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I need to purge...

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and it won't be pretty.


1. My mom is losing it. Really truly loosing it. She posted a response to me on FB the other day and then posted another response, only this was from a different "person". She is bipolar, an alcholic, and a host of other mental issues. She now wants to open a teA toy store with my father (her EX).


2. My sister is mad at me. No big deal really as I am used to her mood swings. She called at the wrong time, said the wrong thing, and I responded quickly.


3. It froze here last night. I want veggies and sunlight.


4. I like in the city and I hate it. Mind you this city is the size of some housing developments but I miss acres and acres outside my bedroom window.


5. We got an offer on our house which is fantastic. However it is 35K less than our listing price and 59K less than we owe on it. I feel broken hearted that our home is being valued at so little. I am angry and sad that the events in our life have put us in a position that we have to consider a short sell. I am sad that I am sitting 3.5 hours away from the only home that has ever felt like home to me. I love our new life here but this house is not "home".


6. My SIL died last week. We had her funeral yesterday. It was beautiful and sweet. The kids keep asking me questions about death and I am tired of answering the same questions worded a different way.


7. I do not understand why someone who does not belive in God is enlightened but those of us who do are not. Why can someone bash Christianity and be enlightened but a Christian can't say something bad about say a Wiccan without being labled close minded. Double standards bug me. (No I haven't bashed Wiccan, just an example)


8. I am so tired of not having friends that I can be me around. My bf from high school is great for the most part but has become super shallow so I don't feel like I can be me. My other bf is not willing to accept me as I am because it might be different than what she thinks I should be. I am tired of not having someone I can talk to without censorship (besides dh).



I think that is all for today.

Edited by caitlinsmom
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