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Canadians - whoo hoo - eh :)


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When are you/ did you add in Canadian History? We will finish up SOTW 3 this year. I think he is really ready for a good dose of Cdn. History now. We have been to most of the "historical" sites in our province. He loves to visit the sites and I think it is time to delve into our own history. So... did you / will you include it in the 4th year or do it separately?


I've searched past threads about materials. Anything new that anyone is loving?


I'd love to see a provincial historical site guide. Where they are, the history associated with each. I'm sure they are out there. Time to search :)

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Depends what grade...For grade 5 and up, Modern History through Canadian Eyes http://www.solidoakpublishing.com/ is great. There are several options for book spines, (we use The Story of Canada and The Spirit of Canada) as well as the Canada a People's Hisotry dvds. We started right after finishing sotw 3 and will take a two more years to finish it interspersed with sotw 4 (which we started this year).


We add in a lot of other resources (videos, websites, games, etc.) and I am happy to share if I can find what we used for the first part...

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I did a six week Canadian unit at the start of the year (grade 1) in order to meet some local requirements. Not really history, although it did have some elements of history since it did have a focus on Aboriginal peoples, primarily our local BC Aboriginal people ;). I used several Kids Book of... books and the Spirit of Canada for the most part.


We are using TOG and will be starting Year 2 at the start of 2012. I will be incorporating Canadian history to it. I am looking at getting Modern History Through Canadian Eyes (mentioned by a previous poster) and My First History of Canada by Donalda Dickie. I have not seen Donalda Dickie's book yet but will have the opportunity to preview it at our convention and will most likely buy it then. I like Janet Lunn's book The Story of Canada but will be using that at a later date. My goal is to add some of the Kids Book of... books again and the Spirit of Canada.

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I'm a Canadian!!


Check out Donna Ward. We are using her Canada, My Country along with a lot of the recommended books for an intro to Canadian geography, and I'm going to throw a short history book in - the OOP one by Isabel Barclay that a sweet hive member traded me :).


Donna Ward has Courage and Conquest for a history program - haven't used it, but looks good.

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We do it mostly informally by watching Canada; A People's History and reading the odd books.


I plan to use Oxford's Contact Canada text with a homeschooler's guide for Canadian Geography that I picked up a couple of years back.


I just found out that Athabasca University offers two Canadian history distance learning courses as well that I might have my daughter do in grade 11 and 12.

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Some day I'm going to write my own curriculum :) In the meantime...I love My First History of Canada by Donalda Dickie, which, unfortunately I just found out is out of print, as a spine. I like to incorporate it in chronologically,but spend extra time focusing on certain topics. I like putting Canada in the context of the bigger picture (example: the War of 1812 was a big deal for Canadians--still is, but it is really a small part of England's ongoing conflict with France). I supplement a bit with Canada: A People's History videos/DVDs, books like Barbara Greenwood's Last Safe House and A Pioneer Story and books from A Kids Book of Canada series. We also use whatever historical fiction I can find as supplements (Madeleine Takes Command, for example)


If you are near any historical sites, definately try to check them out! We live very close to Fort William Historical Park and it is excellent for information on the fur trade, aboriginal people etc...

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Some day I'm going to write my own curriculum :) In the meantime...I love My First History of Canada by Donalda Dickie, which, unfortunately I just found out is out of print, as a spine. I like to incorporate it in chronologically,but spend extra time focusing on certain topics. I like putting Canada in the context of the bigger picture (example: the War of 1812 was a big deal for Canadians--still is, but it is really a small part of England's ongoing conflict with France). I supplement a bit with Canada: A People's History videos/DVDs, books like Barbara Greenwood's Last Safe House and A Pioneer Story and books from A Kids Book of Canada series. We also use whatever historical fiction I can find as supplements (Madeleine Takes Command, for example)


If you are near any historical sites, definately try to check them out! We live very close to Fort William Historical Park and it is excellent for information on the fur trade, aboriginal people etc...


Fort William is the only thing I miss from Tbay. Love that place.

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We are just finishing up a Canadianized version of Sonlight Core 3. I've found it extremely difficult to combine the two since SL US history is so thorough and Canadian history resources are abysmal imo. For example there are next to no timeline figures that I have found (although I've been in contact with Homeschool in the Woods and Amy Pak is considering making a Canadian set :D !!) Finding maps has also been a challenge.


