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I'm so excited! I actually ate well today!

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I get so self conscious about my weight. Then I realize these people that I live near have only known me about this weight...they didn't know me when I was a younger, better me. It is terrible to go home and see people who did know that girl....sigh.


That's exactly how I feel most days!! I just want the better me back, not what I've become.


I've made it two weeks eating well and it's been so hard for me everyday, but I feel like I can do this and so can you!

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I try to remember that no matter what I did yesterday, today is a new day, and no matter what I ate this morning, I can still eat better this afternoon. otherwise I get into the space that since I ate badly, I may as well finish it off with something worse!

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It made me smile to read all these posts by homeschooling moms who are bieng KIND to themselves.


I just rejoined WW. I need to get my eating back on track. I am so fussy about 85% of what my kids eat, but for myself, I'm kind of a jerk.


I hope you all eat something wonderful today! :D

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It made me smile to read all these posts by homeschooling moms who are bieng KIND to themselves.


I just rejoined WW. I need to get my eating back on track. I am so fussy about 85% of what my kids eat, but for myself, I'm kind of a jerk.


I hope you all eat something wonderful today! :D


I've been doing WW for 5 weeks. It's been SO GOOD for ME. Yes, ME!! I still struggle with making myself a priority, and not struggling with guilt, but I know this is so important that it's worth it. The kids have been great too. We hit the High School track for an hour in the morning. I bring the kids scooters, a book each and breakfast. They love it and I get in a 3 mile walk and some stairs. It's so great.


I just want to encourage everyone who's starting that it's getting a little easier for me (I started into week 6 on Saturday). I have HUNGRY DAYS but for the most part, eating healthy is going well. I feel better. I am losing weight. You can do it too!!! You can. Hang in there. Forgive yourself for hiccups. Stick with it. You are totally worth it!!!!

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SWM, your post is so HAPPY. Thank you!! :grouphug:


Are you doing meetings or online or both? I'm online only because I'm 30 miles from our local meeting place, plus I really hate this center. I came from a very vibrant varied cultural WW center 8 years ago to a center that is comprised of really old, grumpy white bread only ladies. Wow. It was a horrific experience. I felt like binging AFTER meetings. :D


I'm just getting my feet wet as far as online goes but so far, so good.

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Me too!! Me too!!


I just started WWOnline 7 weeks ago. It's been life-changing. I was determined not to just eat less, but better. I had crazy high cholesterol ON medication...I was the pickiest eater in the world...I thought there was no way I could change things.


I had a perfect storm of events and now I eat almost no carbs (my big vice and largest food group since I was 5!!) and shop mostly the perimeter of the store! Insane! Ask anyone who knows me! :)


I started walking. I had to COMMIT to 30 mins a day. I had a million reasons that wouldn't work, but I decided to change things. We go to a local park and the girls play while I walk....FOR AN HOUR. Yes, I do more than required. Insane! Ask anyone.


My husband has been great at the changes in food. Even the kids. I've lost weight but I'm more excited that I'm making better choices. Not because I have to, but because it actually more satisfying!!!


The site mypyramid.gov has some incredible resources! I'm even making nutrition/pe part of OUR day. The site has check lists for the kids to fill out marking that they've gotten their daily amounts of fruit, veggies, etc. And it's very similar to what WW requires so it's been easy for me to take care of all of us.


It feels so good to be doing something right for me. I'm glad to see there are others here doing the same!!!

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SWM, your post is so HAPPY. Thank you!! :grouphug:


Are you doing meetings or online or both? I'm online only because I'm 30 miles from our local meeting place, plus I really hate this center. I came from a very vibrant varied cultural WW center 8 years ago to a center that is comprised of really old, grumpy white bread only ladies. Wow. It was a horrific experience. I felt like binging AFTER meetings. :D


I'm just getting my feet wet as far as online goes but so far, so good.


Thank you!!


I am doing meetings. For me, I have to. Honestly, I would go daily if I could I need the support!


I totally feel your pain with the meetings. When I did this before I used to drive 30 minutes to go a one specific meeting with a great group in another town. Our local meetings were terrible. Now I have a great friend doing this with me and we have a GREAT leader in a new center in our town. I also really like the other people in my group so it's a win-win.


I am really enjoying the new program SO MUCH. I like that fruit is free and it's so well designed to encourage you to make smart choices. I don't eat anything fake - and with the new program there's no benefit to most "fake" sugars. I am so please so far.


For everyone on the fence - if I can do this - so can you!!! It's really a great program and it's worth the money. YOU are worth the money. Just do it!! :D

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Me too!! Me too!!


I just started WWOnline 7 weeks ago. It's been life-changing. I was determined not to just eat less, but better. I had crazy high cholesterol ON medication...I was the pickiest eater in the world...I thought there was no way I could change things.


I had a perfect storm of events and now I eat almost no carbs (my big vice and largest food group since I was 5!!) and shop mostly the perimeter of the store! Insane! Ask anyone who knows me! :)


I started walking. I had to COMMIT to 30 mins a day. I had a million reasons that wouldn't work, but I decided to change things. We go to a local park and the girls play while I walk....FOR AN HOUR. Yes, I do more than required. Insane! Ask anyone.


My husband has been great at the changes in food. Even the kids. I've lost weight but I'm more excited that I'm making better choices. Not because I have to, but because it actually more satisfying!!!


The site mypyramid.gov has some incredible resources! I'm even making nutrition/pe part of OUR day. The site has check lists for the kids to fill out marking that they've gotten their daily amounts of fruit, veggies, etc. And it's very similar to what WW requires so it's been easy for me to take care of all of us.


It feels so good to be doing something right for me. I'm glad to see there are others here doing the same!!!


AWESOME!!!!!! I am with you - the new program is really great. I'm making great choices with real food - not just processed stuff with fake sugar. It's great!!! I feel so much better, too. So glad I'm not the only one!!

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