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I was left behind...

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I just had a wicked thought....if the dear, sweet Christian women who own my favorite fabric store had been raptured and I was left behind, I could loot the place. Seriously, a quilt fabric free-for-all, I am banal enough to be tempted to partake thereof! Oh, the little sinner in me....:drool5::biggrinjester:





Well, being Catholic and all, I'm not invited on to the rapture. So I would have been looting the Lakeshore Learning store up the street from me while chaos ensued. :D

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You are disinvited? Hmmm....I invite you to come along, my Christian sister.


Can I come along on the learning store pillage?


Anyway, I'm not a person who gets wrapped up in dispensationalist philosophy.





Oh absolutely! We don't play favorites as to who can be welcomed into heaven, and who can't. Come along and bring a couple of large shopping totes. They got some new products in this week. ;)

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My sister very helpfully posted relevant bible verses on her Facebook page--the ones saying no one gets to know when it'll happen.




I think the verse says "no MAN" knows, so if you're a space alien like whats-his-name, then you might have the inside scoop. Just sayin' ;)

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