We used Donna Ward's Courage and Conquest and it's been ok, just so "nothing" compared to the Sonlight stuff we've been used to. If I had to do it again I'd use Courage and Conquest as my Canadian spine and add in the recommended resources from Modern History Through Canadian Eyes. We'll be continuing on this way for next year as we finish up Core 4.


We have enjoyed a lot of the Canadian Historical Fiction listed in Ward's catalogue and found a few interesting videos through the library. We used Kids' Book of Canadian History as a pictorial spine, it's good. A People's History was too violent for my crew and a little dry.


Hope you find something great - and that you share it! :bigear:

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I love My First History of Canada by Donalda Dickie, which, unfortunately I just found out is out of print, as a spine.


I have found a supplier that still has copies here in BC and will be bringing me a copy at our convention :). It does mention in their site that the book is going out of print so this is most likely what we will be using during our first cycle through history because I am not giving up the chance to get THAT copy :). There are so few Canadian history resources out there and they are going out of print :confused:!

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I have found a supplier that still has copies here in BC and will be bringing me a copy at our convention :). It does mention in their site that the book is going out of print so this is most likely what we will be using during our first cycle through history because I am not giving up the chance to get THAT copy :). There are so few Canadian history resources out there and they are going out of print :confused:!


I know :( It's frustrating. Donalda Dickie's book has always been my first recommendation and I can't even begin to think what I will suggest instead. Story of Canada is good for older kids (my daughter outlined much of it in Gr. 7) but it doesn't have the narrative quality that I love for the younger years.

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When are you/ did you add in Canadian History? We will finish up SOTW 3 this year. I think he is really ready for a good dose of Cdn. History now. We have been to most of the "historical" sites in our province. He loves to visit the sites and I think it is time to delve into our own history. So... did you / will you include it in the 4th year or do it separately?


I've searched past threads about materials. Anything new that anyone is loving?


I'd love to see a provincial historical site guide. Where they are, the history associated with each. I'm sure they are out there. Time to search :)


Your thread title is cracking me up, in light of your geographical phrases thread. :lol:


I've liked most of the books/video series I've seen listed in this thread. We browsed through many of them the first time we went through the history cycle. And this thread is a good reminder to me to include some Canadian history, oh, about NOW, since we are also at the end of year 3 again? I completely forgot!

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Thanks everyone! I'll take a look at some of the titles you suggested.


So Colleen did you do the Acadians at the end of year three? We've been to Lousibourg, Fort Anne, Port Royal, something else I'm sure. I'm thinking I might take them to the Digby area this year to try some Acadian cuisine and visit the sites etc. I still have about 10 ch. of SOTW 3 to finish though. I'd like do some background reading with them before we visit.

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Thanks everyone! I'll take a look at some of the titles you suggested.


So Colleen did you do the Acadians at the end of year three? We've been to Lousibourg, Fort Anne, Port Royal, something else I'm sure. I'm thinking I might take them to the Digby area this year to try some Acadian cuisine and visit the sites etc. I still have about 10 ch. of SOTW 3 to finish though. I'd like do some background reading with them before we visit.


No, like I said, I forgot to specifically include Canadian history this year, lol! Yikes. Anyway, I'll be reserving some Cdn. history books this week, and letting the kids read them. We've been to those places, too, only it was about two years ago. They both remember visiting.

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Some day I'm going to write my own curriculum :)


:iagree: I will be writing my own as well.


We are in Ancient Times right now, and next year will be Middle Ages, Reformation and Renaissance, but after that I will be adding Canadian history into our Year 3 and Year 4.


I have tried Donna Ward's products and Donalda Dickie's book in the past, but they haven't really worked for us. I have found some vintage Canadian history books that I am looking forward to using, as well as some of the others mentioned here.

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I just found out that Athabasca University offers two Canadian history distance learning courses as well that I might have my daughter do in grade 11 and 12.


Thank you for the heads up! I did not know that Athabasca had these courses. I will be looking into them when we get to high school.


Tree of Life also has a Canadian History course for high school that uses A Short History of Canada by Desmond Morton.

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I should say I did find a rather nice textbook by Oxford (I have a great deal of trust in any Oxford text :D) that I found in a thrift store and was written for (middle school?) Ontario students. Haven't made up my mind about whether I'll use it or not. I'll dig it up and share the title.


ETA: Homeschool and More carry Close-up Canada and Spotlight Canada. Two Oxford texts for grade 9-10 that cover Canadian history.

