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A thread for Washington CVA Social group- meets here! :)

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Since i'm totally jonesing to talk with my peeps about the latest on the legislature saga... how about we do it here????


So i've been totally caught up in my life but i'm working on making alternate plans for if we become ALE'less. So Anyone heard anything new? I'm using MP3, planning to switch our last MP3 child to it this fall, provided it still exists, and so far, they don't know anything more. And MP3 is very forthcoming with info.


Any thoughts?

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Hey! Thanks for starting this--I've been stalking the social groups, waiting for them to come back online for this very reason!


As far as I've heard, HB2065 (which is what this all seems to hinge on) has passed the house by a large margin and with heavy Democrat support. However, it turns out that one of the Reps from my district (Dahlquist) is the one who added the amendment that ALE students should only be able to have co-curricular activities that are basically the same as what the local schools offer. :glare: I wrote her a scathing letter last night. My other Rep didn't vote at all. :glare:


The bill is now in the Senate Ways & Means Committee. The following link will tell you which Senators are on this committee: http://www.leg.wa.gov/House/Committees/WAYS/Pages/MembersStaff.aspx. If your Senator is on this list, you should by all means email them. I emailed the committee chair this afternoon. I also emailed the Senator for my district. Yes, I'm a little fired up. :P


Anyway, it sounds like books won't be an issue, but CBIs might. I'm just curious how this is going to resolve itself. Legally they are required to provide us with PE and Fine Arts, but to do so in a way that gives us no more than what the local schools get...well, how are they going to do that exactly? The only thing I can think of is that I guess some of the local schools (or maybe private facilities?) could offer an "ALE PE class"?

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This whole "the same as the schools" baloney is LUDICROUS. Aside from being 100% impractical, its pointless. Ale's already use like half as much as a brick and mortar school and the numbers speak for themselves, why the heck not allow whatever sports we want. OY! i need to now figure out which of those sentators belong to my area... sigh.. hate politics.

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Another mom posted this link:




on a previous thread I started on this a few days ago.


We are with MP3 also. For me this was an occasion to rethink all of our options for September.


Thanks! Yeah, me too. We'd be ok, though we really don't have any money to spend till spring... i wonder if we'd have to return everything "immediately"

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Well, one CVA mom here (from Colville) got a letter stating she had to return assets by June 15th unless she could show how they would meet a WSLP goal next year for a specific student. It also said they would send a shipping label but starting next year, no more shipping labels.


I am so irritated and frustrated by this whole mess. :glare:


Thanks for starting a thread for us! :grouphug:

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Yeah, I got that email too. I'm still using most of the assets they asked for back. I tend to order mine WAY in advance, as CVA isn't known for ordering promptly, and I like to be able to have it at least a month ahead so I can plan. It shouldn't be a problem to show how they'll meet a WSLP...but I have to admit, I was planning to hang onto pretty much everything until we're ready to leave (or until my youngest has definitively outgrown it).

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I'm in Colville. I think I've heard a few times (in newsletters and such) that "if you're not using it, you should send it back so others can", but I've never taken it seriously. Why would I send curriculum back, only to have to use my allocation to buy it again 2-3 years from now? If they truly are doing away with the allocation model, I would consider it. Otherwise it's not worth saving a few $$ in shipping to let expensive curric go.

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My AT and I discussed this a bit. They have people in Olympia fighting the CBI changes. They are arguing that public school students get both fine arts and pe instruction in school, and that because CVA's students are alternative students, they require alternative means to obtain their fine arts and PE instruction. They are also arguing that doing away with CBIs will deny special needs students in CVA the services they need, and are asking if they (the lawmakers) want to be seen as denying services to special needs students.


My AT is also saying it is possible that an online class would meet the one hour contact requirement. She is hoping the Rosetta Stone, that we are already doing, will meet this requirement.


Of course, they can't finalize any plans until Olympia finalizes their changes and budget.


As far as assets, I haven't seen a word about returning them. Linda, in Valley, once told me that I could keep any assets that I expect to reuse at some point. She suggested that if it would be more than a couple/few years, it would be good to return it rather than holding onto it. If nothing else, I would argue that we use it as a reference. For example, we studied birds last year. There's nothing about birds in our WSLP this year, but we use our bird field guide on a very regular basis still. If nothing else, you can always add a goal or two that references reviewing and using material learned in prior years.

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And another thing...


I was talking to my AT about planning for next year when we don't even know whether we'll be staying with CVA. I asked about what happens if we get our orders before we know enough to make a decision. She said just keep the box and ask for a shipping label to send it all back once we know.

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I shipped some of my things back last year. I wasn't aware that they did shipping labels because I was just told to "ship back the things you don't need" by my AT and the librarian. That's one of the things that annoys me about the program is that noone is forthcoming with information and that you have to ask (and KNOW to ask) about everything. :angry:


I'm torn about continuing with CVA next year but, at the moment, I am leanig heavily towards quitting. I asked my AT about a shipping label since I'd heard here that other people had gotten them. I'm with Valley. She said they would send a shipping label but I need to give her the approx. dimensions of the box and weight.

