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I am looking for a recipe for a mosquito repellant

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I have heard of the dryer sheets before. This would be fine at home, while gardening, etc.

However, while backpacking this wouldn't be my first choice. I don't want to peak a bears interest or associate me with a familiar human scent.


I know DEET works, but I am trying to stay away from it.


Has anyone tried or heard of Listerine working. Supposedly the gold color one is supposed to work.


Still looking for ideas.



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I don't make my own, but Pennyroyal herb (steeped as a tea) is supposed to be very effective. The essential oil (as most are) is extremely toxic if ingested, though. Not that one would potentially absorb enough over a season to lead to toxicity, but...


If you're looking for a natural alternative, I like HOMS BiteBlocker or BioUD (but not the BiteBlocker Extreme... smells like Depression-era soap. Blech)

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I have MIL who only uses natural. She is extremely smart and educated about natural substances and concoctions. NOTHING SHE HAS USED ON DD HAS EVER ACTUALLY WORKED. And I am talking about every summer from birth until currently 12 years.


You may have decreased bites, but if you want NO bites, I really believe you have to go chemical. Discouraging but true.

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