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Would you like cheese with that whine??

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Surely I'm not the only one who has a whine right now.


I don't wanna clean the house. I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't wanna. I'm behind in housework because of my final exams and going on vacation. Now I have several rooms in major need of a tidy session. ugh.

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Well, I just finished my exams (and classes) and so I am reveling in having a little bit of time for a change. So, my whine expired Tuesday!


And I'm lactose-intolerant anyway, so maybe I need sushi with my whine or something. :D

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Let's just have wine!


I ran around like a crazed person this morning trying to clean the house. I'm still not done and feel like there is much left to do before we have guests on Saturday. Ugh!


I wish I could, but all these meds already have my head spinning. :tongue_smilie:

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Let's just have wine!


:iagree:I spent all last week running around like a crazy person cleaning the house for dds's First Communion. Now you could hardly tell.


On top of that it's May, I want to be DONE, I've just realized how little dd absorbed of Biology, and am generally feeling that we didn't accomplish what we should have this year. Yeah, wine sounds like just the ticket.

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I really, really don't want to grade all the school work that I have gotten behind with and figure out what to file and what to toss. I don't want to clean our school room (looks like a tornado hit) I don't want to teach, I want to go play in the sun and for the children to learn by osmosis while they sleep.

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I don't drink wine, but I would like to whinge about either the weather, or going out so early in the day. Maybe both? Yeah, I think I could whinge about both. :lol:


I don't wanna go have a shower. If we didn't have music class, I could wait until the day actually warms up a bit. If I ever win the lottery, I am going to install heating in the bathroom!



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Well, I'm currently drinking wine to quell my whine:tongue_smilie: We have had rain here since forever it seems like. And before that cold. I need spring. I need to feel warmth from the sun on my face. I need to play outside. I need to plan my curriculum for next year, deep clean my home, lose weight...the list goes on....

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I really, really don't want to grade all the school work that I have gotten behind with and figure out what to file and what to toss. I don't want to clean our school room (looks like a tornado hit) I don't want to teach, I want to go play in the sun and for the children to learn by osmosis while they sleep.


Tried that, they didn't sleep very well with books under their pillows. Maybe I was doing it wrong. :D


Whiny here too. My neck/shoulders hurt so bad. It hurts to walk around too much, to bend over, to turn my head. The boys have been a big help today. My 5yo cleaned their room and helped with the dog. My 4yo unloaded the dryer and helped hang their shirts.


Right now I am sitting in my recliner with a stained kid shirt rolled up behind my neck. I want to get a massage and see a chiropractor, but I can't.


Bring on the wine and cheese, or maybe just some sweet tea and cheese.

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Yay, I'm not alone! But I probably should have bought some chocolate when I was out shopping earlier.


DH surprised me by cleaning off the horizontal surfaces in the bedroom today. That was the hardest part about cleaning that room. He rocks.

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