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Yes. And they would have annual face - to - face meet - ups where we could meet our AT and return assets for free.



We still had that ability locally this year and last year. For my area, we had the ability to come to the Olympia field trip and pizza party. I'm sure some people brought or could have brought assets. Last year, they had a picnic at Owens Beach in Point Defiance Park and people brought assets to that.

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I have been told by my AT repeatedly that I could keep assets for as long as I wanted, and only have to return them when I leave the program. I am in Valley so maybe that makes a difference. I see no reason to return things I plan to use with my younger children.

I think we should be able to buy the curriculum at a reduced cost after a while anyway, especially if there is a newer version of it coming out. I just have visions of a warehouse full of used curriculum going to waste somewhere!

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Here is the letter I got:


Schlitzkus, Rosy (& students' names)

As a benefit of participation in CVA-Colville, you have been able to

checkout (obtain through vendor order or reimbursement process)

instructional items from our library and keep them as long as necessary to

achieve learning goals for your students. Now that our library is

operational, we ask that you mail back to us all returnable items that will

not be directly supporting next year's WSLPs. This will allow us to catalog

and make available those items for use by other families. The items listed

below were most likely sent to you prior to January of this year. These

items will not be viewable when logging onto our library website. Any

returnables received after January 1st may be viewed by logging onto your

library website account at http://lms.columbiavirtualacademy.org .

If you are keeping any items, we require that you let us know for which

students and classes the items will be used next year. Please indicate the

single student that will primarily be using the item.

Please let us know if a returnable item has been lost or damaged. We will

then inform you of the amount that you will be asked to forward to us to

replace these items.

We ask that items be received by CVA-Colville no later than June 15th. We

will reimburse you for shipping costs for items received by this date.

(There will be no reimbursements next year.) Please submit a Reimbursement

Claim for Supplies form along with your shipping receipt in order to be


Thank you for returning items to us promptly so other families have a

chance to make use of them.

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Are any of you going on the Astoria trip next week? I'm going to see if I can bring my assets there. The few that I'm returning, that is. :P


I got the impression that Colville is trying to utilize its library as a resource more. If I was ever able to find things I need there, I would probably be more supportive. I was able to find a MUS Gamma DVD and TM there, that's about it. :P

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We're going. I was wondering the same thing. I wish I knew what was going to change next year so I could make up my mind. I'm leaning towards not using CVA next year and the thought of no weekly and monthly check-ins is tempting. I'm pretty sure the hour check-in, whatever they decide to do for it, could make things rather miserable around here.

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I sent the following to my AT:


So, Colville has sent parents a letter indicating that they must return all assets not being used next year. If they are keeping assets, they must provide the name of the student and class the item will be used for next year. I've always been told that we can keep our assets until we know that we won't use it again or leave the program. I've always beentold I could keep things I thought I would use again with my younger children once they are enrolled. Is this changing? Or does Colville just have different rules than Valley?


She replied:


I just heard from Vicki that to her knowledge CVA-Valley has not changed their asset collection policy. It seems to be just a Colville thing.


To which I replied:


So, what determines whether you are placed at Valley or placed in Colville? I know two local friends who are at Colville so it doesn't seem to be based on where you live. If you get stuck in Colville, can you request to be switched to Valley. My Colville friends are no where near as happy with their CVA experience; I hear about the stress level Colville causes, and they often talk about leaving because of the extra requirements Colville places on their parents.



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I wish I knew what was going to change next year so I could make up my mind. I'm leaning towards not using CVA next year and the thought of no weekly and monthly check-ins is tempting. I'm pretty sure the hour check-in, whatever they decide to do for it, could make things rather miserable around here.


:iagree:I know it's not going to happen but I wish we could have some definite answers before the end of the school year. I hate the thought of worrying about this over the summer. I'm fine with jumping through the hoops that are already in place but making it more makes the whole thing not very worth it in my opinion. If the hour check-in was an online class that my kids would be taking anyway then I'd be fine with that but if it's just some fluff thing or if my kids actually have to chat for an hour with our AT then no way. We are very busy here and I just don't have the time.


Ugh, I just hate this not knowing!

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I guess I was more fortunate than I realized - we just joined last summer and got Valley - Mr. Eldon Palmer - we have no complaints at all!!! I haven't minded jumping through a few hoops for all the benefit we receive. :)


What *is* annoying me :001_huh: is the social groups still being down! Joann, was it you who posted a link to help interpret the MAP test results? We tested this week but aren't supposed to get "results" until next week, although I did print off the preliminary scores. Would you mind reposting that link here?


Thank you!!!! :)

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I guess I was more fortunate than I realized - we just joined last summer and got Valley - Mr. Eldon Palmer - we have no complaints at all!!! I haven't minded jumping through a few hoops for all the benefit we receive. :)


What *is* annoying me :001_huh: is the social groups still being down! Joann, was it you who posted a link to help interpret the MAP test results? We tested this week but aren't supposed to get "results" until next week, although I did print off the preliminary scores. Would you mind reposting that link here?