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For those of us in BC there is a wonderful book called Far West: The Story of British Columbia.


Love this one :)! I used a part of it this year for our local unit that we did but I intend to use it probably when we come back to the Ancients, also adding in a Canadian geography unit. Anyway, here's a free teacher's guide provided by the Government for those that are interested.



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Thank you! :)


You're welcome :). I didn't know if you knew about it so I figured I would post it since you linked the book. I can't even remember how I stumbled on it. That's the kind of stuff I come across at night when I should be sleeping :tongue_smilie:.

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I'm American, but I'll be teaching my oldest son about various Countries next year. The first Country is Canada. Instead of Googling like a mad woman,(besides not knowing what I'm looking for) where can I find info about Canada?

Do you vote for your leader like we vote for our president?


I know they are called a prime minister. Do they have the same sort of job as our president does?

What are some major historical events of Canada?



These are things I will be learning right along with him. I'll have to research the other countries, but why pass up hearing it from the horses mouth, ya know? ;)

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I'm American, but I'll be teaching my oldest son about various Countries next year. The first Country is Canada. Instead of Googling like a mad woman,(besides not knowing what I'm looking for) where can I find info about Canada?


Do you vote for your leader like we vote for our president? No, we don't. Canada Votes is a well written children's book about Canadian elections. Who Runs This Country Anyway is another one to look at.


I know they are called a prime minister. Do they have the same sort of job as our president does?

Here's a link about what the PM does. You could also look at The Kids Book of Canadian Prime Ministers

What are some major historical events of Canada?

The Canadian Encyclopedia has a timeline of the 100 most important events in Canadian history. The Story of Canada is an excellent overview of Canadian history. The Dear Canada series are very all very well-written novels that highlight major Canadian events.



These are things I will be learning right along with him. I'll have to research the other countries, but why pass up hearing it from the horses mouth, ya know? ;)

Have fun with your study of Canada! :)

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Like Janette, we use books here also. For the ages of your children I would recommend the Kids Book of Canada. It is available through Amazon.com:




It is recommended for kids slightly older but I used it with my son (along with some of the other books from the series) earlier this year and it was great. It has lots of images and you can get some great general info on Canada from it. HTH.

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Have fun with your study of Canada! :)


Like Janette, we use books here also. For the ages of your children I would recommend the Kids Book of Canada. It is available through Amazon.com:




It is recommended for kids slightly older but I used it with my son (along with some of the other books from the series) earlier this year and it was great. It has lots of images and you can get some great general info on Canada from it. HTH.


Thanks for all the great links! I'm going to buy that book from Amazon. It looks to be just what we need for our studies.


I'm actually a Canuck at heart. I'm French Canadian, so I'd like to learn these things anyway. My grandparents are from Montreal and Quebec, so it's my heritage. Maybe that makes me an 1/4 Canadian? :tongue_smilie:

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Thanks for all the great links! I'm going to buy that book from Amazon. It looks to be just what we need for our studies.


I'm actually a Canuck at heart. I'm French Canadian, so I'd like to learn these things anyway. My grandparents are from Montreal and Quebec, so it's my heritage. Maybe that makes me an 1/4 Canadian? :tongue_smilie:


Well then, Canada is more personal to you that any of the other countries you are going to study :D. I am not Canadian born but I have spent my life between Greece and Canada. I just call myself Greek Canadian and don't worry to much about percentages. I love my Greek (Hellenic) heritage but I am Canadian in my heart, no matter where I am in the world, hence the forum name ;).


If you are interested in incorporating some Canadian History over the years with your kids the book Modern History Through Canadian Eyes seems to be a good resource with lots of recommendations. That's what I will be using. I am looking at buying it before the end of the year. The link is to the publisher's website




You can also see links to their vendors in Canada if you scroll down. Some of them offer it for slightly cheaper but contact a few to compare shipping costs. I would also contact the publisher to check out their shipping costs also.


ETA: You can see a good sample here http://www.solidoakpublishing.com/About.htm

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For anyone interested in My First History of Canada by Donalda Dickie and can't find it anywhere, the following supplier has a few copies left. I've secured my copy and will be getting it soon :). They are in BC though so I don't know what shipping would be like to other provinces.



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For anyone interested in My First History of Canada by Donalda Dickie and can't find it anywhere, the following supplier has a few copies left. I've secured my copy and will be getting it soon :). They are in BC though so I don't know what shipping would be like to other provinces.




