still have not received it. Last week I was told it had been mailed the previous week.. I am trying to figure how to handle it as well. Have not been able to get a hold of my seller. I don't think it is unreasonable to post here or to request refund.

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Personally, I like to get it out within two days. I've got some stuff listed now, and said I would ship on Wed. and Fri., because I'm already in town on those days (I live in the country), and I don't want to make a special trip with gas prices as they are. But I felt kind of bad even limiting it to those two.


I agree with previous posters, if you're too busy to ship the things you are selling, you should wait to advertise them.

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That's not reasonable. Protect yourself by filing through Paypal if he/she is not responding at this point.


We're all busy, and we all run into crazy weeks, but fair is fair. I'm pretty sure nobody would mail out a package and wait a month for the buyer to get around to paying for it!

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I'm in the same boat right now. Pd for something May 6 and have not rec'd. I actually just wanted the DC to be sure it was mailed since I know media mail can be slow but hadn't rec'd any info.

I e-mailed 2x and finally got a note that there was illness in the family and would mail it priority. I don't mind waiting but I won't wait past the pp claim deadline!

Check on the claim time frame and tell her you'll file a claim, bet that will get it mailed. ;)


I also understand things happen, but I gave them my hard earned money and I expect them to fulfill their end of the deal in a timely way. Inform me of your plans and I can understand delays, but don't ignore me :glare:

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