Thank you!!!! :)


This link takes you to a document about the 2008 MAP norms. At the end of the document ( page 133and later), you will find percentiles. Look carefully at each chart to make sure you are reading the correct chart...you will find charts for beginning of the year, middle of the year, and end of the year for each subtest. These charts are neat because you can see what percentile a score fits for multiple years. For example, getting that 224 in math at the end of the year puts the student above the 99th% for K-2nd grader, 96th% for 3rd grade, 81st% for 4th grade, 60th% for 5th grade, and so on.



Also, talk to your AT. They have access to documents that give a detailed list of the topics tested at each RIT score. My son had difficulty with a couple of reading subtests. Our AT was able to give me what topics are taught in the ten point range below, at, and above his score.


When I say detailed, I mean detailed. It reads very similar to the WSLPs.

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I guess I was more fortunate than I realized - we just joined last summer and got Valley - Mr. Eldon Palmer - we have no complaints at all!!! I haven't minded jumping through a few hoops for all the benefit we receive. :)





I really don't have any complaints either, and we are in Valley too. I'm mainly concerned with the changes for next year.

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Well, I'm at Colville, and I haven't had any real problems besides what it seems like we all deal with.


I'm really curious about how they plan to implement the 1-hour check in, other than online classes. I'm curious as to why an online class would even count--the law pretty specifically demands face-to-face contact. I'm willing to sacrifice an hour a week to get $400 worth of resources per month on average.


It bothers me that CVA hasn't been talking to us about all of this. I'm also signed up with WA Online Learning and haven't heard anything from them either. If we were made aware of the need to get involved, I am sure that many parents would write letters, protest in Olympia, make phone calls, etc. I feel like they give as little information as possible because they don't want to deal with a bunch of hysterical moms....but hysterical moms could be the key to keeping ALEs as a viable option.

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I emailed my senator & it also goes to my local house rep's (who already voted FOR the bill).

One of my rep's who voted FOR the bill replied:


Thanks for your email. I appreciate the time you took to share your personal story with me. I admire your dedication to your son's education. The House is still negotiating with the Senate on the final Budget proposal.. We are hoping to wrap things up in about a weeks time but nothing is set in stone yet. I support ALE and will continue to fight hard for funding.


Kathy Haigh



I'm confused as to why she's saying she supports ALE & will fight hard for funding when she just voted for this bill.

Am I reading something wrong?

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I'm really curious about how they plan to implement the 1-hour check in, other than online classes. I'm curious as to why an online class would even count--the law pretty specifically demands face-to-face contact.


The law actually indicates that students participating in ALE programs must receive one hour per week of face-to-face, in-person instructional contact time from a certified teacher per RCW 28A.150.262(11).


RCW 28A.150.262(11) says that direct personal contact may include the use of telephone, e-mail, instant messaging, interactive video communication, or other means of digital communication.


An online class might meet these requirements because grading and keeping track of progress is being done by a certified teacher rather than the parent. That's kind of how my AT explains it.

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I'm confused as to why she's saying she supports ALE & will fight hard for funding when she just voted for this bill.

Am I reading something wrong?



Write her back and ask. Explain how this bill reduces the flexibility and usability of these programs, and that voting for it makes it appear that she is trying to limit or eliminate ALE programs.

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The law actually indicates that students participating in ALE programs must receive one hour per week of face-to-face, in-person instructional contact time from a certified teacher per RCW 28A.150.262(11).


RCW 28A.150.262(11) says that direct personal contact may include the use of telephone, e-mail, instant messaging, interactive video communication, or other means of digital communication.


An online class might meet these requirements because grading and keeping track of progress is being done by a certified teacher rather than the parent. That's kind of how my AT explains it.

But the new bill requires face-to-face time, and "allows the supervising teacher to rely on synchronous digital communication to meet the requirement for face-to-face, in person contact in cases of medical necessity or when the student's temporary travel makes the in-person contact infeasible."

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But the new bill requires face-to-face time, and "allows the supervising teacher to rely on synchronous digital communication to meet the requirement for face-to-face, in person contact in cases of medical necessity or when the student's temporary travel makes the in-person contact infeasible."


Nevermind, found it.

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I think what CVA is planning may work because there is a difference from an ALE program and an ALE online program. It specifically says that an online program may meet this requirement under RCW28A.150.262 (11). That RCW allows for digital methods of meeting this requirement. This may be why CVA went ahead and got approved as an online program under the Digital Learning Department in OSPI.


This also may be why some of the ALEs are saying this will cause them to be out of business. They can't meet the one hour face-to-face department and they aren't approved as online programs by the Digital Learning Department of OSPI. CVA is listed; Meridian is not. That also might explain why Meridian is considering becoming a CVA partner district again (or so I've heard).

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