Ordered! Thank you! :D

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For anyone interested in My First History of Canada by Donalda Dickie and can't find it anywhere, the following supplier has a few copies left. I've secured my copy and will be getting it soon :). They are in BC though so I don't know what shipping would be like to other provinces.




Got it -- thanks for the tip!

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Ordered! Thank you! :D


Got it -- thanks for the tip!


Glad to help :). I wish I knew that people were looking for it I would have posted sooner. I am in the process of making arrangements to pick mine up since I will not be attending our convention after all. Fortunately for me they are a short drive away so I will avoid the shipping.

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Well then, Canada is more personal to you that any of the other countries you are going to study :D. I am not Canadian born but I have spent my life between Greece and Canada. I just call myself Greek Canadian and don't worry to much about percentages. I love my Greek (Hellenic) heritage but I am Canadian in my heart, no matter where I am in the world, hence the forum name ;).


If you are interested in incorporating some Canadian History over the years with your kids the book Modern History Through Canadian Eyes seems to be a good resource with lots of recommendations. That's what I will be using. I am looking at buying it before the end of the year. The link is to the publisher's website




You can also see links to their vendors in Canada if you scroll down. Some of them offer it for slightly cheaper but contact a few to compare shipping costs. I would also contact the publisher to check out their shipping costs also.


ETA: You can see a good sample here http://www.solidoakpublishing.com/About.htm



Thanks for all the great info!

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I just placed an order with Homeschool and More and didn't notice that! It's my favourite Canadian seller. :(


Maybe I can cancel the other order and give Marlene a call and see if she can add it to my current order...

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I just placed an order with Homeschool and More and didn't notice that! It's my favourite Canadian seller. :(


Maybe I can cancel the other order and give Marlene a call and see if she can add it to my current order...


Act quick. Hope it all works out.

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Darn. Just got my email confirming shipment from Homeschool and More. *sigh*


That's what I get for breaking my rule of always waiting a day or two before purchasing something. :)


Instead of being like me who thinks things to death :lol:. I just changed my plans and will be going to the convention after all since ADS's hours are not convenient for me. On the other hand though I contacted another supplier and will be getting Modern History at the same time, so that worked well :). I will also have the opportunity to preview Donna Ward's Geography, Province by Province, which I may use at some point when we add in Canadian geography so that should work well all around. I guess you can't e-mail either since they are probably closed by now to see if you could catch it that way :(. Sorry!

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And so you should apologize because I wouldn't be in this mess if not for you.:D


Thanks, I feel so much better now :tongue_smilie:! I didn't think anyone would order that fast ;).

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It was the mad OOP rush. I am trying to resist the mad charge to see if I can get anything else at the same time to save on shipping :) I don't want to miss out though :O!


Well, I'll be paying to get into the convention so that is kind of my shipping ;). The lady from ADS was kind enough to offer to bring it out for me so that I don't have to pay just to get the book but I figured I would just go and look around too since hubby will be looking after the boys. Some teacher-mommy time with lots and lots of curricula around :drool:! I'll make sure I maintain my focus on what I want to get though. I did very well last year and did not buy anything since everything I was going to get came to me cheaper from the US. However, Canadian resources come cheaper from the source.


I was going to get Modern History at the same time and kill two birds with one stone but ADS did not have it in stock so when I decided I was going to the convention after all I just contacted another supplier and they will be bringing copies to the convention. That one is not going out of print but better to get it sooner since I have the opportunity and have it on hand to start my preparation sooner. I had read that My First History was going out of print but was also waiting for several months until the right time to get it, like you :). For people like me that have never seen the book and are interested I could come back and post feedback after I get it. ADS did mention that they still had 20 copies left plus any other supplier they may have sold it to since they were the main BC supplier for it. Here in BC ADS was the only place that I found that carried it online and this was why I posted. Long winded reply once again :tongue_smilie:.


ETA: Lots of smilies too! I am Greek after all and we Greeks speak with many gestures and expressions. I figure the smilies help express that online :lol:.

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Ha! I am a smilie geek ;). Even in email! :O! Sometimes I think it makes me look cheesy! I do it because I am a naturally gregarious person when I'm socializing - have to get that across somehow. Hey, could you give us a report after you've seen the book? I haven't seen it myself, but if it's good I'd like to get it before it's OOP. :)

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